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Research trip of "marching towards China"

Innovating Shaanxi | "Soft" Life in the City of "Hard Technology"

Shaanxi Research and Interview Group of People's Daily Online "Marching China"
May 27, 2024 13:35 | Source: People's Daily Online - Shaanxi Channel
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What will happen when urban life and cultural reverie encounter "hard technology"?

Just after Xiaoman, Xi'an ushered in the peak tourist season. In the moat under the ancient city wall, a group of tourists were cooking tea in a fire and "boating" on it. "This is an autonomous intelligent ship, and the feeling of experience is great! When you sit on it, you can see the ancient city wall when you look up. The fish and ducks in the river are still chasing our boat. The sense of technology and the sense of history are very magical!" said Mr. Su, a Chengdu tourist.

The "smart ship" in his words is called Oka Smart Ship "Xi" series of smart cruise ships, which are mainly used in scenic spots and lakes sightseeing, water connections, water commerce and other scenarios to promote the intelligent upgrading of water economy. Its creator is a team composed of masters and doctors from Northwestern Polytechnical University and Tsinghua University, as well as talents from Huawei, Dajiang and other industries.

Unmanned smart cruise ships attract tourists to clock in. Drawings provided by the interviewee

In accordance with the development direction of "intelligence+new energy+water area", Oka Smart Ship launched three series of unmanned environmental protection ship products integrating cleaning, mowing, spraying patrol inspection, mapping, monitoring and other functions, covering 10 countries and regions, 50+cities, 100+water areas, and 55w+voyage mileage.

From the city wall to the Datang Sleepless City, outside the Xinhua "Reading Pavilion", a group of citizens lined up with children, ready to open the visual experience of "science and technology+cultural tourism". Once entered, they will incarnate the disciples of Di Renjie and start an immersive fantasy journey with NPC (non player controlled character). Xi'an Xinhua Bookstore has integrated the popular film and television IP with the latest VR technology, theme blocks and national trend immersion experience, and launched this cultural product with a sense of "hard technology" - the National Trend Immersion Theater of Tang Dynasty's Deception · Journey to the West. Since the opening of the Spring Festival, it has attracted a large number of citizens and tourists to experience.

In 2017, Xi'an took the lead in proposing the concept of building "hard technology". Today, the changes brought by "hard technology" can already be perceived from the daily life of Xi'an citizens.

On both sides of the road of Xi'an High tech Zone and Datang Never Sleeping City, there are rows of "smart light poles" - in addition to the lighting function, they are also equipped with environmental monitoring, communication base stations, public broadcasting, face recognition, visual alarm systems and other application equipment to provide communication support and data resources for urban smart management.

In Xi'an Aerospace Base, simple bus stop signs have changed into a waiting hall integrating electronic stop signs, convenient inquiry, AI monitoring, beneficial reading and convenient shopping. The AI video monitoring system installed here also has the functions of face intelligent analysis, abnormal behavior analysis, etc. "This is not only a window for public transportation information, convenience information, and government information to serve citizens, but also a convenient place to shelter from wind and rain, study, entertainment, and shopping." The staff introduced.

Users can charge by scanning the code on the device through WeChat. The device also has an automatic alarm function. In case of abnormal power failure, unplugging the plug and other situations, the alarm will be sent in time to eliminate the potential fire hazard to the greatest extent. This product has covered more than 2000 residential areas in Xi'an; As the main venue of the 14th National Games, Xi'an Olympic Sports Center has integrated more than 30 intelligent application systems, and is the first professional stadium and stadium with the international standard of "5G+wisdom" in China

Xi'an Olympic Sports Center. Photograph provided by respondents

At the end of 2022, Xi'an was approved to build a comprehensive national science center and a science and technology innovation center with national influence. At the end of 2023, Several Measures of Xi'an to Accelerate the Development of Hard Science and Technology Industrialization (hereinafter referred to as "Several Measures") was released, which clearly proposed to highlight the "demand orientation": strive to break through the barriers between the supply side and the demand side of scientific and technological achievements, strengthen the joint construction and sharing of colleges and universities and scientific and technological enterprises, and cover the whole process of R&D, pilot test, transformation and incubation through in-depth integration of industry, learning and research, So that scientific and technological achievements have the attributes of market and transformation since their birth.

"Xi'an has rich scientific and technological innovation resources, which are constantly being transformed into scientific and technological achievements. Every measure of the Several Measures is supporting enterprises. For example, supporting the development of key core technologies, increasing the supply of product application scenarios, implementing major application scenario demonstration projects, and solving the problem that enterprises have technology and products but no application opportunities." Li Zhijun, director of Xi'an Science and Technology Bureau, said.

"Hard technology" is transforming from the cold, obscure and unreachable concept into a convenient factor in a better life and delivering the temperature to people at their fingertips. (Ma Shengnan, Wu Chao, Wang Li, Jin Huihui)

(Editor in charge: Zou Xing, Deng Nan)

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