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Li Yiping: Capital has six inspirations for the contemporary era

November 18, 2020 13:16 Source: People's Daily Online - CPC News Network

China Communist Party News Network, Beijing, November 18 (Xie Lei and Cao Miao) A few days ago, the sixth lecture of the series of "Reviewing Marxist Classics" of the 2020 reading activity "Strengthening Quality and Setting an Example" of the central and state organs was held, and Li Yiping, member of the Academic Committee of the National Center for Socialist Political Economy with Chinese Characteristics of Renmin University of China and professor of the School of Economics, was invited as a guest speaker, Guided reading of Das Kapital with the theme of "contributing Chinese wisdom to the innovative development of Marxist political economy"

Li Yiping said that Das Kapital is extensive and profound, with profound theoretical, academic and practical significance. For the contemporary era, Das Kapital has six enlightenments:

First, unswervingly grasp the real economy. The basic industries of the real economy are agriculture and manufacturing. The importance of agriculture lies in who will feed us. Grain is a special commodity. You can't buy it with money when it is critical. We must firmly hold the job of the Chinese people in our own hands. The manufacturing industry in the real economy involves who will equip the country and the strength of the country. The second is to constantly improve the ability to prevent and resolve risks. Observing the contemporary world economy, the financial crisis on Wall Street is excessive financialization, which is far away from the financial derivatives of the real economy. Third, promote more reasonable and orderly income distribution. Marxism believes that wealth is created by labor, and socialism should be distributed according to work. Under the socialist market economy system, we adhere to the principle of distribution according to work, and various distribution methods coexist to prevent polarization. Fourth, actively promote the new development pattern of double circulation. Under the current situation, adhering to the dual cycle and focusing on expanding domestic demand is an inevitable choice to hedge the downward pressure on the world economy, and also a strategic basis to address various risk challenges. Fifth, give play to the advantages of the socialist market economy. Since China's reform and opening up, the reason for the rapid economic development is that we have chosen the socialist market economy. Sixth, build and develop socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics. The socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics should have an international perspective, be able to make a theoretical explanation of China's economic development, reveal its laws, and show the correct direction for the next step.

(Editor in charge: Cao Miao, Xie Lei)
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