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Seeking space from high-end agriculture, seeking benefits from high-quality agriculture, seeking market from brand agriculture

Shanghai has 12 modern facility agriculture areas

Through four years of efforts to increase the comprehensive self-sufficiency rate of agricultural products to 27%, modern facility agriculture takes the lead in achieving "zero carbon emissions and zero pollution"

09:14, April 6, 2024 | Source: Shangguan News
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Our reporter Shu Han

At the 2024 Shanghai Agricultural and Rural Investment Promotion Conference, the relevant departments announced the action plan for modernization of facility agriculture in Shanghai. Shanghai will build 12 modern facility agriculture areas, including Baoshan Yueluo Area, Fengxian Zhuangxing Area, Pudong Wanxiang Area, Jinshan Langxia Area, with each area reaching 1000-5000 mu.

With this as the focus, the concept of a new round of urban agricultural development in Shanghai has gradually become clear. "We need space for high-end agriculture, benefit for high-quality agriculture, market for brand agriculture, supply side efforts, and demand side efforts to promote high-quality development of urban agriculture." Feng Zhiyong, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and director of the Municipal Commission of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, said.

Seeking space from high-end agriculture

"Industry going upstairs" is a popular word in Shanghai in the past two years. Little known is that Shanghai's agriculture has long been "asking for space from the sky".

In Langxia Town, Jinshan District, there is the first building pig farm in Shanghai - Songlin Wanchun Ecological Farm. Here, pigs take the elevator to enter the pig house. In summer, they blow the air conditioner, in winter, they sleep on the warm floor, and robots "nannies" clean the house 24 hours a day. The breeding space "grows" vertically, saving 80% of the land area. Under the application of intelligent mode, only 40 people can meet the feeding demand of 40000 pigs.

Not only that, its high-end also lies in the organic combination of ecological cycle planting and breeding. The biogas slurry produced by pig raising is professionally treated and transported to the farmland through the laid pipeline to return the liquid fertilizer to the farmland for use. The 500 mu land of Shanghai Langxia Farm around Dingdong Buying Vegetables is used as fertilizer.

Under the condition that the environment is relatively controllable, the efficient production of animals and plants is carried out by means of engineering technology, which is called "facility agriculture" in the industry. Through modern production modes such as intelligent greenhouses and plant factories, the "four high" - high technology, high investment, high industry and high efficiency are realized.

In international metropolises where land is scarce, the value of facility agriculture is increasingly apparent. From the perspective of grain alone, in 2023, Shanghai will harvest 1068 jin of grain per mu of cultivated land on average, surpassing Heilongjiang, Henan, Shandong and other places, ranking first in China. However, if it is extended to the whole agriculture, the land output rate of Shanghai will be inferior to that of Hangzhou, and there is still much room for improvement.

The next step is to expand investment, especially to attract social capital. From the data point of view, social capital investment in agriculture and rural areas in Shanghai is showing a good trend. In 2023, the investment in agriculture and rural areas will exceed 20 billion yuan for the first time.

At the 2024 Shanghai Agricultural and Rural Investment Promotion Conference, the relevant departments also expressed their determination to target industry leaders, unicorns, individual champions and specialized, special and new enterprises, and attract investment point-to-point precisely according to their own resource endowments, regional conditions and comparative advantages.

Seeking benefits from high-quality agriculture

How about the supply capacity of agricultural products in Shanghai? A set of data can roughly describe that the comprehensive self-sufficiency rate has reached 24.6%, of which the pig self-sufficiency rate is 1/12, the grain is 1/6, and the milk is 1/3.

On the one hand, there is limited production capacity, and on the other hand, there is a big market and circulation environment of free competition. In the pyramid structure of consumption, the path that Shanghai's agriculture needs to choose is very clear - relying on prominent characteristics, to rush to the head and occupy the top.

Compared with long-distance transportation in other places, the local advantage lies in that it is close enough to the market and consumers, has the potential to serve the table at the first time, and achieves the perfection of "freshness".

Many enterprises choose to do "addition" on the industrial chain to achieve "subtraction" of delivery time. Starting from making bean products, Qingmei has gradually developed into an agricultural giant with 5000 mu of agricultural base, more than 300 logistics vehicles, more than 3000 categories and more than 600 offline stores.

Or do it in another way. In the face of the saturation of the domestic conventional mushroom market, Pengshi Mushroom Industry has broken the restrictions on mushroom growth in high temperature days through industrial production and intelligent control of temperature and humidity. Living mushroom products have gradually covered more than 1600 middle and high-end catering chain customers, and attracted peers to follow suit.

"Fresh" is not only the pursuit of the production end, but also the integration and optimization of the entire industrial chain. These enterprises or production entities that realize the word "fresh" use digital technology to reshape the production process, making the whole process feel, visible and controllable. At the city level, Shanghai's digital agriculture rural cloud platform has been fully launched.

Taking the traceability code of pilot agricultural products as an example, more than 9000 agricultural scale operators in Shanghai have installed the "Shennong Pocket" App on their mobile phones, and all kinds of agricultural data have been uploaded to the cloud platform in real time. These data give agricultural products a unique "ID card" - traceability code. Consumers only need to scan the two-dimensional code on the food label to understand the whole production process of the product, thus enhancing their trust in the product.

Under the trend of green and low-carbon, the certification rate of green food for local agricultural products in Shanghai leads the country, and the exploration and practice of ecological and organic agriculture are booming. The Municipal Commission of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has set the goal of "27-20". Through four years of efforts, the comprehensive self-sufficiency rate of local agricultural products has been increased to 27%. Modern facility agriculture has taken the lead in achieving "zero carbon emissions and zero pollution".

Demand market from brand agriculture

Some time ago, the Municipal Commission of Agriculture and Rural Affairs organized a symposium on facility agriculture and specially arranged several platform companies to participate. The content of the on-site discussion was even detailed to whether the production weight of a vegetable was 80g or 100g.

"In Japan, the United States and other countries with early agricultural modernization, agricultural products generally adopt a grading system and are sold individually. For example, oranges in supermarkets are almost the same size and do not need to be weighed when placed in boxes. This precise management benefits from strict control of the source standards, so these countries do not need to set fair scales." An expert shared.

In fact, the higher the proportion of finished products, the higher the economic benefits, which is the embodiment of brand value. If high-end agriculture is from the supply side, brand agriculture is from the demand side to form a strong consumer awareness.

Take Chongming Zhengda egg chicken project as an example. It is precisely because of the standardized and intelligent production mode that the economic benefits of the products are improved accordingly, forming a competitive brand value. It is precisely because of this that the brand has the confidence to sell each egg a dime higher to feed back the relatively high cost of digital construction.

At present, the last link in the agricultural field - service is relatively weak. When consumers buy industrial products, they usually have detailed instructions, but the information conveyed by agricultural products in this regard is relatively scarce. The harvest time of rice affects the taste to a large extent. The quality of milled rice with different moisture content is also different, and the appearance, taste and taste of milled rice are also different. These are all messages that can be sent to consumers.

"After sales service is also an important part of brand building. A complete brand must include this link. Farmers often only focus on production itself and lack the corresponding ability, so they need to strengthen cooperation with enterprises to form a brand through platform services, which is the direction we need to further study in the future." Feng Zhiyong introduced, extending along the industrial chain, Shanghai will focus on high-end agriculture, high-quality agriculture and brand agriculture, optimize production from the supply side, accurately connect the demand side with the market, and jointly promote the development of agricultural modernization.

(Editor in charge: Gong Sha, Xuan Zhaoqiang)

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