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Focusing on people's ice and snow dream, telling ice and snow stories with temperature

People's Ice and Snow, Ice and Snow Stories: Let children "slip" at the school gate

08:33, January 8, 2020 | Source: People's Daily Online - Sports Channel
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In response to the country's call to "drive 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports", from January 2020, People's Sports will broadcast a series of micro documentary "People's Ice and Snow · Ice and Snow Stories", which aims to show the Chinese people's ice and snow dreams in many ways. This series of micro documentaries is jointly produced by People's Sports and Tianrui Time (Beijing) Culture Media Co., Ltd. under the guidance of the Winter Sports Management Center of the General Administration of Sport of China.

People's Ice and Snow · Ice and Snow Stories covers many aspects in the field of ice and snow sports, and is divided into ten themes, including ice and snow sports fans, ice and snow sports coaches, ice and snow sports into schools, ice and snow sports into communities, ice and snow sports behind the story, ice and snow sports promoters, ice and snow sports media, non retired ice and snow people, ice and snow sports made in China Ice snow people regardless of national boundaries. The purpose is to spread the Olympic spirit, promote the culture of ice and snow sports, excavate the typical characters and deeds in the Winter Olympics and ice and snow sports, tell the ice and snow stories of ordinary people, and tell the great ice and snow stories of China. In 2020, the first season will be broadcasted, with 100 episodes in total, one episode per week, each episode will last about three minutes, telling ice and snow stories with temperature.

Ice and snow sports enter the campus: Let children "slip" at the school gate

This program, "Let the children slip at the school gate", tells the story of Pearl Spring Central Primary School in Yanqing District, Beijing. When winter comes, the children at school yearn for physical education. Because they can skate and play ice hockey on the frozen river at the school gate. In order to make the children safe and happy on the ice, Principal Liu and the teachers of the school have spent a lot of time. Let's have a look.

Narrator: Liu Dianxing, Principal of Pearl Spring Central Primary School, Yanqing District, Beijing

Liu Dianxing: This is a shallow beach. Every winter, I will come to explore the ice thickness. Every time the ice is 25cm, we can build a natural ice rink for children. Let the children have PE classes here, play ice hockey and practice skating. In Yanqing's words, it's called "gliding".

I came here in 2016. The winter here was very cold and the physical education class was boring, so I had the idea of letting children practice skating. This ice rink is just at the gate of our school. In winter, it will form a thick ice layer, and it will freeze for a very long time.

It's snowing this year. Let's sweep the snow to the side. It's just in time to save the fence. After the children rushed out, they went directly to the snow without falling. It can only be smoothed after cleaning, especially the ice seams, which should be paid special attention to. Let's wipe up the snow, wipe it flat, and then spray water on it. Master Lu and his colleagues poured ice tonight, and then frozen it overnight. The children can start skating tomorrow.

Children in deep mountain areas, to be honest, some families are really suffering. They can't spend hundreds of dollars on equipment. If we don't provide them, I'm afraid they will not be exposed to ice and snow sports in their whole life.

As soon as they get on the ice, the excitement will come. Although the children can't skate. But I am really happy when I can play with the children. At the beginning of skating, the school's PE teacher did not have this ability, so we hired an external coach.

Let children practice skating and playing ice hockey. Maybe we really can't cultivate athletes, but we plant this seed. Let children skate out of skills, knowledge, and quality. They are not afraid of pain, fatigue, and development toward higher, faster, and stronger. Our children in the deep mountain area have mastered this skill. When he gets older and goes to the society, he will find: you (the children in the city) won't, I will; You (the children in the city) will, and so will I. In this way, he will have a confident state to meet his future life.

Editor's Notes on "Let the Children Skid at the School Gate"

(Editor in charge: Hu Xuerong, Yang Lei)

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