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Focusing on people's ice and snow dream, telling ice and snow stories with temperature

People's Ice and Snow, Ice and Snow Stories: Coaches who grew up on the skating rink

08:57, January 22, 2020 | Source: People's Daily Online - Sports Channel
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In response to the country's call to "drive 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports", since January 2020, People's Sports has broadcasted a series of micro documentary "People's Ice and Snow · Ice and Snow Stories", which aims to show the Chinese people's ice and snow dreams in many ways. This series of micro documentaries is jointly produced by People's Sports and Tianrui Time (Beijing) Culture Media Co., Ltd. under the guidance of the Winter Sports Management Center of the General Administration of Sport of China.

People's Ice and Snow · Ice and Snow Stories covers many aspects in the field of ice and snow sports, and is divided into ten themes, including ice and snow sports fans, ice and snow sports coaches, ice and snow sports into schools, ice and snow sports into communities, ice and snow sports behind the story, ice and snow sports promoters, ice and snow sports media, non retired ice and snow people, ice and snow sports made in China Ice snow people regardless of national boundaries. The purpose is to spread the Olympic spirit, promote the culture of ice and snow sports, excavate the typical characters and deeds in the Winter Olympics and ice and snow sports, tell the ice and snow stories of ordinary people, and tell the great ice and snow stories of China. In 2020, the first season will be broadcasted, with 100 episodes in total, one episode per week, each episode will last about three minutes, telling ice and snow stories with temperature.

Ice and snow sports coach: "The coach who grew up on the skating rink"

This episode of "Coaches Grown up on the Skating Field" tells the story of figure skating coach Zhang Yiyi. Since she was 8 years old, she has been accompanied by the ice rink, which has witnessed her growth and has become the stage of her life. Now let's take a look at her story with the ice rink.

Narrator: Zhang Yiyi, figure skating coach

Zhang Yiyi: At the beginning, like ordinary children, I loved to learn this. Then I was selected into the professional team, the national team and regarded as a professional athlete. Everyone's life has a stage. Maybe my stage is on the ice rink.

My name is Zhang Yiyi. Now I'm a figure skating coach. I am mainly responsible for the pace arrangement.

In terms of this kind of teaching, children can receive very limited, 50% may be less than, but children are better at imitation. When you do some demonstration actions for them, they will receive more information, learn faster and do better.

I went to give him a demonstration. I moved more. I might even skate more than a child. I thought I was hard, but very happy.

The training must be done in this way, that is to repeat it constantly, so that children can make continuous progress. Every day, they have experienced constant failure and fall, get up and start again, and experience the education of such setbacks, so their hearts will be stronger than ordinary children. A child may have a different life path through what you say. When you say something different to a child, you should be very careful and have a strong sense of responsibility.

In private, I have a better relationship with the children, because I am also a little young. On June 1st, I prepared a small gift for them, which is a small skate. One time, parents said that they suddenly saw in other rinks, some children also hang that skate. Once, I saw that this was practiced with teacher Yi. I was very proud that there are so many children, and they recognized you, In fact, the most important thing I think.

I have many dreams. For example, I want to participate in the Olympic Games. I think this is the dream of every athlete. It's a pity that I didn't realize it. But after the change of identity, I can actually do more now than when I was an athlete, and I'm very happy. Now is a good new start. I hope that children can realize their dreams.

Editor's Notes on "Coaches Grown up on the Skating Field"

[Previous Reading]

People's Ice and Snow, Ice and Snow Stories: Skiing Girls     Editor's Note

People's Ice and Snow, Ice and Snow Stories: Let children "slip" at the school gate     Editor's Note

(Editor in charge: Hu Xuerong, Yang Lei)

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