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Zhang Yan: The colonial policy of financial capital is significantly different from that of capitalism in the past

09:12, March 16, 2021 Source: People's Daily Online - CPC News Network

China Communist Party News Network, Beijing, March 16 (Cao Miao) Recently, the eleventh lecture in the series of "Reviewing Marxist Classics" of the reading activity "Strengthening Quality and Setting an Example" of the central and state organs was launched, inviting Zhang Yan, a professor of the School of Marxism of the Central Party School (National School of Administration), With the theme of "deepening the understanding of the laws of profound and complex changes in capitalism and international political and economic relations", guide the reading of "Imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism".

Zhang Yan believes that on the basis of the analysis of the basic economic characteristics of imperialism, Lenin gave a scientific definition of imperialism: "Imperialism is capitalism that has developed to a stage when the rule of monopoly organizations and financial capital has been established, capital output is of outstanding significance, international trusts have begun to carve up the world, and some of the largest capitalist countries have finished dividing up all the territory of the world."

Zhang Yan said that the colonial policy of financial capital was significantly different from that of capitalism in the past. At the stage of imperialism, the colonial power of financial capital is mainly manifested in: first, the desire to dominate the origin of raw materials. For financial capital, not only the discovered raw material origin, but also the potential raw material origin are of great value. Financial capital does not spare any land and strives to expand the economic territory. The second is the benefit driven capital export. In the colonies, it is easier to exclude competitors by means of monopoly, so as to ensure the market share and obtain stable and high profits. Third, policies and ideologies based on financial capital. The great gap between the rich and the poor in capitalism makes the life of the working people and the middle class more and more difficult, so there is general impatience and resentment in the capitalist countries. The foreign colonization made the domestic sharp class contradictions partially transferred and relatively alleviated.

(Editor in charge: Cao Miao, Deng Zhihui)
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