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The eighth lecture of the series of "Reviewing Marxist Classics" of the reading activity "Strengthening Quality and Setting an Example" of the central and state organs (135 issues in total)

Establish a new national system to ensure that hundreds of millions of people are in charge
——Introduction to State and Revolution

09:44, December 28, 2020 Source: People's Daily Online - CPC News Network

Editor's Note: General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that Communists should take reading Marxist classics and understanding Marxist principles as a living habit and a spiritual pursuit, and use classics to cultivate righteousness, refine ideas, sublimate realm and guide practice. In order to further promote the formation of a strong atmosphere of reading classics, learning theories, strengthening quality, and setting an example, the 2020 reading activity of the central and state organs "strengthening quality and setting an example" will focus on the theme of "reviewing Marxist classics, deepening Xi Jinping's study of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era", and invite a series of domestic authoritative experts to guide the reading of the Communist Party Declaration German Ideology, Das Kapital, State and Revolution and other classic works. As the eighth lecture of the "Reviewing Marxist Classics" series (135 issues in total), Liu Zhiming, director and researcher of the Marxism Sinicization Research Department of the Marxism Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, guided the reading of the "State and Revolution" with the theme of "establishing a new national system that guarantees hundreds of millions of people to be masters".

speaker: Liu Zhiming, Director and Researcher of Marxism Sinicization Research Department, Marxism Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences


·Lenin's "State and Revolution", published in May 1918, is an important document that systematically expounds the problems of the state and revolution, and is one of the most outstanding classics in the Marxist theory of the state.

·It is the national task of the proletarian revolution to carry out violent revolution and smash the bourgeois state machine. From the perspective of Marxism on the origin and development of the state, the state is a historical category. It does not always exist, nor will it last forever. The state came into being with the emergence of the class, and will also die out with the elimination of the class.

·Lenin thoroughly analyzed the acuteness and cruelty of class struggle in the socialist period, and emphasized that the dictatorship of the proletariat must be adhered to throughout the socialist historical period. Of course, due to the different situations in different countries, the transition from capitalism to communism will produce different political forms, but the essence is necessarily the same, all are proletarian dictatorships.

·Lenin made a profound analysis of the essence of proletarian democracy, pointing out that proletarian democracy is the democracy enjoyed by the working people for the first time, not the democracy enjoyed by the rich. However, the dictatorship of the proletariat must not simply expand democracy, but also exercise dictatorship over the exploiters and capitalists, deprive them of their freedom, and smash their resistance with force.

·The first stage of communism is the socialist society. In the first stage of communism, the bourgeois rights were abolished in terms of means of production, but in terms of distribution of consumer goods, the principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his work" was implemented. This principle is a complete negation of the bourgeois exploitation system of distribution according to capital and work without gain, and it is a great progress in history.

Q&A of the main points of this lecture:

1. What is the writing background of Nation and Revolution?

A: Lenin outlined the historical background and significance of writing this book in the Preamble to the First Edition: "National issues are of particular significance now, whether in theory or in political practice." Since the 19th century, the major issue of the state and revolution has been disfigured and confused by bourgeois and petty bourgeois thinkers and opportunists. In particular, the Second International opportunists led by Kautsky tried their best to distort and distort the Marxist theory of the state, advocate the "parliamentary road", oppose violent revolution and proletarian dictatorship, and beautify bourgeois democracy and freedom. Under the slogan of "defending the motherland", support the imperialist war. The second international opportunism trend of thought has had a very bad impact on the proletarian revolutionary movement. Therefore, under such circumstances, if we do not oppose opportunistic prejudice on state issues, we will not be able to rid the working people of bourgeois influence and embark on the path of proletarian revolution. The writing of "State and Revolution" is an objective requirement to restore and defend the state theory of Marxism and correctly guide the revolutionary struggle of the proletariat.

2. What is the main content of "State and Revolution"?

Answer: The State and Revolution consists of two prefaces, one postscript and six chapters of the main body. Lenin originally planned to write seven chapters, and the last chapter, Experience of the Russian Revolution in 1905 and 1917, was not written in time because the October Revolution was approaching, leaving only a detailed outline. Therefore, to be exact, the great work "The State and Revolution" is also incomplete.

3. Relationship between state and class What is it?

Answer: Lenin, according to the theory of the relationship between the economic base and superstructure, discussed that the exploiting class country must be the tool used by the economically dominant class to suppress the oppressed class. That is to say, the nature of a country is ultimately determined by its economic foundation. What kind of economic foundation there is is what kind of country, and which class is economically dominant, it must also be politically dominant, and with the help of the state, it can obtain new ways to suppress and exploit the oppressed.

4. What are the scientific bases of Marxism's thought on the dictatorship of the proletariat?

Answer: First of all, Lenin pointed out that the proletarian dictatorship thought proposed by Marx and Engels in the Communist Manifesto was based on the theory of class struggle; Secondly, Marx and Engels' thoughts on the dictatorship of the proletariat are closely linked with all the theories of the revolutionary role of the proletariat in history.

5. How to understand the political form of the dictatorship of the proletariat?

Answer: First, replace the bourgeois standing army with the people's armed forces; Second, replace bourgeois officials with servants who serve the people; Third, replace the bourgeois parliamentary system with a working organ consistent with the legislature and the executive branch; Fourth, replace the capitalist bureaucratic centralism with the unified national regime of proletarian democratic centralism.

six What is the practical significance of "State and Revolution"?

A: First, we should adhere to the Marxist national view of the people, dispel all superstitions about western democratic countries and western democratic systems, effectively prevent us from falling into the trap of democratization in the West, correctly understand the nature and role of the proletarian dictatorship, scientifically grasp the relationship between proletarian democracy and dictatorship, better strengthen the "four self-confidence", and achieve "two maintenance", It is of great significance for us to maintain strategic determination, unswervingly consolidate the state system of the people's democratic dictatorship, continue to deepen the reform of the political system in the right direction, promote the combination of Marxist state theory with the specific reality of the construction and development of modern China, and promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity; Second, it is of great significance for us to have a deep understanding of the long-term and arduous nature of socialist modernization and the realization of communism; Third, it is of great significance for us to strengthen our communist ideals and beliefs.

Introduction to the "Strong Quality · Set an Example" Reading Activity:

The reading activity of "strengthening quality and setting an example" is hosted by the Central Committee and the Working Committee of the State Organs, the State Press and Publication Administration, undertaken by the People's Daily News Network of the Communist Party of China, and co organized by the learning platform of "learning to strengthen the country", the Bank of Communications, the People's Publishing House, and the People's Daily Press. Since its establishment in 2009, it has insisted on a monthly reading activity. So far, 134 reading activities have been held. In order to better implement the instruction of General Secretary Xi Jinping that "the central and state organs must be at the forefront of theoretical learning, and act as a good example in understanding and doing well", the sponsor has upgraded and revised the 2020 reading activity, with the theme of "Reviewing the classic of Marxism, deepening the study of Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era", Based on the guidance of Marxist classics, we will create a new classroom for Party members and cadres to learn theory and a new platform for organizing life. The reading activity was first broadcast on the branch work APP, People's Daily Online, the CPC News Network, the WeChat public account of "Learning Big Country", "People's Party Building Cloud", the People's Video Client, the People's Smart Cloud Client and other platforms, expanded the coverage and communication of learning with the help of new Internet media, and explored the learning methods suitable for the characteristics of young government officials, So that more Party members and cadres can benefit from it.

Past reviews

[Lesson 1] Remembering the Original Intent and Mission of Communists: A Guide to the Communist Manifesto

[Lecture 2] Adhere to historical materialism: Introduction to German Ideology

[Lecture 3] Adherence to and Application of Marxist View of Practice: Introduction to the Outline of Feuerbach

[Lecture 4] Realizing the Harmonious Development of Man and Nature: Introduction to Dialectics of Nature

[Lecture 5] Only socialism with Chinese characteristics can develop China: Introduction to Socialism from Utopia to Scientific Development

[Lecture 6] Contribute Chinese wisdom to the innovative development of Marxist political economy: Introduction to Capital

Lesson Seven The basic principle of Marxism is still scientific truth ——Introduction to Anti Dulin Theory

Learn from WeChat official account of big country

People's Party building cloud WeChat official account

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(Editor in charge: Cao Miao, Deng Zhihui)