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During the 14th National Games and the Paralympic Games, those who come to Shaanxi and return to Shaanxi should pay attention to these matters

July 30, 2021 16:21 | Source: People's Daily Online - Shaanxi Channel
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People's Daily Online, Xi'an, July 30 (Deng Nan) "During the 14th National Games and the Paralympic Games, more than 20000 athletes and technical officials will come to Shaanxi to participate in the Games, and hundreds of thousands of spectators are expected to watch the Games." This afternoon, the 36th press conference on the prevention and control of COVID-19 in Shaanxi was held, Ma Guanghui, Deputy Director of the Provincial Health Commission, explained the matters that people from other provinces should pay attention to during the 14th National Games and the Paralympic Games, such as traveling to Shaanxi, attending meetings (activities), and returning to Shaanxi.

Ma Guanghui said that in addition to complying with the epidemic prevention and control regulations of Shaanxi Province, the following matters should also be noted:

First, if there is a history of living abroad within 28 days, a history of living in domestic middle and high risk areas, border provinces, and contact history of key groups within 14 days, they should take the initiative to report to communities (villages) or disease control institutions, and cooperate with the implementation of corresponding epidemic prevention and control measures. Health monitoring should be carried out if there is a history of living outside the province within 14 days. During your stay in Shaanxi, if there is any abnormal situation, you should seek medical advice in time.

Second, when checking in hotels, we should, according to the classified prevention and control policy, cooperate in measuring body temperature, and implement measures such as showing health codes, big data travel cards, 48 hour nucleic acid detection negative certificates, etc.

Third, travel to scenic spots, especially indoor enclosed scenic spots such as museums, should try to buy tickets online. According to the classified prevention and control policy, cooperate with the measurement of body temperature, and implement measures such as showing health codes, big data travel cards, 48 hour nucleic acid detection negative certificates, etc.

"For the health and safety of individuals and their families, please do a good job in personal protection, continue to adhere to the three piece epidemic prevention package of" wearing masks, social distance and personal hygiene ", and actively cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control work. Ma Guanghui said.

(Editor in charge: Deng Nan, Wu Chao)

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