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"You are like relatives"

——Weinan Tobacco Monopoly Bureau Helps Retail Households in Jindui Town, Huazhou District to Overcome Difficulties

09:54, August 2, 2021 | Source: People's Daily Online - Shaanxi Channel
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"I really appreciate seeing you as much as seeing my relatives," said Ye Yuling, a retailer in Renjiatan Village, Jindui Town, Huazhou District. This was the scene when the leaders of Weinan Tobacco Monopoly Bureau led a special trip to Jindui Town, Huazhou District, on July 29 to visit the affected retailers.

At about 5:00 a.m. on July 23, a sudden rainstorm occurred in Huazhou District, and Jindui Town was hit by short-time heavy rainfall, which caused the river water level to rise sharply and the roads to be damaged. As of 8:00 a.m. on July 23, the 24-hour rainfall in Jindui Town reached 151.1 mm. The rainstorm caused the flood disaster, which caused 70% of cigarette retail customers to be affected to varying degrees. The height of houses soaking in water was about 1.2-1.6 meters. Among them, Wuping and Renjiatan suffered serious disasters, and 15 retail households suffered huge losses. Among them, Zeng Lifeng, a retailer in Wuping, was the most severely affected, with all six houses collapsed and a pile of ruins. Furniture, electrical appliances and vehicles were all spared. In the process of saving her granddaughter, her leg was seriously injured. Ye Yuling, a retailer in Renjiatan, suffered from serious water soaking. The furniture, goods and clothes in the house were hit by the flood. The height of water soaking in the house was about 1.6 meters, and the loss was about 30000 yuan.

In the face of sudden disaster, the Party Branch of Huazhou District Tobacco Monopoly Bureau responded quickly and made emergency deployment. On the one hand, it set up a party member assistance service team to deal with the disaster, provide service guidance and help to retail customers in all directions, and on the other hand, report the disaster to the municipal bureau in a timely manner.

After receiving the report from the Huazhou District Bureau, the Secretary of the Party Committee of Weinan Tobacco Monopoly Bureau pointed out that we should stick to the people as the center and do our best to help the affected retailers to strengthen their confidence, resume business and overcome difficulties.

On July 28, Weinan Tobacco Monopoly Bureau launched a fund-raising activity. The staff and workers of the municipal bureau actively participated in the donation, extended a helping hand, and helped the affected retail customers to tide over the difficulties with their own meager strength. On July 29, Weinan Tobacco Monopoly Bureau organized a condolences team to visit the affected retailers in Huazhou District.

At Ye Yuling's home, a severely damaged retailer, we saw that the furniture, goods, clothes, etc. in the house had been hit by the flood, and the rain soaked mark on the wall was about one person high.

The staff walked through the cornfield on the washed stones, planks, etc., and came to the store of the retail owner Zeng Lifeng. The cars, household goods and collapsed houses trapped in the mud pit stood out. "The torrential rain washed me down five or six times. My daughter came over from there and was swept over several times before she walked two steps. After the disaster, the staff of the Tobacco Monopoly Bureau visited them many times to give timely help, so that they had more hope and confidence to live a good life." said Zeng Lifeng, a retail owner.

Seeing the staff coming, a woman wiped her tears with a towel and said, "The shops that have been open for most of her life have been washed away like this. It's really not easy to open small shops. With your help, we will certainly get through the difficulties!"

The disaster situation is the order, the flood control and disaster relief scene is the battlefield. In order to save the lives and property of the victims, the party organizations and party members and cadres of Weinan Tobacco Monopoly Bureau acted quickly and forcefully, shouldered the responsibility and kept it in mind, played the role of the grass-roots party organizations as the battle fortress and the exemplary role of the party members, and went all out to do the flood control and disaster relief work. It improved the confidence of local tobacco retailers in life after the disaster, and demonstrated their mission and responsibility with practical actions.

Next, Weinan Tobacco Monopoly Bureau will further implement a series of assistance measures to encourage affected retailers to regain confidence and overcome difficulties. (Contributed by Weinan Tobacco Bureau)

(Editor in charge: Sun Ting, Wu Chao)

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