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Ministry of Justice: will timely improve the supporting system, policies and service system for cruise economic development

May 22, 2024 16:21 | Source: People's Network
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People's Daily Online, Beijing, May 22 (Liang Qiuping, Zhou Jingyuan) The State Council's new office today held a regular briefing on the policies of the State Council, introducing the relevant information of the Regulations on International Cruise Ships Replenishing at Ports of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations).

In recent years, the cruise industry is in the ascendant in China, showing great vitality. However, there are still some institutional bottlenecks and weaknesses in the international cruise ship docking supply in China. It is necessary to improve institutional norms through national legislation innovation and establish a long-term mechanism.

Wang Zhenjiang, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Justice, introduced at the meeting that the Ministry of Justice took the lead in setting up a special legislative work class at the end of December last year, including the General Administration of Customs, the National Development and Reform Commission and other relevant departments, systematically combing the existing legal system and policy documents, conducting field research in local areas, and listening to the opinions of cruise business enterprises, ship supply enterprises and grass-roots regulatory authorities, We fully solicited the opinions of relevant central units and relevant local people's governments, and promptly studied and drafted the draft of the Regulations. On the basis of listening to the opinions of relevant departments of the State Council, we publicly solicited opinions from the public on January 26 this year, and invited experts to demonstrate. According to the opinions of all parties, the Ministry of Justice, together with the National Development and Reform Commission, the General Administration of Customs, the Ministry of Finance and other departments, has repeatedly studied and revised the Regulations on the Replenishment of International Cruise Ships at Ports of the People's Republic of China (Draft). On March 22, the executive meeting of the State Council discussed and adopted the draft in principle.

Wang Zhenjiang said that in the process of formulating the Regulations, we should adhere to scientific, democratic and legal legislation. Strictly observe and optimize the legislative work procedures, and focus on improving the quality and efficiency of administrative legislation. The backbone who are familiar with domestic and international rules in relevant fields will be transferred to set up special classes to form joint efforts.

Adhere to the problem orientation and accurately grasp the entry point. On the basis of fully listening to the opinions and suggestions of all parties and field investigation and research, we will focus on the difficulties and pain points in the process of international cruise ship docking supply, and establish the basic system of international cruise ship docking supply.

Adhere to integrity and innovation, and strive to be pragmatic and effective. Starting from the effective solution of problems, based on the reality of China, in line with the prevailing international rules, within the framework of the current legal system, we should innovate the ways and means of supervision, increase overall coordination, and cut the focus of contradictions.

Wang Zhenjiang said that there were 16 articles in the Regulations, which mainly defined the scope of application, work requirements for carrying out replenishment activities, supply channels and system specifications for drugs, medical equipment, duty-free tobacco products and other materials, customs clearance facilitation measures, and legal obligations of various business entities. With the effective implementation of the Regulations, it will continue to connect with high standards of international economic and trade rules, improve the supporting systems, policies and service systems for cruise economic development in a timely manner, and vigorously promote the development and growth of new industries, new models and new drivers.

(Editor in charge: Liang Qiuping, Deng Zhihui)

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