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Atlas: Telecom Manufacturers' Booth Show of 2015 Telecom Exhibition

The 2015 Communication Exhibition was held in Beijing from September 22 to 25. In addition to traditional telecom manufacturers, Alibaba has also set up a booth, and China Mobile has shown 4G UAVs.

Review: 2014 China International Information and Communication Exhibition

The 2014 China International Information and Communication Exhibition was held in Beijing China International Exhibition Center (old hall) from September 23 to 27, 2014. During the period of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Sina Weibo "Industrial Information Wechat" was launched.

Fully implement the broadband China strategy, accelerate the construction of network cities and 4G networks, improve the performance of the network, expand the scale of popularization, build a broadband network with large bandwidth and high rate covering the whole country, and comprehensively enhance the support for economic growth and improve people's livelihood.

Firmly promote the network speed increase and cost reduction, and urge telecom enterprises to take various preferential measures to improve the network speed and cost reduction in response to the problems of low network speed and high charges that consumers have expressed warmly.
We will ensure that the goal of increasing the speed of fixed and broadband networks is achieved by the end of the year, and that the average tariff per unit bandwidth of mobile traffic is reduced by 30%, so as to boost mass entrepreneurship and innovation.

Fully implement the Internet+action plan, focus on key actions such as Internet+collaborative manufacturing and Internet+entrepreneurship and innovation of small, medium-sized and micro enterprises, strengthen the two major supports of information and communication infrastructure and information technology industry, train new business types, and expand the information economy.

Accelerate the deep integration of informatization and industrialization, accelerate the collaborative innovation of the information and communication industry chain, promote the transformation of information technology to upgrade traditional industries, and plan ahead for the infrastructure construction of industrial Internet.
Accelerating the two IT is the integration and double development of industrial technology and information technology.

Strengthen the management of the Internet industry and the ability to guarantee network security, promote the introduction of policies and measures to strengthen and improve the management of the Internet industry, promote the healthy development of the Internet industry, strengthen the management of new technologies and new businesses, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of users, and coordinate the relationship between development and security.
In the process of development, we will improve the security capability of network security and ensure the security of key network infrastructure.

This exhibition has nearly 400 exhibitors, covering all fields of the information and communication industry chain. It will focus on the latest achievements and applications of information and communication technology, presenting a bright future of the information society.
Facing the common task of global economic recovery, we are willing to work with countries around the world to strengthen economic and technological exchanges, deepen cooperation in the field of information and communication, and make unremitting efforts to promote the healthy development of the global information and communication industry.


New President of Ericsson Northeast Asia: Internet+will bring great opportunities

"Ericsson must be one of them. I have been studying and studying the Internet+strategy closely with my team since I took office for several weeks. I think there is a very big opportunity, and we will be very interested in and focus on the opportunities brought by Internet+. [Detailed]

Li Bin, President of Coolpad, Explains Qiku's Dispute: Arising from Internet Business

Li Bin, President of Coolpad, also mentioned Coolpad's emphasis on the operation right of Internet business many times when receiving an exclusive interview: "In this dispute, our biggest gain is to get back the operation right of Internet business." [Detailed]
