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Yu Bin: Study Lenin's New Economic Policy and Correctly Handle the Relationship between Planning and Market

10:29, February 7, 2021 Source: People's Daily Online - CPC News Network

China Communist Party News Network, Beijing, February 7 (Xie Lei, Zhao Jing) A few days ago, the ninth lecture of the series of "Reviewing Marxist Classics" of the reading activity "Strengthening Quality and Setting an Example" of the central and state organs was launched, inviting Yu Bin, director and researcher of the Marxist Principle Research Department of the Marxism Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, With the theme of "continue to work hard on the combination of the basic socialist system and the market economy", read Lenin on the New Economic Policy.

Yu Bin pointed out that China's political and economic situation today is far from that of Soviet Russia in 1921, but the Marxist position, views and methods embodied in Lenin's new economic policy still have a strong reference for us to formulate policies, including dealing with the relationship between plan and market.

First, Lenin's New Economic Policy stressed that the maintenance of the proletarian regime must be a prerequisite. The new economic policy is a strategic retreat aimed at avoiding complete failure. We should also avoid disruptive mistakes when dealing with the relationship between planning and the market.

Second, Lenin believed that it was impossible to make a direct transition to communism without very developed and dominant industries and very developed agricultural production. China is still in the primary stage of socialism and will be in the primary stage for a long time. Don't rush to go beyond this stage of development when dealing with the relationship between planning and market.

Third, we should further grasp the lifeblood of the economy, adhere to the basic socialist economic system with public ownership as the main body, so that the combination of the basic socialist system and the market economy will not have problems, and the socialist market economy can be built well.

Fourth, we should strengthen our study and learn to do economic work, so that we can understand how to deal with the relationship between planning and the market.

Fifth, we should master commerce and guide commerce. Because of this, we abandoned some impractical practices in the era of planned economy and embarked on a path of socialist market economy.

(Editor in charge: Zhao Jing, Deng Zhihui)
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