
Bike data sharing rack: Mobil and ofo both claim to be the first, but who do they trust

Recently, a survey of the bike sharing market has attracted netizens' attention to these two enterprises again. The serious "fight" and tit for tat between the two data has aroused the attention of the industry and public opinion.
Sina Comprehensive | 08:48, February 15, 2017

Mobio ofo data racks say that they are the first. Who is the first?

The two enterprises are fighting each other in multiple dimensions, and even investors come out to "swear" and start a war of words.
Beijing Business Daily | 01:17, February 13, 2017

The second hurdle in the management of bike sharing industry: "No riding at the age of 12" proposed by Shanghai

Shortly after the launch of bike sharing, it encountered a "parking problem". After the operating company and the local government proposed a series of solutions, another "12 prohibitions" problem was put in front of the industry.
Daily Economic News | 00:33, February 13, 2017

Mobai ofo ranks first in the industry? Sharing bicycle data "fight"

Industry insiders said that the serious "fight" between the two data was mainly due to the different monitoring dimensions of data companies.
Xinhua News Agency | 07:58, February 12, 2017

Peking University female doctor stealing bike ofo: doubt the authenticity of car theft

A few days ago, a netizen posted that she saw a female student of Peking University who was a master and doctoral student. She sent her own circle of friends to show off stealing and sharing bicycles on campus.
Legal Evening News | 08:11, February 12, 2017

Shared bicycle cushion pin? Operator: under investigation

At first glance, it seems that there is only a scratch on the cushion. However, the online post then posted an enlarged picture, which made many netizens dumbfounded: there was an embroidery needle on the cushion of the bike sharing.
Sina Comprehensive | 18:14, February 10, 2017

Analysis comments

It's not a good thing that bike sharing becomes popular too fast. It's hard for the industry to break through the dilemma

Mobike standing at the tuyere is just a microcosm of the whole bike sharing industry. According to the current situation, the whole bike sharing industry is in a deadlock, which is caused by its operation mode.
Record of creation | 11:40, February 14, 2017

How far can shared bicycles travel across the country?

Under the situation of sharing bicycles with various capitals, 2017 may usher in the knockout race.
Shanghai Securities News | 01:54, February 13, 2017

Less than half a year later, it poured into 3 billion yuan. Why do you share bicycles with capital

According to incomplete statistics, there are nearly 10 bike sharing brands in the market at present. This track has poured in nearly 3 billion yuan of venture capital in less than half a year, and there are nearly 30 investment institutions.
Securities Times | 10:01, February 10, 2017

It is said that the bike sharing war will end within the year?

Millions of bicycles "crowd into" the whole country, just like trapped animals with different sizes and different skin colors, they are locked in the cage of the market and fight with each other. Industry insiders and netizens speculate that three factors may become the "terminator" of this battle.
Sina Technology | 08:12, February 9, 2017

Bicycle sharing charges deposits. Are they far away from illegal fund-raising?

Are the deposits collected by the popular Mobike or ofo bikes in many cities, which are called "bike sharing" but actually "taxi rental", suspected of "illegal fund-raising"?
Record of creation | 08:27, February 8, 2017

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