
The doomsday seed bank of "Noah's Ark": the ultimate backup of mankind

What is the famous doomsday seed bank that few people can visit? Sina Technology takes you to unveil its mystery.
Sina Technology | 08:11, April 8, 2016

Into the world's largest sperm bank: 50% of customers are single women

Since the founding of Cryos in 1987, the sperm provided by Cryos has made tens of thousands of women pregnant all over the world, covering 80 countries. These sperm eventually became 27000 newborns.
Sina Technology | 07:44, March 17, 2016

Visit the Danish biological sample bank: a dream place for epidemiologists

In the huge low-temperature room, the fully automated mechanical arms are busy working back and forth. They dexterously grab the white boards full of holes, scan the coding marks at the bottom, and send them to the designated location for storage.
Sina Technology | 10:25, March 24, 2016

BGI's Nordic Science Journey: Exploring the Doomsday Seed Bank

Not long ago, Lao Ji participated in the "Nordic Science Tour" delegation organized by BGI, and came to Denmark, Norway and Sweden in the remote Nordic countries to visit the mysteries of local life science and technology.
Sina Technology | 16:58, April 14, 2016

The Power of Genes: A Nordic Life Science Survey

How did birds become survivors of the Cretaceous extinction? How does DNA reveal human history? Can personalized medicine conquer incurable diseases? New genetic technology is constantly expanding the field of cognition and changing our way of life.
Sina Technology | 17:08, April 14, 2016

Follow BGI on the Northern European journey of life exploration


A wonderful review of the whole journey of Nordic life exploration: next stop, another appointment!


The knowledge about genes

Five answers related to life: Where do we come from?

A long time ago, there was a group of ancient apes living in trees. One of them "family" gave birth to children one after another that were different from other families. The big toes of those children were smaller than those of the same family. It was hard to grasp trees, and their hair was less than that of the same family, so they were ostracized by the same family.
Sina Technology | 17:46, April 14, 2016

Five answers related to life: What is life?

In the eyes of scientists, life is dominated by those clever, cunning and selfish genes in the body. Our birth and death, birth defects and tumor diseases are all in this seemingly small gene combination.
Sina Technology | 17:50, April 14, 2016

When health can predict how parents choose

The health of children has been decided at the moment when sperm and egg combine.
Sina Technology | 17:59, April 14, 2016

How far is genetic disease from us?

As the saying goes, "No gold is perfect, no man is perfect", which usually refers to the imperfection of man's character or ability. In fact, no one is perfect at the genetic level.
Sina Technology | 17:57, April 14, 2016

Why do people get cancer?

Every time we start the topic of cancer, it will cause everyone to sigh. There is a saying that as long as people live long enough, everyone will get cancer.
Sina Technology | 17:52, April 15, 2016

Diseases that may be eliminated by genetic testing

The incidence rate of birth defects in China is 5.6%, which is one of the countries with high incidence. Every year, about 900000 new birth defects are added, and the annual cost for defective infants is up to tens of billions of yuan, with hundreds of billions of indirect costs. Among them, 80% of birth defects are related to genetic diseases.
Sina Technology | 17:58, April 15, 2016

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