
Three major operators: cancel mobile phone domestic roaming fees on September 1

The three major operators said today that they would cancel the mobile phone domestic roaming fees on September 1 this year.
Sina Technology | 16:45, July 27, 2017

What efforts should be made by the three major operators after the combination of boxing to deal with the "speed increase and fee reduction"?

The Prime Minister's request is not just about tariffs. How to promote the in-depth development of "Internet+" and accelerate the growth of the digital economy may be the problem that operators need to solve urgently.
Sina Technology | 08:55, March 7, 2017

A new round of speed increase and fee reduction: calculate how much you can save by canceling the domestic roaming fee

Experts estimate that if the international toll capital decreases by 10%, it will benefit nearly 29 million users, and the total annual fee reduction will exceed 600 million yuan; If the price of dedicated Internet access is reduced by 10%, the total annual fee reduction of tens of millions of enterprise users will be nearly 4 billion yuan.
China News Network | 00:27, March 7, 2017

Does the cancellation of long-distance roaming charges for mobile phones from October have an impact on operators' profits?

In the view of the industry, it is a general trend to cancel the domestic long-distance and roaming charges for mobile phones. The EU will also cancel mobile roaming fees between member states from June this year. For operators, the most important thing is how to play the traffic management card.
Sina Comprehensive | 04:55, March 7, 2017

Why wait half a year for the cancellation of mobile long-distance roaming fees in October?

Fu Liang, a telecom analyst, believes that the difficulties encountered in the process of implementing the nationwide integrated tariff first come from the historical legacy problems caused by the operators' cumulative introduction of a variety of different packages over the years. "The adjustment of operation time for several months is already very tense for operators."
Sina Comprehensive | 06:47, March 7, 2017

Li Keqiang: All domestic long-distance and roaming charges for mobile phones will be cancelled within the year

Premier Li Keqiang pointed out in the government work report that this year's network speed increase and fee reduction should take greater steps. All domestic long-distance and roaming charges for mobile phones should be cancelled within the year, and the access fees for small and medium-sized enterprises' Internet special lines should be significantly reduced, as well as the international long-distance telephone fees.
Xinhua | 10:14, March 5, 2017

Person in charge of report drafting group: cancel roaming fees and enter the report at the last moment

Huang Shouhong, the head of the drafting group of the government work report and the director of the State Council Research Office, said that the abolition of all domestic long-distance and roaming charges for mobile phones within the year was one of the measures taken to write the report at the last moment.
Beijing News | 14:31, March 5, 2017

Operator initiatives

China Mobile: Mobile domestic roaming fees will be cancelled on September 1 this year

China Mobile said today that it will cancel domestic roaming charges for mobile phones on September 1 this year.
Sina Comprehensive | 16:44, July 27, 2017

Yang Jie, Chairman of China Telecom: Mobile roaming fees will be canceled from September 1

Yang Jie revealed that from September 1, China Telecom will completely cancel the domestic long overdue charges for mobile phones, which will be completed one month earlier than the plan at the beginning of the year, and is expected to benefit 80 million users.
Sina Technology | 15:36, July 27, 2017

China Unicom: Cancel mobile phone domestic roaming fees from September 1

China Unicom announced today that it will cancel domestic roaming charges for mobile phones on September 1 this year.
Sina Comprehensive | 16:42, July 27, 2017

Three major operators: domestic long-distance and roaming fees will be completely canceled from October 1

At the meeting, the three major operators said that they would fully implement the cancellation of domestic long-distance and roaming charges for mobile phones from October 1 this year.
Sina Comprehensive | 12:09, March 6, 2017

China Mobile will completely cancel domestic mobile roaming fees and speed up the formulation of plans

China Mobile will also continue to reduce communication charges to improve customer perception, formulate specific implementation plans as soon as possible, and completely eliminate domestic mobile roaming charges.
China News Network | 11:35, March 6, 2017

China Telecom Launches Six New Measures to Increase Speed and Reduce Fees, Greatly Reducing Internet Fees for Users

China Telecom will launch six new measures to respond to the call for speed increase and fee reduction, resolutely implement the relevant national deployment, constantly improve network infrastructure, continuously improve network quality, and significantly reduce users' online charges.
Sina Technology | 16:01, March 6, 2017

Analysis comments

Former Chairman of China Mobile: Cancelling long-distance and roaming fees can boost consumption

Xi Guohua said that the abolition of long-distance and roaming fees, although the profits of the three major operators will decline, can stimulate consumption, increase employment and promote the economy.
Securities Times | 07:48, March 6, 2017

Cancellation of domestic long-distance roaming fees within the year Experts: it is difficult to achieve without forced promotion

Fu Liang said that the difficulties encountered in the process of implementing the nationwide integrated tariff came from the historical problems of operators.
Beijing News | 12:52, March 5, 2017

Roaming fees will be withdrawn from the historical stage within the year. The three major operators are developing measures

In August last year, the three major operators announced the relevant schedules, which put the cancellation of long-distance roaming charges on the agenda and gradually promoted the nationwide integration of tariffs.
Beijing News | 06:40, March 6, 2017

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