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Focusing on people's ice and snow dream, telling ice and snow stories with temperature

People's Ice and Snow, Ice and Snow Stories: Skiing Girls

08:40, January 15, 2020 | Source: People's Daily Online - Sports Channel
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In response to the country's call to "drive 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports", since January 2020, People's Sports has broadcasted a series of micro documentary "People's Ice and Snow · Ice and Snow Stories", which aims to show the Chinese people's ice and snow dreams in many ways. This series of micro documentaries is jointly produced by People's Sports and Tianrui Time (Beijing) Culture Media Co., Ltd. under the guidance of the Winter Sports Management Center of the General Administration of Sport of China.

People's Ice and Snow · Ice and Snow Stories covers many aspects in the field of ice and snow sports, and is divided into ten themes, including ice and snow sports fans, ice and snow sports coaches, ice and snow sports into schools, ice and snow sports into communities, ice and snow sports behind the story, ice and snow sports promoters, ice and snow sports media, non retired ice and snow people, ice and snow sports made in China Ice snow people regardless of national boundaries. The purpose is to spread the Olympic spirit, promote the culture of ice and snow sports, excavate the typical characters and deeds in the Winter Olympics and ice and snow sports, tell the ice and snow stories of ordinary people, and tell the great ice and snow stories of China. In 2020, the first season will be broadcasted, with 100 episodes in total, one episode per week, each episode will last about three minutes, telling ice and snow stories with temperature.

Ice and snow sports lovers: Skiing Girl

This episode of Ski Girl tells the story of Xue Jizhou, a member of the Beijing Youth Ski Team. She is only 13 years old this year and has been snowing for 10 years. She can be said to be a veteran of the ski resort who has experienced many battles. What does she know about skiing? What is she doing to promote skiing? Now let's take a look at the story of this ski girl.

Narrator: Xue Jizhou (Mulan), member of Beijing Youth Ski Team

Mulan: My name is Xue Jizhou. I'm 13 years old and I'm in the second grade of Beijing National School. Now I'm also a member of the Beijing Youth Ski Team. When I was 4 years old, my father took me on a snowboard for the first time and then took me to the junior track. It was very funny. Since then, we have skied all the ski tracks in Wanlong together, and also experienced the fun of skiing.

In fact, it was my first time to skate on the advanced lane. It was an accident that I went from the primary lane to the advanced lane. I was going to skate with my mother on a junior track that day, but I couldn't read at that time. I skated faster than my mother, and then I hit the steepest track by mistake. But there was no turning back at that time, so I had to rush forward. Fortunately, I didn't fall. I enjoyed the thrill for the first time. At that time, my mother came to me all over the ski resort and found me with the ski resort's radio. It was also a more soul stirring experience.

For me, when you slide, you don't think about anything anymore. You only think about the next action. The scenery around you is blurred, and you can only see a road in front of you. I will be very excited in my heart. And when you feel the pleasure of the friction between the snowboard and the snow surface, that feeling is what I enjoy most about skiing. When you ski very fast, you really feel out of the gravity and fly in the air. Although skiing is a high-risk sport, it is also a sport that can temper your will. When you overcome your fear, you have already taken the biggest step. So I think all skiers are very brave.

This morning I came to ONTOSNOW Snow Center and gave my board a maintenance. In the process of competition, the snowboard is equivalent to your battle partner, so you must take special care of them and protect them. Cutting and waxing are the process of protecting them. When waxing, you can personally feel the pattern of the snowboard and the sharpness of the blade, because snowboard and athletes are integrated in the process of competition, So we should treat snowboard as seriously as we treat ourselves. Don't let it suffer any damage.

Apart from skiing, my biggest hobby is to compete for Lego, especially the ski themed Lego. Because I think the little Lego girl is myself. In the process of competing for Lego, it is like skiing. I realize my dream step by step. My dream is completed step by step in my own hands and feet. Then the fight for Lego is also similar to my life ideal, that is, the designer, because it is also a process from zero to something, You can build Lego according to your imagination.

I think that I may not really become an athlete to participate in this activity at the Winter Olympics, but I will try my best to be a volunteer, just as I am preaching now. The purpose of my preaching is to let more people know about the sport of ice and snow, and appeal for more people to go on ice and snow, which can also be regarded as a contribution to the Winter Olympics.

Notes on the Director of Ski Girl

[Previous Reading]

People's Ice and Snow, Ice and Snow Stories: Let children "slip" at the school gate     Editor's Note

(Editor in charge: Hu Xuerong, Yang Lei)

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