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We will resolutely prevent the epidemic from rebounding! Shaanxi will tighten social control measures from now on

July 30, 2021 16:43 | Source: People's Daily Online - Shaanxi Channel
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People's Daily Online, Xi'an, July 30 (Deng Nan) This afternoon, the 36th press conference on the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic in Shaanxi Province was held. Ma Guanghui, deputy director of the Provincial Health Commission, introduced the recent situation of epidemic prevention and control in Shaanxi Province and related work arrangements.

"From now on, we will tighten social control measures in an all-round way to resolutely prevent the rebound of the epidemic." According to Ma Guanghui, in order to cope with the risk of the recent imported epidemic from abroad and outside the province, Shaanxi has gone from "doing a good job in the health management of inbound personnel", "doing a good job in the screening management of people coming to Shaanxi and returning to Shaanxi", "doing a good job in the management of gathering meeting activities", "doing a good job in the nucleic acid inspection of key populations and key goods" Starting from the eight aspects of "implementing prevention and control measures in key places", "doing a good job in hospital infection prevention and control", "accelerating vaccination" and "doing a good job in publicity and mobilizing the masses", we insist on doing a good job in regular epidemic prevention and control strictly and carefully.

Strictly manage the health of entry personnel. Further improve the control mechanism of "knowing in advance, controlling in advance, knowing in the whole process, and controlling in the whole process" for inbound personnel to Shaanxi, firmly guard the port gate, and strictly prevent case input. For inbound personnel whose destination is Shaanxi Province, 21 days of centralized isolation+7 days of home isolation, nucleic acid detection and "point-to-point" closed-loop transport measures will be implemented.

Strictly check and manage the personnel coming to and returning from Shaanxi. Closed loop transportation and isolation, nucleic acid detection and other measures shall be implemented for inbound personnel returning to Shaanxi after the expiration of isolation period, and personnel returning to Shaanxi from medium and high risk areas and their districts and cities; Implement targeted diversion for other people coming to Shaanxi and returning to Shaanxi from key border provinces and provinces with medium and high risk areas, and implement measures such as once nucleic acid detection and health monitoring for 14 days; Other people who come to Shaanxi and return to Shaanxi will be handed over to the community (village), hotel and reception unit for investigation and management. All of them will implement temperature measurement, verify health code and communication big data travel card, and carry out daily health monitoring.

Strictly control the gathering meeting activities. In principle, all levels, departments, industries and units will not hold or undertake various offline conferences and activities. If it is really necessary to hold the event, we should implement the main responsibility of the sponsor, reduce the scale, control the number of people (not more than 100 in principle), strictly implement the prevention and control measures such as temperature measurement, wearing masks, verifying health codes, ventilation and disinfection, and report to the epidemic prevention and control mechanism (headquarters) of the district and city for review.

The nucleic acid of key population and goods shall be strictly checked. Continue to implement regular nucleic acid testing measures for key populations, key goods and their related environments, and increase the scope and frequency of nucleic acid testing objects according to the actual situation. Implement closed-loop management measures for all front-line staff related to entry, and resolutely avoid contact with the outside world. The garbage generated by inbound flights and flights in medium and high risk areas in China shall be disposed innocuously in strict accordance with the medical waste standards.

Strictly implement prevention and control measures in key places. The measures of "scanning code, measuring temperature and checking access" shall be implemented in crowded places such as public transport, tourist attractions, hotels, cinemas and theaters, cultural and museum venues, entertainment venues, Internet service venues, shopping malls and supermarkets, bazaars, bathing places, stadiums and gymnasiums (accommodation can be handled only after the "communication big data travel card" is checked at the same time). In strict accordance with the requirements of "limited quantity, reservation and peak shifting", we will implement the reservation system for scenic spots and cultural and museum venues, regulate the number of tourists entering scenic spots, and the number of tourists received by scenic spots and cultural and museum venues should not exceed 75% of the maximum carrying capacity. Further consolidate the main responsibility of the school and the supervision responsibility of the administrative department, strengthen health education, guide teachers and students to do a good job in personal protection, especially guide colleges and universities to stagger the start of school, and reduce accompanying personnel when new students start school and old students report.

Strictly prevent and control hospital feeling. All kinds of medical institutions at all levels should firmly establish the red line thinking and bottom line thinking, and constantly train and repeatedly train to make everyone aware of the hospital. The legal representative or the main person in charge of the medical institution is the first person responsible for the prevention and control of hospital infection. It is necessary to implement the prevention and control measures in person and never relax. It is necessary to strictly implement the first diagnosis responsibility system, pre examination triage and relevant prevention and control measures, and strictly implement the "four early" provisions. Medical institutions without fever clinics (consulting rooms), especially clinics, community health service stations and village clinics, shall not routinely diagnose and treat suspected patients.

Accelerate vaccination work. In accordance with the deployment of the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council and the requirements of Shaanxi Province, the target population should be fully accepted, and the vaccination work of the uninoculated population aged over 18 and the population aged 12-17 in the second half of the year should be accelerated. The full vaccination of the population aged 15-17 in the jurisdiction should be completed by the end of August, and the full vaccination of the population aged over 18 and the population aged 12-14 should be completed by the end of September, with the vaccination rate reaching more than 91.5%.

We should do a good job in publicity and mobilizing the masses. Give play to the leadership role of grass-roots party organizations, improve the community (village) epidemic prevention and control work system, implement the community grid management comprehensive prevention and control measures, and focus on the first line of defense for epidemic prevention and control. The majority of grass-roots Party organizations and Party members should conscientiously shoulder their responsibilities, go deep into the masses, rely on the masses, and prevent and control by the masses. Strengthen the investigation and management of folk gathering activities such as weddings and funerals. All localities have set up reporting telephones to encourage people to report people and behaviors that violate epidemic prevention and control regulations, and to verify and punish violators and behaviors in a timely manner.

(Editor in charge: Deng Nan, Wu Chao)

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