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On the occasion of Tomb Sweeping Day, various forms of commemorative activities are carried out in various places——

Carry forward the heroic spirit and absorb the progressive force

Our reporter Zhao Zheng
05:47, April 5, 2024 | Source: People's Daily
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General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "We should tell the story of the Party, the story of revolution and the story of heroes, and pass on the red gene to ensure that the red country will be passed on from generation to generation."

Only by advocating heroes can heroes emerge, and only by striving to be heroes can heroes emerge in large numbers. On the occasion of the Tomb Sweeping Day, the cadres and the masses remembered the revolutionary martyrs through various forms, carried forward the spirit of heroes, established a good custom of respecting and learning heroes in the whole society, encouraged people to draw on the strength to make new contributions to comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation with Chinese style modernization.

   Remembering the revolutionary martyrs and continuing the red blood

During the Tomb Sweeping Festival, people from all over the country expressed their deep memory and high respect for the martyrs by visiting the martyrs' memorial facilities, offering flowers, or online "cloud sacrifice", passing on the red gene and continuing the red blood.

On April 4, in front of the Li Enju Martyr Monument in the Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery in Changchun, Jilin, more than a dozen people looked solemn and presented yellow and white bouquets to the martyrs. During the Tomb Sweeping Day this year, Changchun Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery opened free explanation services to the public, and organized various activities such as filling in memorial cards, online memorial service, etc. "The heroic martyrs' spirit of sacrifice for the country and the people is impressive. As a party member, I will inherit the heroic spirit and continue to overcome difficulties," said Zhang Yaoqian, a citizen who came to remember and visit.

Recently, the Department of Veterans Affairs and other 10 departments jointly issued the Notice on Carrying out the Theme Publicity and Education Activity of "Casting Soul · 2024 · Celebrating the Martyrs during the Tomb Sweeping Festival", and deployed the theme publicity and education activity focusing on remembering the deeds of the martyrs and inheriting the spirit of the martyrs. Among them, the online platform of the "Soul Casting · 2024 · Tomb Sweeping Day Celebration of Martyrs" activity has been officially launched, providing convenience for people from all walks of life to visit the martyrs and pay homage to the martyrs' memorial facilities online.

Celebrate heroes on Tomb Sweeping Day, and send mournful thoughts to the clouds. On the morning of April 4, Fuyong, a retired serviceman from Haikou, Hainan, opened the section "Casting Soul · 2024 · Tomb Sweeping Festival Celebrating the Heroes" on the portal website of the Department of Veterans Affairs of Hainan Province. After browsing the deeds of the heroes, Fuyong clicked the "flower basket" to pay homage to the heroes and martyrs, and then left a message through the window "I say a word to the heroes": "We must always remember the sacrifice and dedication of our ancestors, and continue to forge ahead." According to statistics, since 2020, people from all walks of life have offered flowers to martyrs more than 2.6 million times through the online sacrifice platform of Hainan Provincial Department of Veterans Affairs.

Among the pines and cypresses, the Monument to Revolutionary Martyrs in Bijie Martyrs Cemetery in Guizhou stands erect. People collectively bowed three times to the revolutionary martyrs to express their grief. "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China..." In front of the monument, local party members raised their right fists under the party flag, reviewed the oath of joining the party, and remembered their original mission. "Reviewing the oath of joining the Party in the martyrs' cemetery and remembering the revolutionary martyrs, let us remember the noble spirit of the revolutionary martyrs more, and show patriotism in concrete actions and into daily work." Han Lei, director of the recruitment service center of the People's Armed Forces Department of Qixingguan District, Bijie City, said.

On April 4, in Xiangxi Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery in Dangyang City, Hubei Province, the pines and cypresses were green and solemn. In front of the Xiangxi Revolutionary Martyrs Monument, representatives of veterans, martyrs' families, teachers and students who participated in the memorial activities sang the national anthem and paid attention to the revolutionary martyrs monument. After entering the Xiangxi Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Hall, everyone carefully watched the revolutionary relics in the display cabinet and the deeds of the martyrs on the display board. "We must not forget the heroic struggle and sacrifice, and we must inherit and carry forward the heroic spirit," said Zhang Hongjun, the veteran soldier's representative. According to reports, Xiangxi Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery has received more than 600000 visitors since its completion.

   Carry out red education and foster family and country feelings

Various red education bases carry out various activities to guide the masses to inherit national integrity, advocate heroism, review revolutionary history, and foster family and country feelings.

In the morning, it was drizzling in the sky. In the Jilu Border Area Revolutionary Memorial Park in Leling City, Shandong Province, a red research activity kicked off. More than 100 students from Fuping Primary School in Leling City walked to the martyr's tomb to carefully wipe the tombstone and offer small white flowers made by themselves to 1003 martyrs who have been sleeping here for a long time. "This research activity is a vivid red education. Next, we will organize more characteristic research activities to guide children to transform their respect for revolutionary martyrs into practical actions of loving the party and patriotism." Zhao Jing, counselor of the Young Pioneers Brigade in the South Campus of Fuping Primary School, said.

On April 4, Guanying Martyrs Park in Anding District, Dingxi City, Gansu Province was solemn and solemn. The local people came to Longyuan Martyrs Monument to listen to the interpreter explain the heroic deeds. "I have listened to the stories of heroes such as Chen Chaoqun and Cheng Zhengang since I was young, and I am still very excited to see the eight words' Longyuan heroes are immortal 'on the monument today," said Wang Liping, a resident of Futai Road, Anding District. On the occasion of the Tomb Sweeping Day, many units in Anding District organized activities such as visiting the martyrs' memorial hall, paying homage to the martyrs' tomb, and presenting flowers to carry out red education and establish a good fashion of advocating heroes and remembering the martyrs.

"In the Jinggangshan struggle of two years and four months, 48000 martyrs gave their lives..." On the morning of April 4, in the Jinggangshan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery in Jiangxi, bursts of clear and tender voices echoed in the green mountains and cypresses. During the Tomb Sweeping Day, the Jinggangshan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery invited more than 10 descendants of revolutionary martyrs to serve as small interpreters to explain the revolutionary history and stories of Jinggangshan for tourists. "When I was young, my mother told me stories about the martyrs. Later, I often used holidays to go to the martyrs' cemetery and the site of the former revolutionary residence to tell these stories to tourists. Every explanation is a spiritual baptism," said Yu Ziyang, a descendant of the revolutionary martyrs and a student of Jinggangshan Middle School.

   Keep in mind the original mission and forge ahead actively

The great era calls for great spirit, and the lofty cause needs to be guided by examples. During the Tomb Sweeping Day, local cadres and masses further carry forward the revolutionary spirit, remember the original mission and actively forge ahead in the process of remembering the heroes.   

On April 4, in Xuchang Martyrs' Cemetery in Henan Province, people who came to visit held chrysanthemums and formed a long line. According to reports, there are more than 470 martyrs buried in Xuchang Martyrs Cemetery, some of whom died without leaving their names. This year, the local government issued a proposal to encourage all units to carry out regular visits to the unknown martyrs buried in the park at important time points such as Tomb Sweeping Day, so that the red gene can be passed on from generation to generation. "The spirit of the revolutionary martyrs is always a powerful force that inspires us to march forward courageously." Zhou Guizhi, a student of Xuchang Veteran Cadre University who came to visit, said that he would continue to inherit and carry forward the extraordinary character and great spirit of the revolutionary martyrs, actively participate in volunteer activities, and give full play to the waste heat to serve the society.

On the morning of April 4, in the Erqi Memorial Hall in Changxindian, Fengtai District, Beijing, curator Liu Dehua told the visitors about the heroic deeds of revolutionary martyrs in front of the huge oil painting of the Erqi Workers' Movement. "Heroic martyrs are the backbone of the nation, and their deeds and spirit are the common historical memory and valuable spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation," Liu Dehua explained. Keeping in mind his original mission and based on his own position, Andy Lau said that he would draw inspiration from the heroic deeds to do his job better.

On the Tomb Sweeping Day, more than 70 representatives of the auxiliary police of Dayao County, Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan, walked into the Chuxin School next to the former residence of the martyr Zhao Zuochuan and watched the historical documentary together. Later, the auxiliary police of the police held flowers to pay tribute to the revolutionary martyrs and took off their hats in front of the tombstone. Wang Shoukang, director of the Tiesuo Police Station of Dayao County Public Security Bureau, said, "The heroic spirit is shining. I will remember my original mission, enforce the law for the people, and safeguard justice."

It's Tomb Sweeping Day again. With the deepening of the activities of remembering the heroes in various places, the spirit of heroes will inspire people to forge ahead and make progress in the new era and new journey.

(Our reporters Liu Yiqing, Cao Wenxuan, Chen Junyi, Li Rui, Song Chaojun, Zhou Huan, Zhang Wenhao, Pan Junqiang and Zhang Chi participated in the writing)

People's Daily (April 5, 2024, Version 1)

(Editor in charge: Yuan Bo, Zhao Xinyue)

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