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Can you change the battery of your iPhone for free? You will understand after reading this article

Apple announced this morning that it will replace batteries of qualified iPhones for free. So can you replace the battery for free if your iPhone meets the requirements?
Sina mobile phone | 14:57, November 21, 2016

Apple's official response to "iPhone 6s shutdown": free battery replacement if qualified

Apple issued a statement on "iPhone auto shutdown". Users who meet this problem and meet the conditions can go to Apple customer service to replace the battery for free.
Sina mobile phone | 10:06, November 21, 2016

Apple issued an official statement on "iPhone automatic shutdown": communicating with problem users

According to some media reports today that Apple promised to replace the battery of some problematic mobile phone users, Apple said that the news was not official, and the source of the news was not official.
Sina mobile phone | 17:52, November 16, 2016

China Consumer Association inquired about Apple about iPhone 6s and 6s abnormal shutdown

In response to the recent iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s users' complaints that their phones suddenly shut down when there is a lot of power, the China Consumer Association said that it has made inquiries to Apple (China) Co., Ltd.
China Consumers' Association | 17:15, November 15, 2016

Why is Apple delayed in responding to the iPhone's automatic shutdown? This seems to be a "big event"

This is the third time after upgrading iOS 10. If you count the number of times before upgrading, it should have been more than five times; Although Apple customer service said in the past two days that "this is not a situation caused by the upgrade of the new system", after analysis, this problem is far more complicated than customer service said. In view of the complexity of the problems, we do not lay out cases, but directly prescribe the right medicine.
Sina mobile phone | 09:08, November 15, 2016

IPhone automatic shutdown tracking: the reason is unknown, customer service said that wearing a protective case can keep warm

Recently, there are frequent iPhone users on the network who report that their mobile phone will automatically shut down when there is 20% to 50% of power left.
China News Network | 01:04, November 15, 2016

IPhone auto shutdown failure battery exposure board

Recently, the automatic shutdown of the iPhone has aroused heated discussion among netizens, and a large number of users have reported similar situations on Weibo and WeChat platforms. Its staff said that at present, the iPhone 6S and iPhone 6s Plus are the main models affected, and no large number of cases have been found for other models.
Beijing Business Daily | 05:05, November 14, 2016

Online iPhone 6s automatically shut down on a large scale, but this time the reason is somewhat complicated

As October approached, some netizens said that their iPhone 6s frequently shut down automatically when the power was normal. Strangely, this happens on the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, and there have been device problems on iOS 9 and iOS 10 systems.
Sina mobile phone | 14:20, November 8, 2016

Official response

Apple's "iPhone 6s power-off" solution: free battery replacement if qualified

Apple issued a statement on "iPhone auto shutdown". Users who meet this problem and meet the conditions can go to Apple customer service to replace the battery for free.
Sina mobile phone | 10:06, November 21, 2016

The iPhone automatically shuts down when half of its 6s battery is left Apple says it has nothing to do with iOS10

Apple customer service staff told reporters that there were many cases of iPhone 6s automatic shutdown during this period, but the reason had nothing to do with the new iOS10 system. Users could go to the nearby Apple store for maintenance and inspection.
Legal Evening News | 10:46, November 13, 2016

Automatic shutdown case

Is the strongest cold current coming to the north and south?

With the cold wave coming, some iPhone users reported that they would automatically shut down in the outdoor environment. After consulting Apple after-sales by phone, I got the answer because the temperature was too low.
Sina mobile phone | 09:52, January 22, 2016

Does the iPhone 6s automatically shut down when powered on? It's the time zone!

Apple also responded by acknowledging that the battery status display of the iPhone 6s or iPhone 6s Plus is not updated. In addition, Apple also conducted an investigation on this problem, and finally found that this problem seems to be related to the time zone or clock settings.
Sina mobile phone | 08:24, January 19, 2016

IPhone 6s exposes a new fault: the phone suddenly shuts down automatically

Since the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus were launched on the 25th of last month, many users have reported that the new iPhone has suddenly turned off automatically, which is not caused by low battery.
Sina Technology | 11:36, October 3, 2015

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