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Guided by the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the Party's self revolution, the Party should be strictly governed in an all-round way

Always blow the bugle of charge, promote the positive wind, discipline and anti-corruption

Chen Jining pointed out to guide cadres to learn discipline, know discipline and observe discipline at the Shanghai branch meeting. Gong Zheng, Huang Lixin, Hu Wenrong and Wu Qing attended

09:25, January 9, 2024 | Source: Jiefang
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■ Firmly uphold the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, focus on the major strategies, tasks and requirements entrusted by General Secretary Xi Jinping, strengthen the sense of mission, overall view and execution, and ensure that the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech in Shanghai takes root and bears fruit

The third plenary session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection held a teleconference yesterday. After the meeting, Chen Jining, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, stressed at the Shanghai branch that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the third plenary session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, lead the Party to be strictly governed in an all-round way under the guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thought on the Party's self revolution, rectify discipline and fight corruption with a strict tone, and implement the responsibility of governing the Party with the spirit of nail, It will provide a stronger and stronger guarantee for Shanghai to accelerate its construction into a modern socialist international metropolis with world influence.

Municipal leaders Gong Zheng, Huang Lixin, Hu Wenrong, Wu Qing, Zhao Jiaming, Chen Tong, Zhu Zhisong, Zhang Wei, Chen Jinshan, Li Zheng, Hu Shijun and others attended the Shanghai branch meeting.

Chen Jining pointed out that the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping fully reflected the political consciousness of our party to be prepared for danger in times of peace, the profound grasp of the law of governing the party and governing the party, the high consciousness of the courage to self revolution, and provided fundamental guidance for unswervingly promoting the comprehensive and strict governance of the party. It is necessary to deeply study and understand the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the Party's self revolution from the political height of loyal support for the "two establishment" and firm commitment to the "two maintenance", implement the strategic principle of comprehensively strict governance of the Party in all aspects of the whole process of Party building, and carry out the Party's self revolution to the end.

Chen Jining pointed out that comprehensive and strict governance of the Party is always on the way, and the self revolution of the Party is always on the way, and the bugle of charge must always be sounded. We should continue to strengthen the more strict guidance and tenacity, and further promote the rectification, discipline and anti-corruption. Political supervision should be strict, firmly uphold the authority of the Party Central Committee and centralized and unified leadership, focus on the major strategies, tasks and requirements entrusted by General Secretary Xi Jinping, strengthen the sense of mission, overall view and implementation, and ensure that the spirit of the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping in Shanghai takes root and bears fruit. Discipline construction should be strict, adhere to the principle that discipline is more strict than law and before law, strengthen the publicity and education of the newly revised CPC disciplinary regulations, strictly supervise the enforcement of discipline, and guide cadres to learn, know, understand and abide by discipline. To rectify the "four conducts", we must be strict, always take the spirit of the eight central regulations as an iron rule and a hard lever, focus on prominent problems, deepen special rectification, and form a long-term mechanism. To punish corruption, we should be strict, adhere to no restricted areas, full coverage, zero tolerance, focus on key issues, key areas, and key targets, maintain a high pressure situation, and form a strong deterrent. To deepen governance, we should be strict, deepen governance at the source, strengthen warning education, focus on promoting reform through cases, adhere to the principle of "dare not corrupt, can not corrupt, do not want to corrupt", and persist in maintaining a clean and upright political ecology through deepening reform.

Chen Jining pointed out that it is necessary to firmly grasp the "bull nose" of the responsibility system, maintain the tenacity of sticking to it, continue to deepen and refine the "four responsibility coordination" mechanism, build a responsibility chain from the horizontal to the edge and from the vertical to the end, and form an implementation system of layer by layer transmission and layer by layer compaction. The leading group of Party committees (Party leading groups) at all levels should bear the main responsibility. The leading comrades should fulfill the responsibility of the first responsible person, take the lead to be strict with themselves, be strict with their responsibilities, and strictly control their jurisdiction. The members of the leading group should focus on the business and manage the team according to the principle of "one post with two responsibilities". They should be aware of their responsibilities, take responsibility for themselves, and perform their duties in practice. Together, they should be the leaders, builders, and defenders of a good political ecology and social ethos.

(Editor in charge: Yan Yuan, Xuan Zhaoqiang)

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