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Zhao Yide stressed that

Strengthen overall planning and coordination, realize closed-loop management, strive for perfection, and do a good job in the preparations for the 14th National Games and the Paralympic Games

08:36, July 15, 2021 | Source: Shaanxi Daily
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Original title: Strengthen overall planning and coordination, realize closed-loop management, strive for perfection, and do a good job in the preparations for the 14th National Games and the Paralympic Games

News from our newspaper (reporter Zheng Fei) On July 13, Governor Zhao Yide presided over a special meeting of the provincial government to hear reports on the reception of participants in the 14th National Games and the Paralympic Games, food safety and security, and to study and deploy the next step. He stressed that we should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the important speech made by General Secretary Xi Jinping during his visit to Shaanxi, strengthen overall coordination, achieve closed-loop management, and strive for excellence in all preparations for the Games in accordance with the requirements of "simplicity, safety, and excellence". Vice Governor Fang Guanghua attended the meeting.

Zhao Yide stressed that as the opening of the Games is approaching, all departments at all levels should further enhance their energy, focus more on overall planning, pay more attention to quality and safety, adhere to the problem oriented approach to carry out all elements, all processes, and all directional drills, focus on weaknesses and weaknesses, make precise efforts, make great efforts to implement carefully and do well, and solidly and orderly advance various preparatory tasks. We should do a good job of reception in a warm and thoughtful manner, adhere to the principle of overall consideration, unified organization and counterpart reception, further optimize and improve the program, strengthen professional training, refine the work standards in accommodation, catering, medical care, transportation, security, communications, volunteers and other fields, and strive to achieve high standards of organization, high level of service, and efficient guarantee.

Zhao Yide stressed that the "four strictest" requirements should run through the whole process of food safety assurance of the Games, strictly control the source, warehousing and distribution of food materials, strictly implement unified procurement, unified acceptance, unified inspection, unified storage and unified distribution, and strive to improve the control of the supply chain, storage and transportation capabilities and management capabilities, Form a closed-loop management of the whole chain from the breeding base to the table, ensure that food safety accidents and food borne doping incidents do not occur, and ensure that the quality, variety and quantity of food materials meet the needs of the Games.

Fang Weifeng, secretary of the provincial government, and heads of relevant member units of the Organizing Committee attended the meeting.

(Editor in charge: Mai Wenxiong, Zuo Rui)

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