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Three domestic passengers with positive transfer via Xi'an were all negative for nucleic acid under Shaanxi control

July 30, 2021 15:18 | Source: People's Daily Online - Shaanxi Channel
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People's Daily Online, Xi'an, July 30 (Deng Nan) "As of 17:00 on July 29, there were 212 close contacts in Shaanxi Province who controlled the case, and the nucleic acid test was negative; there were 1928 close contacts in Shaanxi Province who controlled the close contact, and the nucleic acid test was negative." This afternoon, the 36th press conference on the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic in Shaanxi Province was held, Ma Guanghui, deputy director of the Provincial Health Commission, introduced the recent epidemic prevention and control in Shaanxi Province and the relevant work arrangements.

Three domestic passengers passing through Xi'an have positive nucleic acid test

A total of 2142 people under Shaanxi control were negative in nucleic acid test

"As of July 30, 396000 people from Jiangsu, Sichuan, Shenyang, Hunan and other key areas had been investigated and controlled in our province."

According to Ma Guanghui, on July 25, three domestic passengers transferred from Xi'an Airport tested positive for nucleic acid after landing in Dalian. After receiving the notification of confidential joint investigation, the provincial response office attached great importance to it, immediately notified Xi'an City and Xianyang Airport Headquarters to carry out terminal disinfection of relevant places, and immediately started epidemiological investigation, confidential joint tracking control, expanded nucleic acid detection and other work. Leaders of the Shaanxi Provincial Health Commission and experts from the Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention rushed to the scene to guide the work. At the same time, the provincial emergency office took the initiative to contact the Dalian Municipal Health Commission to further verify the relevant situation. As of 17:00 on July 29, there were 212 close contacts in Shaanxi Province who controlled the case, and the nucleic acid test was negative; There were 1928 people who managed the splicing, and the nucleic acid test was negative.

People over 15 years old in Shaanxi have received 46.948 million doses of vaccine

Precautions for vaccination

According to Ma Guanghui, Shaanxi Province overfulfilled the first phase of vaccination in the first half of the year. As of July 29, 46.948 million doses of vaccine had been given to people over 15 years old in the province (26.171 million doses were given to the first dose, 19.682 million doses were given to the second quarter, and 1.095 million doses were given to the third dose). The coverage rate of people over 18 years old is 80.94%, and that of people aged 15-17 years old is 54.68%.

In strengthening the promotion of vaccination, Ma Guanghui introduced that, In accordance with the deployment of the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council and the requirements of Shaanxi Province, the target population should be fully accepted, and the vaccination work of the uninoculated population aged over 18 and the population aged 12-17 in the second half of the year should be accelerated. The full vaccination of the population aged 15-17 in the jurisdiction should be completed by the end of August, and the full vaccination of the population aged over 18 and the population aged 12-14 should be completed by the end of September, with the vaccination rate reaching more than 91.5%.

What should we pay attention to when vaccinating people aged 15-17?

Zhang Shaobai, deputy director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Shaanxi Province, said that the population aged 15-17 is mainly students, whose psychological development is still developing, and is prone to psychogenic reactions. The vaccination can be carried out only after the doctor has assessed that there is no contraindication. In principle, the pre vaccination health assessment shall be carried out by the vaccination clinic. If the physical condition is complex and the vaccination clinic is unable to judge, the city, county (district) shall designate at least one medical institution above the second level to be responsible for the pre vaccination health assessment. In order to ensure the safety of vaccination, the following precautions should be taken for vaccination of students:

First, before vaccination, parents should cooperate with the vaccination staff to do a good job of health inquiry and informed notification, actively inform the doctors of the health status of the recipients, whether there is a history of allergy and previous disease history, and postpone the vaccination for those in the acute disease stage. Carefully read and sign the Informed Consent for Vaccination. To avoid students' empty stomach and fatigue, students should be vaccinated in a good state. Wear masks and loose clothes.

Second, when vaccinating, you should wear a mask and be accompanied by a guardian throughout the site.

Third, stay at the vaccination site for 30 minutes after vaccination. If you feel unwell, please contact the staff at the vaccination site in time. Within 1 to 2 days after inoculation, a small number of people may have local symptoms such as swelling, pain, itching, etc. at the injection site. Individual may have fever, fatigue and other general malaise, which generally does not need special treatment, and will relieve itself in 2 to 3 days. If the fever does not subside or is accompanied by other symptoms, local reaction worsens or the fever persists, contact the doctor at the vaccination site and the medical institution for timely treatment.


(Editor in charge: Deng Nan, Wu Chao)

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