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The "Three Supports and One Support" Plan in 2024 is intended to recruit 34400 college graduates

May 14, 2024 06:22 | Source: People's Daily
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Beijing, May 13 (Reporter Shen Tongrui) Recently, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Finance issued a notice to deploy and implement the "three supports and one support" plan for college graduates in 2024, specifying that this year the central government will support the recruitment of 34400 college graduates to the grass-roots level to provide services such as supporting education, agriculture, medicine and rural revitalization, and the recruitment plan will be targeted at poverty alleviation areas Northeast China, border areas, ethnic minority areas and old revolutionary base areas are inclined.

The notice clearly stated that service posts should be developed as a whole to meet the needs of promoting the overall revitalization of the countryside and to focus on the development of urgently needed posts for the development of grass-roots undertakings. Vigorously strengthen the education and training of "three supports and one support" personnel, implement the special plan for capacity improvement, improve the education and training system throughout the whole service cycle, and improve the pertinence and practicality of training. Strengthen the post practice of "three supports and one support" personnel, establish and improve the mentoring system, mentoring and other training systems, and encourage training and growth in promoting grassroots development. We will make every effort to provide employment services for those who have completed their service, broaden the channels for retaining at the grassroots level, and take multiple measures to promote the "three supports and one support" personnel to take root at the grassroots level and grow into talents.

Since the implementation of the fourth round of "three supports and one support" plan in 2021, a total of 121700 "three supports and one support" personnel have been selected to serve at the grassroots level, which has played a positive role in guiding and encouraging college graduates to work at the grassroots level, strengthening the construction of grassroots talent team, and helping to comprehensively revitalize the countryside.

People's Daily (May 14, 2024, Version 07)

(Editor in charge: Wei Jia, Bai Yu)

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