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There are three new changes in the 2024 Shanghai Spring College Entrance Examination starting this Saturday

January 4, 2024 17:40 | Source: Jiefang
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There are three changes in Shanghai Spring Examination

The 2024 Shanghai Spring College Entrance Examination will be held this Saturday.

As an important part of the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination in Shanghai, the spring college entrance examination ushered in its 25th year. The original spring exam was only open to former students. In 2016, with the promotion of a new round of comprehensive reform of the college entrance exam, the Shanghai spring exam was first open to new junior college students.

Over the years, the candidates, test contents, enrollment institutions and enrollment models of the Shanghai Spring Examination have been constantly changing. In the spring exam of 2024, there are three new changes.

Affiliated colleges and universities join the enrollment team

In the 2024 Shanghai Spring Examination, there will be 26 colleges and universities enrolling students, an increase of 1 Shanghai International Studies University over last year.

Since the launch of the Shanghai Spring Examination, only Shanghai municipal colleges and universities have participated in enrollment. As a subordinate college, Shanghai International Studies University has joined the spring enrollment team, which is good news for the majority of candidates and is also of great significance for the reform of the spring entrance examination.

The reporter saw in the enrollment brochure that the majors of the 2024 Shangwai Spring Festival Enrollment are Arabic and Korean, and the length of schooling is four years, with 10 students enrolled each. The language of entrance examination is English, and English is also a required course.

Double increase in enrollment and majors

The reporter's statistics found that in 2024, there will be a total of 99 enrollment majors in 26 colleges and universities in Shanghai, 12 more majors than 87 majors last year; A total of 3009 students will be enrolled in 2024, 9.1% more than the planned enrollment of 2776 students last year. The person in charge of Shanghai Education Examination Institute said that since the total number of college entrance examination students in Shanghai in 2024 was larger than that in previous years, and the main increase was new high school graduates, the number of applicants for the spring examination may also be larger than that in previous years.

The number of majors and planned enrollments in some colleges and universities has also changed. For example, the majors of Shanghai Maritime University in spring enrollment are navigation technology and marine engineering, both of which are national characteristic majors. The number of students enrolled in this spring enrollment is 5 more than that of last year, 35 more than that of last year. The "hard threshold" for examinees' physical conditions is the same as last year. Zheng Hongxiang, deputy director of the student office of Shanghai Maritime University, said that according to the requirements of relevant departments, the enrollment requirements for marine technology and marine engineering majors were relaxed to 4.0 naked eye vision, 4.8 corrected vision for marine technology majors, and 4.6 corrected vision for marine engineering majors, and most of the candidates could meet the standards.

No limit on the proportion of candidates

The reporter learned from Shanghai Education Examination Institute that the proportion of candidates for the 2024 Spring Examination will not be limited, and the number of candidates for the candidates will be determined by each school.

The reporter consulted the Questions and Answers on Enrollment in the 2023 Spring Examination of Shanghai Ordinary Colleges and Universities, and found that the number of candidates notified by public colleges and universities to take the independent test should not exceed twice the number of announced plans, the number of candidates notified by private colleges and universities to take the independent test should not exceed three times the number of announced plans, and the proportion of candidate enrollment should not exceed 50% of the enrollment plan.

That is to say, for example, if the enrollment plan is 20 people, according to the ratio of 1:2, 40 people will be shortlisted. After subtracting the number of pre admissions, only 10 people will be eligible for candidate admission. However, there is no limit on the candidates for the 2024 Spring Entrance Examination in Shanghai, which will be determined by each school. In this way, the number of students who have obtained the candidate admission qualification may increase significantly, even if they are shortlisted, they will have the candidate admission qualification.

The number of people taking the 2024 spring exam may increase. Since 2024, the time of senior high school academic level grading examination will be uniformly arranged for the first time in the second semester of the third year of senior high school, before the autumn college entrance examination. This is different from the previous examination arrangements for biology and geography subjects that can be completed in advance to the end of the second year of senior high school. Such adjustment may increase the pressure on the examinees in the second semester of the third year of senior high school. It does not rule out that more examinees choose to take the spring exam. (Reporter Li Lei)

(Editor in charge: Yan Yuan, Xuan Zhaoqiang)

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