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Xi'an CDC reminds citizens: it is recommended not to leave the city unnecessarily

10:01, August 2, 2021 | Source: Western Network
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Former title: Xi'an CDC reminds citizens: it is recommended not to leave the city unnecessarily

Western Network News The domestic epidemic has rapidly spread to many provinces and cities. Henan Province, Sichuan Province, Chongqing City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and other places adjacent to Shaanxi Province have all seen confirmed cases. The situation of epidemic prevention and control is very serious. In order to further improve the prevention and control of the epidemic in Xi'an, Xi'an CDC reminds:

I It is recommended not to leave the market unless necessary Do not travel or travel to medium and high risk areas or tourist hot spots. If you have to go, please do a good job of personal protection, conduct nucleic acid test immediately after returning, and report to the community, unit and hotel.

2、 People from medium and high risk areas returning to Xi'an, Must hold nucleic acid test report within 48 hours Report to the community at the first time and implement isolation, nucleic acid detection and other measures.

3、 Remind the relatives and friends in other places to pay attention to their health and whether they need to move. If it is really necessary to come to Xi'an, please comply with the relevant epidemic prevention regulations.

Civilized and healthy, you and I, thank you for your understanding and cooperation!


(Editor in charge: Wei Xin, Wu Chao)

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