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"Three Lessons" to Improve the Basic Skills of Young Judges

May 24, 2024 08:20 | Source: People's Court Daily
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The ability of young judges is related to the hope and future of the people's judicial cause. To strengthen the team of young judges at the grass-roots level, we need to strengthen the basic skills.

The blue clouds are rising like the sun. In recent years, the trend of young judges has become increasingly prominent in the grass-roots courts. As an important subject of the construction of the grass-roots court team, the quality of young judges is related to the hope and future of the people's judicial cause. To strengthen the team of young judges at the grass-roots level, we need to strengthen the basic skills.

After thousands of troops have been selected to the court, young judges have obvious advantages and have become a new force to boost the Chinese style modern people's judicial practice. However, most of the young judges enter the court after leaving the school, and there are more or less "three deficiencies".

First, social experience is insufficient. It is difficult to understand the "heart knot" of the parties because of the lack of answering questions after the judgment. Second, the trial experience is insufficient. They are not good at grasping the litigants' litigation psychology, and the judgment reasoning is often theoretical and mechanized, which makes it difficult to form emotional resonance with the litigants. Third, the psychological quality is insufficient. They are vulnerable to subjective factors, lack of understanding and judgment of human nature, and even alienate the relationship between cadres and the masses through physical isolation. In addition, their own psychological adjustment ability is weak. Under the multiple pressures of intensified contradictions in human cases, high litigation expectations of the parties, and increasingly strict all-round supervision, their psychological endurance ability is weak, which is prone to generate negative emotions and intensify the resistance of the parties, Urgent attention.

In the face of the mission requirements, we must make up "three lessons" for young judges of the post-80s and post-90s generation in social life, trial practice and psychological adjustment.

First, gather strength to start and give a good lesson in "social life". Mass work is the magic weapon of our party's grass-roots governance. It is necessary to educate and guide young judges to deeply participate in the "prevention of disease", take the grass-roots temporary service experience as the precondition for their enrollment and promotion, encourage young judges to serve as the vice president of the rule of law in schools and the deputy director of the rule of law in communities, guide them to focus on optimizing the feelings of the masses, and use the language understood by the masses and acceptable ways to truly achieve grounding There is temperature.

The second is to pass the baton by relay and give a good lesson of "trial practice". We should enhance our ability to control all kinds of cases, select the best young assistants to form a reserve team of judges, attend professional judges' meetings as nonvoting delegates, listen to the judges' detailed explanations on the ideas, methods and skills of handling cases, discuss around the focus of disputes based on the perspective of judges, and accept the comments of the leaders in charge one by one, so as to promote the promotion of technology through case communication in a wider range, Lay a solid foundation for its future independence.

The third is to push forward and give a good lesson of "psychological adjustment". Those who do not seek change will succeed, and those who do not seek refuge will enter. It is necessary to maintain the enthusiasm and vitality of young judges, teach according to people, cultivate multi-functional and all-round mediation skills, and establish a reasonable incentive mechanism; Regularly train them in mental health and emotional management, such as interpersonal communication ability and emergency response ability, so as to help them maintain a healthy attitude, enhance their ability to resist pressure and self-control, improve the level of legal application and their ability to respond to situations on the spot, and make them a promising young court youth who can not escape from things and can not be afraid of things.

(Author's unit: People's Court of Jianxi District, Luoyang City, Henan Province)

(Editor in charge: Ma Chang, Liang Qiuping)

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