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Editor's Notes on "Let the Children Skid at the School Gate"

08:50, January 8, 2020 | Source: People's Daily Online - Sports Channel
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People's Ice and Snow, Ice and Snow Stories: Let children "slip" at the school gate

Pearl Spring, the name is hard to forget.

It was a Sunday at the beginning of November 2019 when I went to Pearl Spring Village to collect time. The more you go to the countryside, the darker the color of ginkgo leaves along the way, and the fewer the number. When we arrived at this small mountain village at an altitude of more than 400 meters, there were few leaves left on the branches. At that time, the countryside was bleak, and the spectacle of "Pearl Spring Spray Jade" and the flower fields that had already withered all over the ground could not attract city people.

President Liu Dianxing's heart was warm. He and his PE teacher Liu Dandan led us to visit the school on holiday. During the period, when talking about letting children practice skating and ice hockey, he excitedly said: "The first thing for our children in the deep mountain area is their body. A strong body is the foundation of everything! We are laying the foundation for the children's future, so that they can enjoy a fair education. Children in the deep mountain area need to open their eyes and form a self-confidence, so that they can become stronger in the future."

On a wall beside the school playground, there is a form of "looking for the most beautiful self". The children put their names in the grid of their favorite fields. Among them, the number of students who choose "the best skating" is the most, 9 - this accounts for one fifth of the students in the school. It's good for skating. Maybe it doesn't include the four children in the "most comprehensive development" category.

When the film was officially shot in December, we saw young and confident faces. Whether it's roller skating on the playground or actual combat on the natural ice rink, they all work hard to skate and practice. Where there are pearl babies (as the primary school teachers call the students) gathering, it is the hottest place in the frozen mountain village.

In Beijing, more than 100 kilometers away from Pearl Spring Central Primary School, snow and ice sports are in full swing with the wind of the Winter Olympics. Some of the parents of the children in Pearl Spring Primary School live in a mountain higher than the school, and some work in Beijing... Most of them are working for life, but they are obviously not good at thinking about their children's future. As a result, the principals and teachers of Shancun Primary School took on such responsibilities. In addition to regular courses, use all available resources to let children learn knowledge and skills, broaden their horizons and build self-confidence. What they have created for their children is a positive attitude towards the future. (Director Lin Jibo)

(Editor in charge: Hu Xuerong, Yang Lei)

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