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Hu Xiaokun: Lenin wrote Philosophical Notes based on the urgent theoretical task at that time

08:44, March 1, 2021 Source: People's Daily Online - CPC News Network

China Communist Party News Network, Beijing, March 1 (Xie Lei, Cao Miao) A few days ago, the tenth lecture in the series of "Reviewing Marxist Classics" of the reading activity "Strengthening Quality and Setting an Example" of the central and state organs was launched, inviting Hu Xiaokun, professor of the School of Marxism of Fudan University, to take "learning and using philosophy is a good tradition of our party" as the theme, Guide reading Philosophical Notes.

Hu Xiaokun believes that the writing of Philosophical Notes is based on the urgent theoretical tasks under the background of the times:

First, the need for the proletarian parties to rebuild the revolutionary theoretical foundation. The basic ideas of Philosophical Notes are the concentrated reflection of the development of proletarian revolutionary practice and theory into the new historical era. It shows the new peak and characteristics of Lenin's philosophy.

Second, we need to continue the research of Marx and Engels' methodology. The outbreak of the First World War, on the one hand, made the revolutionary, subjective and negative aspects of Marxist materialist dialectics more prominent, making it possible for Lenin to organically combine his political tasks with the plan to write a theoretical monograph on materialist dialectics; On the other hand, as Lenin said, "The war has temporarily relieved me of many urgent political tasks". Lenin had time to concentrate on studying Marxist philosophy, especially materialist dialectics.

Third, demonstrate the need for the socialist revolution to win in a country first. Lenin extensively studied the history of philosophy in the field of Marxist philosophy, especially deeply studied Hegel's dialectics, read nearly 10000 pages and dozens of philosophical works, made a detailed analysis and dissection, critically absorbed the reasonable factors therein, and made a profound summary and re creation. The above thought efforts laid a solid theoretical foundation for guiding the Russian revolutionary practice later, and pushed Marxism to a new stage.

(Editor in charge: Cao Miao, Deng Zhihui)
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