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Liu Zhiming: The State and Revolution creatively developed the Marxist theory of state

08:18, January 5, 2021 Source: People's Daily Online - CPC News Network

Beijing, China Communist Party News Network, January 5 (Xie Lei, Cao Miao) Recently, the eighth lecture in the series of "Reviewing Marxist Classics" of the reading activity of "Strengthening Quality and Setting an Example" by the central and state organs invited Liu Zhiming, director and researcher of the Marxism Sinicization Research Department of the Marxism Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, With the theme of "establishing a new national system that guarantees hundreds of millions of people to be masters of the country", guide the reading of "State and Revolution".

In the introduction, Liu Zhiming said that "The State and the Revolution" is an important document that systematically expounds the problems of the state and the revolution, and is one of the most outstanding classic works in the Marxist theory of the state.

Liu Zhiming introduced that "State and Revolution" was an important work completed by Lenin from August to September 1917. In this book, Lenin historically inspected the formation and development process of the Marxist theory of state, and comprehensively summarized the theory and practice of Marx and Engels on the state for more than 70 years from 1848 to 1917; On the basis of summing up the fresh experience of the workers' movement, this paper expounds the basic viewpoints of the Marxist theory of the state in a relatively complete way, and expounds the laws of the emergence, development and extinction of the state; In view of the revolutionary situation at that time, it also highlighted the historical task of the proletarian revolution in the country, and clarified the essence and characteristics of the new socialist country to be born.

Liu Zhiming said that The State and Revolution creatively developed the Marxist theory of state, which not only answered a series of major questions raised by the international proletarian revolution and the Russian revolution, smashed the opportunists' distortion and attack on the Marxist theory of state, but also directly guided the Bolsheviks and the Russian proletariat to successfully carry out the armed struggle to seize power, It won the victory of the "October Revolution", established the first socialist country in the world, and promoted and guided the vigorous development of the international communist movement in the 20th century. This book has also had a significant and far-reaching impact on China's revolution, construction and reform.

(Editor in charge: Cao Miao, Deng Zhihui)
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