It's about your car and purse! These new regulations came into effect in July

08:42, June 29, 2021 Source: China News Network
Original title: It's about your car and your wallet! These new regulations came into effect in July

BEIJING, JUNE 29, CHINA NEW YORK CLIENT - The implementation of the national six emission standard for heavy diesel vehicles, the appropriate relaxation of the conditions for identifying people in extreme poverty, and the nationwide implementation of the reform of "separation of licenses and certificates" have been fully covered... In July, a batch of new regulations will begin to be implemented, which may affect your car and your money bag!

Implementation of national six emission standards for heavy diesel vehicles

According to the Announcement on Matters Related to the Implementation of the National Six Emission Standard for Heavy Diesel Vehicles jointly issued by the Ministry of Ecological Environment, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the General Administration of Customs, the national six emission standard for heavy diesel vehicles will be fully implemented nationwide from July 1, 2021.

It is prohibited to produce and sell heavy diesel vehicles that do not meet the national six emission standards (the production date shall be subject to the date of uploading the motor vehicle certificate, and the sales date shall be subject to the date of the motor vehicle sales invoice). Imported heavy diesel vehicles shall meet the national six emission standards (the import date shall be subject to the date of arrival noted on the goods import certificate).

Motor vehicle recall extends from safety recall to emission recall

The Regulations on the Administration of Vehicle Emission Recall jointly issued by the State Administration of Market Supervision and the Ministry of Ecological Environment came into force on July 1. In the following cases, motor vehicles will be recalled due to emissions.

1、 Air pollutants discharged by motor vehicles exceed the standard due to design and production defects;

2、 The air pollutants discharged by motor vehicles exceed the standard due to non-compliance with the specified environmental protection durability requirements;

3、 Due to design and production reasons, other motor vehicles do not meet the emission standards or emit unreasonably.

The Regulation clearly states that motor vehicle manufacturers or operators who violate relevant provisions will be ordered by the market supervision and administration department to make corrections and be fined less than 30000 yuan.

The location of electronic technology monitoring equipment shall be announced

The newly revised Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Punishments will come into force on July 15.

If the illegal act involves the life, health and safety of citizens and financial safety and has harmful consequences, the period of accountability shall be extended to 5 years.

In order to control, mitigate and eliminate the social harm caused by emergencies such as major infectious disease epidemics, the administrative organ shall, in accordance with the law, quickly and severely punish violations of emergency response measures.

Where an administrative organ collects and fixes illegal facts by using electronic technology monitoring equipment in accordance with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations, it shall go through legal and technical examination to ensure that the electronic technology monitoring equipment meets the standards, is reasonably installed, and has obvious signs. The location of the installation shall be announced to the public.

The nationwide implementation of the reform of "separation of certificates and licenses" has been fully covered

From July 1, we will implement a nationwide list management of all business licensing matters related to enterprises. We will promote the reform of the approval system in four ways, namely, directly canceling approval, changing approval to filing, implementing informed commitment, and optimizing approval services. At the same time, we will further strengthen the reform pilot in the free trade pilot zone, and strive to establish a simple, efficient, fair, transparent The industry approval rules that are widely advanced and strictly regulated greatly improve the convenience and predictability of market entities.

Comprehensively implement the system of notification and commitment of tax certification matters

The State Administration of Taxation printed and distributed the Implementation Plan for Comprehensively Implementing the Notification and Commitment System of Tax Certification Matters, and officially implemented the notification and commitment system of tax certification matters on July 1.

The State Administration of Taxation, according to the degree of perfection of the department information sharing and administrative assistance mechanism as well as the level of in-process and post event supervision capability, timely expanded the scope of application of the disclosure commitment system for tax certification matters, and further promoted the complete cancellation of relevant tax certification matters. The tax bureaus of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities specifically designated in the state plan can independently announce and decide not to ask for relevant certification materials and letters of commitment for tax certificates that have been obtained through information sharing and can be immediately inspected, and report to the State Administration of Taxation for filing, so as to replace the certification materials with inspection results.

"One ticket for one vehicle" will be implemented for motor vehicles

The Measures for the Use of Motor Vehicle Invoices jointly formulated by the State Administration of Taxation, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Public Security has been implemented on a trial basis since May 1 and officially implemented since July 1.

When issuing a unified invoice for motor vehicle sales, the following rules should be followed: issue a unified invoice for motor vehicle sales in accordance with the principle of "one vehicle, one ticket", that is, only one unified invoice for motor vehicle sales can be issued for one motor vehicle; The seller shall fill in the "taxpayer identification number/unified social credit code/identity certificate number" column of the unified invoice for motor vehicle sales according to the actual situation of consumers; If a consumer loses the unified invoice for the sale of motor vehicles and is unable to apply for the declaration of vehicle purchase tax or the registration of motor vehicles, he or she shall apply to the seller for a new unified invoice for the sale of motor vehicles; If the printed contents of the unified invoice for motor vehicle sales appear to be out of line or out of line, if the contents are clear and complete, it is not necessary to return it for re issuance.

Licenses issued to bancassurance institutions are consolidated into three categories

The Administrative Measures for the Licenses of Banking and Insurance Institutions shall come into force on July 1.

The licenses issued by the CBRC to bancassurance institutions are integrated into three categories: financial license, insurance license and insurance intermediary license, and the applicable objects of various licenses are defined.

Unify the contents of the license. The license shall contain the following contents: name of the institution, business scope, approval date, address of the institution, date of issuance of the license, and license issuing authority.

Information disclosure is seriously illegal or prohibited from entering the market for life

The CSRC promulgated the revised Provisions on the Prohibition of Entry into the Securities Market (hereinafter referred to as the Provisions), which shall come into force as of July 19.

The Regulations clearly specify that the transaction type prohibition refers to the activities that prohibit the direct or indirect trading of all securities (including securities investment fund shares) listed or listed on the securities exchange, and the duration of the prohibition shall not exceed five years.

In terms of application, the situation of serious illegal information disclosure causing adverse effects is explicitly included in the situation of lifetime market access ban, and the transaction ban is applicable to illegal acts that seriously disrupt the order of securities trading or fair trading.

The conditions for identifying the poverty-stricken are appropriately relaxed

The newly revised Measures for the Identification of Poverty Stricken Persons came into force on July 1.

The Measures moderately expanded the types and levels of disability with "disability", and added "Level III intellectual and mental disabled, Level II physical disabled and Level I visual disabled" on the basis of the original recognition of "Level I and II intellectual and mental disabled, Level I physical disabled" as disability, stipulating that the above disabled should be recognized as disabled.

The Measures improve the identification conditions of "no source of livelihood". The specific conditions for identifying the "no source of livelihood" of the poverty-stricken people are that their income should be lower than the local minimum living security standard, and their property should meet the property conditions of the local poverty-stricken people.  

(Editor in charge: Zuo Rui, Deng Nan)