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Now Nanniwan is full of flowers

Huang Bo, reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network
10:19, August 3, 2021 | Source: China Youth News
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Original title: Nanniwan is now full of flowers

Nanniwan Panorama Courtesy of Yan'an Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department

This is Nanniwan.

Nanniwan is full of flowers.

Listen to me sing the fragrance of the flowers in the flower basket... On the morning of July 16, Yun Enfeng, an old artist with the reputation of "Silver Bell on the Loess Plateau", helped the start of the "Yan'an Nanniwan Model Worker and Craftsman College" with a well-known song "Nanniwan".

She was joined by the descendants of Yang Buhao, Zhao Zhankui, Liu Yuhou, Hao Shucai, the famous model workers in Yan'an, Dou Tiecheng, the senior technician of China Railway First Bureau and many other model workers.

To their delight, in this birthplace of Yan'an spirit, Nanniwan is now really the same as the song: flowers are blooming all over the mountain.



Nanniwan spirit is an important part of Yan'an spirit.

"Nanniwan" is a song praising the mass production movement in Nanniwan, and the mass production originated from an urgent situation at that time - "starve to death, disband or do it yourself?"

This was Mao Zedong's question in Yan'an in 1939. The Party Central Committee at that time had just arrived in northern Shaanxi, and it was extremely difficult to survive. Since then, especially after the Anti Japanese War entered the stalemate stage, the finance and economy of the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia Border Region encountered great difficulties.

In August 1940, Li Fuchun reported to the Political Bureau of the Central Committee that the annual income of the Border Region was 8 million yuan, while the expenditure had reached 25 million yuan; Zhu De said: "In recent months, no pocket money has been issued, and all the organs, schools and military have almost cut off cooking"; Mao Zedong said: "We almost got no clothes, no oil, no paper, no vegetables, no shoes and socks for soldiers."

What to do? Mao Zedong's inscription gives the answer: "Do it yourself, have plenty of food and clothing".

In March 1941, under the personal deployment of Zhu De and Mao Zedong, Wang Zhen led the 359 Brigade to go to Nanniwan to "reclaim the land by army", which opened the prelude to the large-scale production of Nanniwan.

Nanniwan is located about 45 kilometers southeast of Yan'an City. Here in those days: Nanniwan, Lanniwan, barren mountains, smelly water and black mud puddles; A hundred miles around the mountain, only see the top of the forest can not see the sky; Wolves, leopards and yellow sheep run all over the mountain, which is desolate and sparsely populated.

The 359 Brigade overcame all difficulties and set off an unprecedented upsurge of land reclamation. The masses also spontaneously launched a labor race.

In 1942, Li Heidan of the 717 Regiment first set a record of two and a half mu of land reclamation per day, and Li Wei of the 718 Regiment then set a good record of three mu of land reclamation per day. In the later period, Hao Shucai, a labor hero who opened up wasteland four mu and two-thirds of the land per day, emerged, and was affectionately called "angry cow" by Mao Zedong.

With concerted efforts and hard work, Nanniwan is full of vitality: in the past, the "sludge bay" with overgrown weeds and marshes has achieved a great harvest of food, and the mountains of melons and vegetables have become a good Jiangnan with crops everywhere and cattle everywhere.

While engaging in agricultural production, Nanniwan has also set up more than 20 small factories, such as textile mills, clothing factories, paper mills and arsenals, and established transport teams and military cooperatives.

In 1943, Nanniwan, written by He Jingzhi, composed by Marco, and first sung by Guo Lanying, quickly became popular in the border area and spread throughout the country.

Since then, Nanniwan in people's mind has always been a good place, good scenery, and good Jiangnan in northern Shaanxi.


"Nanniwan is so ordinary!"

Although "Nanniwan" was sung throughout the country, the real Nanniwan was "too ordinary" in the following decades.

Seven or eight years ago, the reporter passed Nanniwan. Except for a simple "Nanniwan Mass Production Exhibition Hall", it is not much different from the ordinary rural areas in northern Shaanxi. A dilapidated road passes through a dilapidated gully and soil stream, where dry yellow crops grow and dusty farmers in northern Shaanxi work here.

Many Yan'an leaders have said frankly that they are most afraid to accompany guests to visit Nanniwan because they are "really incompetent".

At the end of 2016, the Yan'an Municipal Party Committee and the Yan'an Municipal People's Government made a strategic decision to develop and construct Nanniwan in order to make good use of red resources, carry forward the red tradition and inherit the red gene, and vigorously implement the rural revitalization strategy.

Wu Xiong, Vice Minister of the Development Planning Department of the Management Committee of Nanniwan Development Zone, said that in order to better recreate the "Red Nanniwan, North Shaanxi and South China" that the people of the country aspire to, Yan'an City has finally established the strategic goal of "relying on the military reclamation, agricultural reclamation culture, red resources and natural ecology, building a development zone with Nanniwan Town as the core and driving the economic and social development of the surrounding areas, and creating a demonstration zone for the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries integrating modern agriculture, education and training, culture, tourism, health care, and digital technology".

If the large-scale production of Nanniwan in those years was to open up wasteland, the development of Nanniwan now is to give priority to ecology, green development, and strictly observe the "ecological protection red line, environmental quality bottom line, and resource utilization line".

Xing Dandong, 70, worked in Nanniwan Farm for 32 years. He remembered that in the past seven or eight months, he often encountered mountain torrents, and his annual harvest was often washed away. Therefore, Xing Dandong has embarked on the road of afforestation since the 1980s.

When I heard that Nanniwan was going to be developed and constructed, Xing Dandong was particularly worried about the destruction of the forest he had built. To his delight, Nanniwan development and construction paid more attention to forest and grass protection, and most of the forests they planted were protected and utilized.

Today's Nanniwan has 87% forest and grass coverage, Class III surface water quality, 330 days of good air, white storks, black storks, golden eagles and other national protected animals inhabiting here, and national key protected wild plants such as wild soybeans and sedum are everywhere.

With green rice fields, green lotus ponds and bright flower fields, Nanniwan has become a beautiful green ecological corridor.

Yun Enfeng, who has been to Yan'an seven times, sighed with deep emotion that Nanniwan has really become a good Jiangnan in northern Shaanxi.


Yan'an locals, who used to be afraid of taking people to Nanniwan, now love to take people to Nanniwan.

In addition to being another "drunk beauty" scenic spot in Yan'an, Nanniwan has also embarked on a new road of high-quality development and rural revitalization.

On the road of modern agriculture, Nanniwan has cooperated with Beidahuang, Qingdao Yuanmi, Shaanxi Future and other enterprises to build a high-quality rice industry; Cooperate with Yan'an Agricultural Investment Group to build modern agricultural logistics parks, cold chain warehousing and processing plants and other infrastructure; Jointly build Nanniwan High Quality Development Research Institute with Shanghai Jiaotong University to boost the high-quality development of agricultural industry

In 2020, Nanniwan Development Zone will build a total of 789 sets of 46 people's resettlement houses, 345 rural courtyards and 267 latrines. The sanitation and greening will be fully covered, and the living environment will be significantly improved. At the same time, Taobaoyu and Gaofang, two demonstration villages for rural revitalization, have been built, 12 idle courtyards have been revitalized, 32 real economies such as agritainments and rural homestays have been cultivated, providing more than 770 migrant workers with employment opportunities at home, and the per capita net income in the core area has increased from 9500 yuan in 2016 to 16530 yuan.

During this year's "May Day" Golden Week, a large number of tourists poured in. The scenic spot has received 227000 tourists in total, realizing a comprehensive tourism income of 10.6 million yuan. Among them, the daily average turnover of "Lichong Family Mushroom Noodles" reached more than 60000 yuan.

Li Chong, a native of Zhongshan, Guangdong Province, followed the Red Army's Long March to northern Shaanxi. When he settled in Nanniwan, he was highly praised for the mushroom noodles he cooked for Wang Zhen and Ye Jianying. Later, he stayed in Nanniwan Construction Corps to work. Now, his descendants have inherited their unique skills of mushroom noodles, making "Nanniwan mushroom noodles" the most famous local food.

In the next five years, Nanniwan will achieve the goal of gathering more than 1000 enterprises, receiving 3 million tourists annually, and per capita disposable income of residents in the area above 30000 yuan; It will be built into the birthplace of red spiritual food, northwest agricultural science and technology experimental field, national rural revitalization model room, northwest first-class ecological health land and provincial industrial development zone.

At the construction site of Yan'an Nanniwan Model Worker and Craftsman College, Yun Enfeng stood in Nanniwan, which was already too "unusual", and sang happily: "Come to Nanniwan, a good place in Nanniwan..."

Nanniwan, a good place, is full of flowers.

(Editor in charge: Wu Chao, Deng Nan)

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