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Yu Bin: Lenin's New Economic Policy has rich enlightenment on socialist construction

10:28, February 7, 2021 Source: People's Daily Online - CPC News Network

China Communist Party News Network, Beijing, February 7 (Xie Lei, Zhao Jing) A few days ago, the ninth lecture of the series of "Reviewing Marxist Classics" of the reading activity "Strengthening Quality and Setting an Example" of the central and state organs was launched, inviting Yu Bin, director and researcher of the Marxist Principle Research Department of the Marxism Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, With the theme of "continue to work hard on the combination of the basic socialist system and the market economy", read Lenin on the New Economic Policy.

Yu Bin pointed out that the enlightenment of Lenin's New Economic Policy on socialist construction mainly includes the following aspects:

First, take the satisfaction of the people as the foothold. This is a principle that needs to be followed when dealing with the relationship between planning and the market and combining the basic socialist system with the market economy.

Second, building socialism should proceed from reality. Reviewing the reform process, we abandoned some unrealistic practices in the era of planned economy and walked out of a path of socialist market economy.

Third, we cannot do economic work only by enthusiasm. Lenin pointed out that, instead of relying directly on enthusiasm, we should rely on the enthusiasm generated by the great revolution, on personal interests, on the combination of personal interests, and on economic accounting. We should first build a solid bridge in this small peasant country and move towards socialism through state capitalism.

Fourth, mobilize the enthusiasm of the masses. After the reform and opening up, the focus of the work of the whole party and the whole country has shifted to economic construction. No matter what work you do, you should pay attention to whether it can promote economic development. Economic work is our business. Only by arousing the enthusiasm of the masses can we do it well.

Fifth, adhere to public ownership as the main body. Lenin advocated the implementation of the new economic policy, but he still emphasized the tight grasp of public ownership. The principle of taking public ownership as the main body is also what we adhere to today.

Sixth, be good at learning and promotion. Absorbing and drawing on beneficial achievements from all aspects is the essence of deepening reform.

Seventh, give play to the role of trade unions. Lenin asked that one of the most important tasks of trade unions in the future is to safeguard the proletariat's class interests in all aspects when the proletariat is fighting against capital. Even in state-owned enterprises, trade unions are duty bound to safeguard the class interests of the proletariat and the working people from their employers.

Eighth, pay attention to improving people's livelihood. The cause of the new economic policy is to improve the living conditions of farmers, and then improve the living conditions of workers through the new economic policy.

Ninth, grasp the economic lifeline. Lenin pointed out that we have mastered all the economic lifelines, we have mastered the land, which has been owned by the state. This is very important.

Tenth, develop the people's army. After the October Revolution, the Soviet regime abolished the huge debts owed by the tsarist Russia to France, and Russia's foreign trade was threatened by the French navy. Without a navy, there would be no way to guarantee legitimate trade rights and interests.

(Editor in charge: Zhao Jing, Deng Zhihui)
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