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Create an "ecological circle" for mental health promotion, and this area of Shanghai can empower the workplace

April 7, 2024 13:40 | Source: People's Daily Online - Shanghai Channel
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People's Daily, Shanghai, April 7 (Chen Chen) "If every seed that survives winter has a dream about spring, then we are that seed". On April 3, Changning District of Shanghai held the psychological health science publicity of "workplace charisma · empowerment for the future", and officially launched the seed plan of "workplace emotion manager" to cultivate emotion manager seed talent empowerment for enterprises under its jurisdiction.

It is understood that Changning District attaches great importance to the mental health of people in the workplace. The Changning health system follows the principle of "government leadership, department cooperation, professional organization support, and the whole society participation", gives play to the professional advantages of Changning District Mental Health Center in mental health and mental health, and vigorously promotes the promotion of mental health in the workplace.

Wang Jie, deputy director of Changning District Health Commission, said that the launch of the seed program of "Workplace Emotion Manager" marked that Changning Health further developed "the construction of social psychological service system", adhered to the concept of "general health, general health and high-quality development", and all relevant departments cooperated and coordinated closely to jointly create a harmonious and beautiful social atmosphere and a hidden business environment, Contribute spiritual strength to healthy Shanghai and healthy Changning.

At the scene, Li Li, a mental health promotion expert from Shanghai Mental Health Center, also brought a popular science lecture with the theme of "Be Your Own Psychologist". Li Li taught the method of "one friend, three standards, and N skills" to self regulate emotions and improve psychological quality with simple and understandable language and vivid cases, which won applause from the participants.

This science popularization campaign coincided with the eve of World Health Day on April 7. At the event site, the participants jointly lit up the "workplace charisma · empowerment for the future" mental health promotion ecosystem, and committed to focusing on the exploration and advocacy of workplace mental health issues. The ecosystem has gathered the strong support of Changning District Health Commission, the Federation of Trade Unions, the Medical Trade Union, Shanghai Disease Prevention and Control Mental Health Sub center, Shanghai Tuoxin Health Promotion Center and other forces.

(Editor in charge: Mu Yifan, Xuan Zhaoqiang)

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