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Requirements of Shaanxi Province for Issuing Notice

Do a good job of double support during the "August 1st" period

10:08, July 27, 2021 | Source: Shaanxi Daily
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Original title: Do a good job of double support during the "August 1st" period

News from our correspondent (Liu Qianyu) On the approaching of the 94th anniversary of the founding of the PLA, the Provincial Office of the Leading Group for Double Support Work, the Provincial Department of Veterans Affairs, and the Political Work Bureau of the Provincial Military Region jointly issued a notice calling for the in-depth implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, the Central Military Commission, the Provincial Party Committee, and the Provincial People's Government on strengthening military, government, military, and civilian unity, and for a solid "August 1" During this period, the whole province supported the army and families, supported the government and loved the people, consolidated and developed the good situation of Shaanxi double support work in the new era, and promoted Shaanxi double support work to a new level in the new era.

The notice pointed out that all military and civilian units at all levels should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the congress to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, deeply dig into the history of mutual support, combine the publicity of mutual support with the learning and education of the party history, vigorously publicize the pioneering deeds of mutual support model, promote advanced experience and practices, and promote the formation of the advocacy of advanced Strive to be an advanced fashion. We should extensively carry out national defense education activities such as "Military Day", publicity and commemoration activities of "Centennial Heroes", and a series of "Double Support" themed activities such as literature and art creation and essay contest, create a number of public facilities such as "Double Support" themed venues, roads, squares, and constantly make the "Double Support" work closer to the lives of the people and grass-roots officers and soldiers, and enhance the appeal of "Double Support" publicity and education, Promote the social trend of "love our people and our army".

The notice stressed that all local departments should consciously serve the army in preparation and training, focus on the new requirements of "frontline, frontier and outpost" to support the army, highlight the urgent need for training, reform and officers and soldiers, and try to help the army solve practical problems; Taking advantage of the opportunity of holding the military conference of the Party Committee, visiting and condolence, we will spare no effort to help the army to study and solve the practical difficulties in combat readiness training, work and life; Mobilize all forces to fully support and cooperate with the army in carrying out diversified military tasks, follow up and do a good job in support work, and create good conditions for the army to improve its combat level; Concern and care for grass root officers and soldiers and their families stationed in border and coastal defense, and carry out various forms of condolences to grass root officers and soldiers; We will do a good job of sending good news to the families of active servicemen who have performed meritorious deeds and won awards, and mobilize all sectors of society to promote the preferential treatment of servicemen in public services on a larger scale.

The notice pointed out that all troops stationed in Shaanxi should strengthen military and local mutual support, and study and solve relevant practical problems raised by local Party committees and governments. We should implement the requirements of the "Four No Picks", consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively link them with rural revitalization, and organize officers and soldiers to carry out voluntary patrols, paired study aid, environmental remediation and other activities for the surrounding people.

The notice requires that all local departments should focus on the implementation of policies such as supporting the military and giving preferential treatment to families, and providing preferential treatment and resettlement as the key work of "Double Support" during the "August 1" period. They should visit military families, ex servicemen, and other preferential treatment objects, inspect the implementation of policies and benefits, and immediately rectify any problems found. Leading cadres at all levels should listen to the voice of ex servicemen face to face, and send the care and warmth of the Party and the government to their hearts. We should pay special attention to visiting and condolence to the families of military martyrs, families of soldiers who died of illness, old demobilized soldiers, disabled soldiers and other key ex servicemen, make full use of existing policies and the ex servicemen care fund relief platform, and do a solid job in helping ex servicemen with special difficulties such as unemployment, natural disasters and major diseases.

(Editor in charge: Sun Ting, Wang Qingyuan)

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