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The seventh lecture of the series of "Reviewing Marxist Classics" of the reading activity "Strengthening Quality and Setting an Example" of the central and state organs (134 issues in total)

The basic principle of Marxism is still scientific truth
——Introduction to Anti Dulin Theory

09:01, December 7, 2020 Source: People's Daily Online - CPC News Network

Editor's Note: General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that Communists should take reading Marxist classics and understanding Marxist principles as a living habit and a spiritual pursuit, and use classics to cultivate righteousness, refine ideas, sublimate realm and guide practice. In order to further promote the formation of a strong atmosphere of reading classics, learning theories, strengthening quality, and setting an example, the 2020 reading activity of the central and state organs "strengthening quality and setting an example" will focus on the theme of "reviewing Marxist classics, deepening Xi Jinping's study of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era", and invite a series of domestic authoritative experts to guide the reading of the Communist Party Declaration German Ideology, Das Kapital, State and Revolution and other classic works. As the seventh lecture of the "Reviewing Marxist Classics" series (134 issues in total), Yang Jinhai, former Secretary General of the Central Compilation and Translation Bureau and professor of the School of Marxism of Tsinghua University, guided the Anti Dulin Theory with the theme of "the basic principles of Marxism are still scientific truth".

speaker: Yang Jinhai, former Secretary General of the Central Compilation and Translation Bureau and professor of the School of Marxism, Tsinghua University


·To learn Marxism, Anti Dulin Theory is a must read classic, which is called "the encyclopedia of Marxism". Because Marxism mainly has three major parts, namely philosophy, political economy and scientific socialism, which constitute a scientific theoretical system of Marxism, and these three major parts are reflected in the book Anti Dulin Theory. Therefore, after reading this book thoroughly, we will grasp the basic principles of Marxism. The Anti Dulling Theory still has important enlightenment and reference significance for the theory construction and theoretical struggle of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

·In order to eliminate the influence of Dulin's thought, Marx and Engels wanted to criticize Dulin. After research, they decided to write the book by Engels, and Marx participated in the discussion. They also wrote the last chapter of the book, namely the tenth chapter. The 240000 word book was translated into Chinese by Wu Liangping (signed by Wu Liping) and published in November 1930. After liberation, a new translation was published, which was included in Volume 20 of the first Chinese edition of the Complete Works of Marx and Engels.

·The essence of the theory of scientific socialism is the result of the investigation of the relationship between the rich and the poor, the relationship between labor and capital, and the economic and social contradictions caused by it. The theory of scientific socialism is not empty talk, but should focus on problems and solve social contradictions. What social contradictions should be solved? It is the difference between the rich and the poor, labor relations, economic crisis and other problems in capitalism.

·We should scientifically evaluate the ideas of our predecessors. Social science is the product of history, so we can not ignore the contribution of previous ideas to the development of theory. Marxism puts forward new theories on the basis of previous theories. However, it is very wrong and harmful for Durin to deny Marx's theory and consider his own theory as absolute truth.

·Engels told us that the biggest problem of capitalist society is the inability to solve the relationship between rich and poor, labor relations, and the resulting economic and social contradictions. Although capitalism has developed for hundreds of years, today, its biggest problems are still these problems. As long as there is capitalism, communism has not been realized, or has not been finally realized, these problems will always exist, and Marxist theory will always be effective.

·Engels expounded the scientific concept of contradiction, which is an important principle of materialist dialectics. According to dialectics, everything has contradictions, and there is no world without contradictions. The law of contradiction is also one of the three laws of dialectics, which is the core law. Du Lin is wrong on this issue.

Q&A of the main points of this lecture:

1. What is the purpose of Engels' writing Anti Dulling Theory?

Answer: Engels wrote The Anti Dulling Theory from May 1876 to July 1878. Engels wrote the book for two purposes: one is the direct purpose, the other is the indirect purpose, which is also the fundamental purpose. The direct purpose was to clarify the right and wrong of some ideas in the party at that time, that is, the German Social Democratic Party, but its fundamental purpose was to summarize the revolutionary achievements formed since the international communist movement began in 1848, including theoretical and practical achievements, and promote the international communist movement that was developing in depth at that time.

2. Structure of Anti Dulling What is it?

Answer: "Anti Dulin Theory" includes three parts: philosophy, political economy and scientific socialism. There are 27 chapters in total, three versions of the preface, and the introduction of the book, which are five major parts in total.

3. What is the basic idea of Anti Dulling Theory?

Answer: The basic ideas in Anti Dulling Theory are very rich. In the Introduction, Engels clearly put forward Marx's two major discoveries - historical materialism and surplus value theory, which changed socialism from utopia to science. In the philosophy edition, Engels criticized Durin's transcendental philosophy and expounded the basic viewpoints of dialectical materialism. In the political economy edition, he criticized Du Lin's thought of vulgar economics and clarified the basic principles of Marxist political economy. In the edition of Socialism, he criticized Dulin's fake socialism, scientifically evaluated utopian socialism, and clarified the history and basic ideas of scientific socialism.

4. What are the philosophical thoughts in Anti Dulling Theory?

Answer: The philosophy part of the Anti Dulin Theory mainly focuses on the basic viewpoints of Marxist philosophy, including the view of nature, epistemology, dialectics and the view of history. The view of nature is equivalent to the ontology in the past philosophy, which is a theory about what the world is and what things are; Epistemology is a theory about cognition; Dialectics is actually an extension of ontology and epistemology. It not only talks about the logic of the movement and change of things' noumenon, but also talks about the logic and method of people's understanding of things; The concept of history talks about the development of society and history. This is what we usually call Marxist philosophy, that is, the theory of the general laws of nature, society and human thinking.

5. What are the practical significance of the philosophy in Anti Dulin Theory?

Answer: First, we should learn to analyze and solve problems from reality, not from principles and textbooks. Second, we should learn to think dialectically, and be good at seeing problems from a comprehensive, moving, developing and historical point of view; Third, we should master the dialectical relationship between absolute truth and relative truth, and constantly improve our ability to grasp the truth Fourth We should master the scientific concept of freedom and correctly handle the relationship between man and nature, man and society, and man and man

6. What is the practical significance of the political economy thought in Anti Dulling Theory?

Answer: First, it helps to grasp the essence of Marxist political economy; Second, it is helpful to grasp the distribution theory of Marxist political economy; Third, it is helpful to understand Marxist economic crisis theory; Fourth, it helps to separate economic problems from moral problems; Fifth, it helps to understand the role of the market and the government in promoting the economy under socialist conditions; Sixth, it helps to explore the realization form of public ownership; Seventh, it helps to scientifically evaluate the economic thoughts of predecessors and avoid historical nihilism in the economic field.

7. What is the contemporary value of scientific socialism in Anti Dulin Theory?

Answer: First, to deeply understand scientific socialism with Chinese characteristics, we need to understand the history of socialism, including the "ideological source and evolution of socialism for five hundred years" emphasized by General Secretary Xi Jinping; Second, we should deeply understand the "scientificity" of scientific socialism, which is based on the analysis of the objective laws of economic and social development. There are long-term development goals, current development goals, and a series of theories, routes, guidelines, policies, etc; Third, to correctly understand the relationship between socialism and capitalism, we should not only see the law of the inevitable demise of capitalism, but also see the long-term nature of socialism replacing capitalism.

8. What is the profound influence and significance of Anti Dulling Theory?

Answer: Anti Dulin Theory plays an extremely important role in the development history of Marxism. On the one hand, it promoted the popularization of Marxist theory, especially within the Marxist political party, cleared up ideas, unified understanding, expanded the influence of Marxism in the world, promoted the international communist movement at that time, especially promoted the formation of later Leninism, and profoundly affected the development of sinicized Marxism. On the other hand, it helps us to establish a scientific world outlook, outlook on life and values in philosophy; Adhere to Marxist labor value theory and surplus value theory in economics to solve major problems in the field of economics; It is of great theoretical and practical significance to further understand what socialism is, how to build socialism, and how to solve the problem of social fairness and justice on social issues. Many views have important guiding significance.

Introduction to the "Strong Quality · Set an Example" Reading Activity:

The reading activity of "strengthening quality and setting an example" is hosted by the Central Committee and the Working Committee of the State Organs, the State Press and Publication Administration, undertaken by the People's Daily News Network of the Communist Party of China, and co organized by the learning platform of "learning to strengthen the country", the Bank of Communications, the People's Publishing House, and the People's Daily Press. Since its establishment in 2009, it has insisted on a monthly reading activity. So far, 133 reading activities have been held. In order to better implement the instruction of General Secretary Xi Jinping that "the central and state organs must be in the forefront of theoretical learning, and act as a good example in learning, understanding and doing well", the sponsor has carried out a new upgrade and revision of the 2020 reading activity, with the theme of "Reviewing the classic of Marxism, deepening the study of Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era", Based on the guidance of Marxist classics, we will create a new classroom for Party members and cadres to learn theory and a new platform for organizing life. The reading activity was first broadcast on the branch work APP, People's Daily Online, the CPC News Network, the WeChat public account of "Learning Big Country", "People's Party Building Cloud", the People's Video Client, the People's Smart Cloud Client and other platforms, expanded the coverage and communication of learning with the help of new Internet media, and explored the learning methods suitable for the characteristics of young government officials, So that more Party members and cadres can benefit from it.

Past reviews

[Lesson 1] Remembering the Original Intent and Mission of Communists: A Guide to the Communist Manifesto

[Lecture 2] Adhere to historical materialism: Introduction to German Ideology

[Lecture 3] Adherence to and Application of Marxist View of Practice: Introduction to the Outline of Feuerbach

[Lecture 4] Realizing the Harmonious Development of Man and Nature: Introduction to Dialectics of Nature

[Lecture 5] Only socialism with Chinese characteristics can develop China: Introduction to Socialism from Utopia to Scientific Development

[Lecture 6] Contribute Chinese wisdom to the innovative development of Marxist political economy: Introduction to Capital

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(Editor in charge: Zhao Jing, Deng Zhihui)