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Chen Jining: Better coordinate urban beauty and rural beauty, adapt measures to local conditions, and do a deep and thorough job of rural revitalization

Make the industry rich for the people stronger to increase income

Spend a whole day in Jinshan and Fengxian to carry out special research on rural revitalization and hold on-site promotion meeting Gong Zheng attended

09:31, April 8, 2024 | Source: Jiefang
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Shanghai's rural areas, backed by megacities, have great prospects

■ We should plan and promote rural revitalization in the overall pattern of building a modern socialist international metropolis, give full play to the reform advantages of national strategic agglomeration, rely on the market advantages of megacities, and the essential advantages of technology, talent, and capital agglomeration, solidly promote rural revitalization, and create a new path for the integrated development of urban and rural areas of megacities

■ We should make the primary industry better and stronger, take the path of high-tech, high-quality, high added value modern agriculture, and vigorously develop green agriculture, organic agriculture, facility agriculture, and boutique agriculture

■ Based on the general plan of the city, on the basis of a good planning of rural villages, we should further refine the detailed plan, better guide industrial development, allocate public resources in a balanced manner, and promote higher quality and more sustainable development in rural areas

■ Party building at the grass-roots level in rural areas should be strengthened to give full play to the "backbone" role of Party organizations. Regularly carry out "four hundred" visits, respond to the voice of the masses and deal with rural contradictions

Chen Jining, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Gong Zheng, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of Shanghai, spent a whole day yesterday to carry out special research on rural revitalization in Jinshan and Fengxian, and held the on-site promotion meeting for the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy in Shanghai. Chen Jining pointed out that comprehensively promoting rural revitalization is an important proposition that must be answered on the new journey. We should thoroughly study and implement the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", learn and apply the experience of the "Ten Million Project", carefully promote rural revitalization, adhere to the local conditions to improve the level of rural industry development, adhere to the planning guidance to improve the level of rural construction, adhere to the leadership of party building to improve the level of rural governance, and constantly demonstrate the economic value and ecological value of the countryside Social and cultural values, better balance urban beauty and rural beauty, and draw a more beautiful picture of agricultural and rural modernization in megacities.

In the past year, new achievements have been made in the revitalization of rural areas in Shanghai. Through major research, we have identified the current situation and needs, identified weaknesses and deficiencies, and issued a number of action plans and policy measures. All agricultural related areas actively carry out new exploration in promoting the construction of beautiful villages, deepening agricultural and rural reform, and developing the new rural collective economy. Daijing Village, Zhujing Town, Jinshan District, and Yuli Village, Zhuangxing Town, Fengxian District combine their respective resource endowments to develop rural tourism and undergrowth economy according to local conditions, drive the growth of collective economy, increase farmers' income, and improve the appearance of villages, attract citizens and tourists to come in a continuous stream to enjoy the beautiful scenery, taste food, and pursue nostalgia. The city leaders walked through the two villages and got a deep understanding of the implementation of rural planning, the development of collective economy, and farmers' income growth. They went into the villagers' homes and asked about their feelings and ideas, and what difficulties still need to be solved. The village cadres and villagers told the city leaders that they could feel the new changes in the village every year. With the development of tourism, the environment has improved, the income has increased, and many young people have returned to work and live in the village. Chen Jining said that Shanghai's villages, backed by megacities, have great prospects. We should actively explore and innovate the system, mechanism and organizational form, adapt measures to local conditions, and make a thorough study of rural revitalization. We should put the expansion of the collective economy and the increase of farmers' income in a more important position, tap the potential, pool resources, develop industries that enrich the people, make income increasing businesses stronger, and transform ecological advantages into development advantages.

Industrial revitalization is the top priority of rural revitalization. Municipal leaders came to Shanghai Songlin Ecological Agricultural Park in Langxia Town, Jinshan District, inspected the modern building pig farm and the "combination of planting and breeding" recycling scene in the enterprise big data center, listened to the introduction of modern planting and breeding technology, agricultural waste recycling and other information, understood the enterprise's development plan to build the whole industrial chain of livestock and poultry breeding, rice, and vegetables, and promote the deep integration of primary, secondary, and tertiary industries, It is hoped that enterprises will continue to focus on their main businesses and promote the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and agricultural development. Give full play to the leading role of leading agricultural enterprises to better link the market and drive farmers. Relevant departments should deepen research, speed up the smooth flow of logistics channels, reduce intermediate links, create a fresh cold chain, so that the time is shorter, the value is higher, and farmers benefit more, so that citizens can easily buy high-quality agricultural products.

At the Xinye Village Group Super Cooperative in Zhuangxing Town, Fengxian District, the city leaders went to the factory's automated rice seedling base to observe the cooperative's "combination of planting and breeding" circular agriculture and automated seedling production process, and understand the technology application and market prospects. When hearing that young people began to play a major role in innovation and entrepreneurship in cooperatives, the municipal leaders affirmed. Chen Jining said that young people who are willing to join the countryside and return to the countryside should be guided, supported and cared more, so that more compound talents who know business, management, technology and love agriculture can play their strengths and show their talents in the countryside. We should encourage innovation at the grass-roots level, make replication and promotion, further promote agricultural brands and expand the scale effect.

At the promotion meeting, the Municipal Leading Group Office for the Implementation of the Rural Revitalization Strategy made a work report, the Fengxian District Party Committee, Luxiang Town in Jinshan District, and Cenbu Village in Jinze Town, Qingpu District made exchange speeches, and the comrades present at the meeting talked about ideas and suggestions based on the actual work.

Chen Jining pointed out that rural revitalization should be planned and promoted in the overall pattern of building a modern socialist international metropolis, giving full play to the reform advantages of national strategic agglomeration, relying on the market advantages of megacities, the advantages of technology, talent and capital agglomeration, firmly promoting rural revitalization, and providing high-tech sources, equipment and standards, We will provide fresh and high-quality agricultural products, provide an ecological space suitable for living, working and traveling, and create a harmonious and beautiful social environment, which will lead to a new way for urban and rural integrated development of megacities.

Chen Jining pointed out that the primary industry should be refined, optimized and strengthened, and modern agriculture with high technology, high quality and high added value should be well developed to vigorously develop green agriculture, organic agriculture, facility agriculture and boutique agriculture. Rely on scientific and technological innovation to strengthen agriculture, better link rural production with urban demand, accelerate the establishment of agricultural brands, quality and standards, promote the reform of agricultural science and technology systems and mechanisms, and better support agricultural innovation and development. We should promote the integrated development of primary and tertiary industries, explore new functions of agricultural industry and new values of rural ecology, develop eco-tourism, folk culture, leisure tourism and other forms of business, actively develop the new rural collective economy, and drive farmers to continue to increase income and improve the quality of life.

Chen Jining pointed out that it is necessary to further refine the detailed planning based on the general urban planning and the rural village planning, better guide industrial development, allocate public resources in a balanced manner, and promote higher quality and more sustainable rural development. Protect the rural landscape through scientific planning, implement the Special Plan for the Protection and Inheritance of the Features of Villages in Shanghai and the mechanism of "Three Teachers Co creation", and protect and make good use of the precious original landscape of ancient towns, streets and villages. Through scientific planning, we will build a conservation village and take the road of modern rural development that combines culture and tourism and integrates primary and tertiary industries. We should optimize basic public services, respect rural realities, and not simply "one size fits all", so that service functions can be effectively covered, scientifically shared, and convenient for farmers.

Chen Jining stressed that we should do a good job in rural grass-roots party building and give full play to the role of the "backbone" of the party organization. We will carry out "four hundred" visits regularly to respond to the voice of the masses and deal with rural conflicts. Accelerate the transformation of villages in cities, improve the environment and quality, and promote the formation of new highlights of development. We should keep the bottom line of safety, comprehensively investigate potential risks, and strengthen safety management of electric bicycles. To implement the responsibility system for rural revitalization, the district party committee secretaries of rural areas should be good "front-line commanders", and all departments should take the initiative to step forward and come up with practical solutions. We should speed up the training of a large number of cadres and talent teams who love agriculture and rural areas, have a broad vision, and are good at management. We should select and strengthen leaders of grass-roots Party organizations and the "two committees" of villages. We should guide state-owned enterprises and social forces to participate in rural revitalization, empower rural areas, and improve the capacity of rural collective economic resources development, market development, and brand operation.

Gong Zheng pointed out that, according to the deployment of the municipal party committee, we should conscientiously implement it, accelerate the overall revitalization of the countryside, and take the lead in basically realizing agricultural and rural modernization. The development of rural industries should pay more attention to improving quality, focusing on the guidance of agricultural science and technology, the promotion of agricultural investment, and the deep integration of primary, secondary, and tertiary industries, vigorously developing new agricultural productivity, and accelerating the large-scale, scientific, and brand development of modern urban agriculture. Rural construction should pay more attention to the overall planning of various tasks, give consideration to both the general and the key points, emphasize both hardware and software, and promote more "bonsai" to become "scenery". Farmers' income growth should be more sustainable. Focusing on farmers' wage, transfer, operational and property income, we should promote income growth through industrial revitalization and deepening reform, achieve industrial development in combination with agriculture and agriculture, and promote the implementation of a new round of comprehensive assistance "blood making" projects. The overall revitalization of rural areas should pay more attention to joint efforts, carry out work creatively in combination with reality, and strive to create more highlights.

Zhu Zhisong, Li Zheng and Chen Yujian, municipal leaders, participated. (Reporter Zhang Jun and Meng Qunshu)

(Editor in charge: Yan Yuan, Xuan Zhaoqiang)

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