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Musk will oppose the immigration ban when he attends the Trump Advisory Committee meeting

Musk said that he and other members of the committee would take the position of the committee meeting to oppose President Trump's immigration administrative order and submit amendments.
Sina Technology | 11:12, February 3, 2017

Trump's new immigration policy is "not American"? Silicon Valley bosses are calling for a halt

If the new policy is implemented, it will affect employees of Microsoft, Amazon and Apple, and cause a fatal blow to the business of Indian technology enterprises such as Infosys and Wipro.
Yicai | 09:38, February 3, 2017

Can't stand the pressure: CEO Uber announced to withdraw from Trump's economic advisory team

Uber announced that CEO Travis Kalanik has withdrawn from the economic advisory team of President Trump.
Sina Technology | 08:14, February 3, 2017

Responding to Trump's call for Samsung Electronics to open a new factory in the United States

To please the Trump government, Samsung Electronics may open a new factory in the United States. Foreign media pointed out that Samsung's announcement is "win-win".
Sina Technology | 09:30, February 3, 2017

Trump's "three fires" ignited the decline of US stock market, but the bull market was not extinguished

As for the US stock market, although people from all walks of life think that the bull market has not ended, Trump's frequent new policies have also made the market turbulent, which is expected to run through the whole year.
China Business Daily | 07:05, February 3, 2017

Big Boss Says

Apple CEO Cook talks about immigration ban: considering legal means to fight against Trump

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Apple CEO Cook said that Apple would continue to exert pressure on the government to repeal the immigration administrative order, considering using legal means against the Trump government.

Sandberg: Trump's immigration ban is unforgivable for women

This is the second time in the past week that Sandberg has publicly opposed Trump's policy. Last Thursday, Sandberg condemned Trump's global anti abortion policy.
Sina Technology | 09:14, February 1, 2017

Silicon Valley Trends

Microsoft requests Trump government to open an exemption plan on immigration decree

Microsoft believes that the Department of Homeland Security has the right to make exceptions to immigrants in the exemption plan when implementing the executive order issued by President Trump last week.
Sina US | 01:15, February 3, 2017

Thousands of Twitter employees donated 1.59 million dollars to fight against Trump's immigration ban

Twitter employees, including CEO Jack Dorsey, recently donated $1.59 million to the non-profit organization American Civil Liberties Alliance, mainly to fight against President Trump's immigration ban.
Sina Technology | 19:34, February 2, 2017

Silicon Valley is ready to issue an open letter against the immigration ban. Microsoft, Google and Apple are all involved

American enterprises are spreading an open letter, which is addressed to President Trump. The open letter circulated among enterprises, including Facebook, Microsoft, Google, Apple and Amazon. The open letter expressed the company's concern about the immigration ban.
Sina Technology | 13:11, February 2, 2017

Analysis comments

Which technology company is most affected by Trump's new visa policy?

In 2016, more than 15% of Facebook's American employees held temporary work visas, higher than Google, Apple, Amazon or Microsoft.
Sina Technology | 10:26, February 3, 2017

The pain point of Trump's tough immigration ban in Silicon Valley

To some extent, these "imported talents" have contributed to the vigorous development of American technology companies.
China Business Daily | 06:52, February 3, 2017

Trump's New Deal: A Divided America, an Angry Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley was in a passive waiting state before Trump really offered H1b work visa and immigration reform. Anger, anxiety, disappointment, panic, helplessness, and many complex emotional atmosphere envelop this global scientific and technological innovation center.
Sina Technology | 11:58, February 2, 2017

Green card ban? The title party took Trump's move restriction out of context to cause panic

This article may give you some suggestions on what the movement restriction order says and how it affects you.
Sina Comprehensive | 12:09, January 31, 2017

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