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Lecture 10 of the series of "Reviewing Marxist Classics" of the reading activity "Strengthening Quality and Setting an Example" of the central and state organs (137 issues in total)

Learning and using philosophy is a good tradition of our party -- Guide to Philosophical Notes

08:38, February 8, 2021 Source: People's Daily Online - CPC News Network

Editor's Note:

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that Communists should take reading Marxist classics and understanding Marxist principles as a living habit and a spiritual pursuit, and use classics to cultivate righteousness, refine ideas, sublimate realm and guide practice. In order to further promote the formation of a strong atmosphere of reading classics, learning theories, strengthening quality and setting an example, since June 2020, the reading activity of "strengthening quality and setting an example" of the central and state organs has invited a series of domestic authoritative experts to guide the Communist Manifesto with the theme of "reviewing Marxist classics and deepening Xi Jinping's thinking on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era" German Ideology, Das Kapital, State and Revolution and other classic works. As the tenth lecture of the "Reviewing Marxist Classics" series (137 issues in total), Hu Xiaokun, professor of the School of Marxism, Fudan University , with“ Learning and using philosophy is a good tradition of our Party ”Is the subject, right Philosophical Notes Guide reading.

speaker: Hu Xiaokun, Professor, School of Marxism, Fudan University


·Philosophical Notes has made creative theoretical contributions to Marxist philosophy in dialectics, epistemology, logic and other aspects. It is a landmark achievement in advancing Marxist philosophy to the Leninist stage, and plays an extremely important role in the history of the development of Marxism and the history of scientific socialism movement.

·Philosophical Notes has realized the substantial leap of Marxist epistemology and methodology. Studying Lenin's Philosophical Notes in depth has important textual value for mastering and applying Marxist thinking methods, analyzing and judging the trend of the times, improving strategic thinking ability, comprehensive decision-making ability, and controlling the overall situation.

·In the development of Lenin's thought, Lenin applied materialist dialectics more comprehensively, systematically and effectively. In Lenin's view, materialistic dialectics is the "decisive thing" in Marxism, the "living soul" of Marxism, and its "fundamental theoretical basis".

·Lenin's creative use of Marxist dialectics lies in his grasp of imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism, which pushes the tension between nationalism and internationalism to the world system through proletarian globalization, that is, class struggle.

·Lenin made a general comparison between Hegelian idealistic dialectics and materialistic dialectics, reformed Hegelian idealistic dialectics, and established the fundamental position of materialistic dialectics: on the one hand, he emphasized the subjectivity and initiative of human activities, that is, "human purposeful activities"; On the other hand, it emphasizes the objective premise and realistic basis of human activities.

·Lenin's judgment on the nature of imperialism is unique in that he saw the collapse of the capitalist national state system and the dominance of international monopoly capital. The internal conflict and tension of this new international order, the transnational capital dominated by financial capital began to carve up the world again, and the world market once again became the area of international conflict between capital and labor, The escalation, superposition and complication of the internal contradictions in the capitalist world system constitute the ideological basis for Russia's direct entry into the October Revolution from the February Revolution. The combination of nationalism and class struggle also constitutes the internal impetus for colonial countries such as China to win their independence and sovereignty and embark on the path of democratic revolution of the people.  

Q&A of the main points of this lecture:

1. How to view the book Philosophical Notes?

Answer: "Philosophical Notes" is an abstract, short essay, reading notes and annotations written by Lenin when he studied philosophical works and discussed Marxist philosophical issues for more than 20 years from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century. To be exact, Philosophical Notes is not a complete work, but a collection of random notes and outlines collected after Lenin's death. Therefore, Lenin's notes should be interpreted as a series of documents reflecting the theoretical conflict and political conflict of the Russian road at that time, and a series of interventions in the specific social and political situation at that time. Therefore, this seemingly abstract philosophical work is the most contemporary and realistic revolutionary program.

2. What is the theoretical task of Philosophical Notes?

Answer: First, the need for proletarian parties to rebuild the theoretical basis of revolution; Second, we need to continue the research of Marx and Engels' methodology; Third, demonstrate that the socialist revolution needs to win in a country first.

3. What are the core ideas and main contents of Philosophical Notes?

Answer: First, overcome mechanical materialism and explain the methodology of historical materialism; Second, it rejects metaphysics, and "transforming to the opposite" constitutes the core of Marxist dialectics; The third is the combination of Marxism and the reality of the Russian revolution to elaborate the relationship between universality and particularity.

4. What is the contemporary significance of learning Philosophical Notes?

Answer: First, grasp the nature and subject of the Russian revolution with Marxist thinking methods; Second, deeply grasp the fundamental contradictions of capitalism and its transformation trend in the era of imperialism; Third, in-depth analysis of the 21st century has not seen a great change and its transformation trend.

Introduction to the "Strong Quality · Set an Example" Reading Activity:

The reading activity of "strengthening quality and setting an example" is hosted by the Central Committee and the Working Committee of the State Organs, the State Press and Publication Administration, undertaken by the People's Daily News Network of the Communist Party of China, and co organized by the learning platform of "learning to strengthen the country", the Bank of Communications, the People's Publishing House, and the People's Daily Press. Since its establishment in 2009, it has insisted on a monthly reading activity. So far, 136 reading activities have been held. In order to better implement the instruction of General Secretary Xi Jinping that "the central and state organs must be at the forefront of theoretical learning, and act as a good example in understanding and doing well", the sponsor has upgraded and revised the 2020 reading activity, with the theme of "Reviewing the classic of Marxism, deepening the study of Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era", Based on the guidance of Marxist classics, we will create a new classroom for Party members and cadres to learn theory and a new platform for organizing life. The reading activity was first broadcast on the branch work APP, People's Daily Online, the CPC News Network, the WeChat public account of "Learning a Big Country", "People's Party Building Cloud", People's Video Client, People's Daily Online+Client and other platforms, and expanded the coverage and communication of learning with the help of new Internet media, to explore learning methods suitable for the characteristics of young government officials, So that more Party members and cadres can benefit from it.

Past reviews

[Lesson 1] Remember the original intention and mission of the Communists -- Introduction to the Communist Manifesto

[Lecture 2] Adhere to historical materialism -- Introduction to German Ideology

[Lecture 3] Adhering to and Applying the Marxist View of Practice -- Introduction to the Outline of Feuerbach

[Lecture 4] Realize the harmonious development between man and nature -- Introduction to Dialectics of Nature

[Lecture 5] Only socialism with Chinese characteristics can develop China—— Introduction to Socialism from Utopia to Scientific Development

[Lecture 6] Contribute Chinese wisdom to the innovative development of Marxist political economy—— Introduction to Capital

Lesson Seven The basic principle of Marxism is still scientific truth ——Introduction to Anti Dulin Theory

Lesson 8 Establish a new national system to ensure that hundreds of millions of people are in charge ——Introduction to State and Revolution

[Lecture 9] Continue to work hard on the combination of the basic socialist system and the market economy ——Introduction to Lenin on New Economic Policy

Learn from WeChat official account of big country

People's Party building cloud WeChat official account

(Editor in charge: Cao Miao, Deng Zhihui)