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Several off campus media reported the internationalization work of the School of Economics and Management
2024-04-24 14:52 Source: School of Economics and Management eighty-nine thousand three hundred and nine

In order to deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important letter reply to Kenyan students and alumni representatives of the school, the School of Economics and Management, in combination with the outstanding achievements of the recent international certification and recertification work, has thoroughly explored and sorted out the course, experience and achievements of the school's international running, and has won the titles of China Daily, China Youth Network, China MBA Education Network, Today's Headlines Tencent and other off campus media reported.

The full report is as follows:


China Daily, etc.: School of Economics and Management of Beijing Jiaotong University: unswervingly promote internationalization strategy

In March 2024, the School of Economics and Management of Beijing Jiaotong University received a notice from the European Management Development Foundation, and the school successfully passed the EQUIS recertification and obtained the five-year certification of the highest standard. So far, after successfully passing the international certification of AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA in 2021, the college has all obtained the longest five-year certification.

Such achievements are undoubtedly remarkable. However, if you know something about the development of internationalization of the college, you won't be surprised at all. In fact, as one of the oldest schools in Beijing Jiaotong University, internationalization has always been the most distinctive school running characteristics and development strategy of economy and management.

Running a school by "introducing talents" throughout the century

Whether it is still in the initial stage with no precedent in China or in the new era when it has reached the world's recognized first-class level, it is an important experience of the School of Economics and Management of Beijing Jiaotong University to learn from foreign beneficial educational practices and experience for my own use.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Chinese government took back part of the railway transportation management right after the massive road protection and road protection movement, and it became an urgent task to train China's own railway management talents. Inspired by the western experience, Zeng Kunhua, a member of the Ministry of Posts and Communications who returned from Japan's private Yancang Railway School, proposed to establish a railway management school in the Book of the Ministry of Posts and Communications on the Establishment of a Railway Management School, which directly promoted the establishment of the Railway Management School, the predecessor of Beijing Jiaotong University, in 1909. This is the first institution of higher learning in China specialized in training management talents, and the economics and management discipline of Beijing Jiaotong University also started from this.

At that time, most of the railway management rights were in the hands of various countries, and it was necessary to be familiar with the languages of various countries to recover the right of way. Most of the courses offered by the school were taught in foreign languages using foreign original textbooks, and English, French, and German were all taught by foreign teachers.

In 1917, the system of studying abroad for those who had good academic achievements was implemented, which became an important channel for learning from the West. Xu Jing, the pioneer of China's railway transportation economics discipline, and Yang Rumei, one of China's first four major accountants, are outstanding representatives of the early public sent abroad of the economics and management discipline, and are the first top management talents trained in China.

In 1921, Ye Gongchuo, the then General Director of Communications, referred to the experience of western universities, proposed to form Jiaotong University by combining three provinces and four universities under the Ministry, with Beijing, Shanghai and Tangshan schools under Jiaotong University. Ye Gongchuo, the president of Jiaotong University, advocated "learning from Europe and the United States" and learning from the Western education system. Beijing School continues to use a large number of original textbooks from Britain and the United States and teach in English. For this reason, it has hired a large number of returned professionals from Britain and the United States to teach. According to the teacher list of the school in 1923, there were 91 teachers in the school that year, and more than 70% of them had ever studied in the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Japan and other countries.

After the founding of New China, learning from the experience of Soviet construction became a national policy at that time, which was comprehensively reflected in education. The school employs a number of Soviet experts to guide the school, and actively selects excellent teachers to study in the Soviet Union. Outstanding representatives in the field of economy and management include Fang Ju, Xu Qingbin, Chen Jingyan, etc. They went to the Soviet Union to study in the 1950s and became teaching backbone and academic leaders after returning home, making great contributions to the development of the discipline.

Since the comprehensive implementation of reform and opening up in 1978, the college's "talent introduction" work has entered a new stage. On the one hand, the largest number and highest level of overseas students in history were selected to go abroad to carry out degree study, visit lectures and other cooperation. On the other hand, we vigorously recruited excellent overseas talents to return to China to teach and invited foreign cultural and educational experts to come to the Institute for exchange. In 2013, the college set up an international advisory committee among the domestic secondary schools earlier, and made remarkable achievements by learning from the advanced experience of world-class business schools to improve the level of internationalization of school running.

In a sense, the development road of hundred year economic management is a way of "introducing talents" throughout.

Self optimization driven by international certification

For global business schools, obtaining the "three crowns" certification (AACSB, EQUIS, AMBA) is a "passport" to enter the world's top ranks, and less than 1% of the world's business schools have won this honor. In 2021, the School of Economics and Management of Beijing Jiaotong University passed the international certification of three business schools at one fell swoop, becoming the 116th School of Economics and Management in the world, the 13th School in mainland China, and the third School of Economics and Management in Beijing to achieve this achievement, and also the first School of Economics and Management in China to pass the three certification within one year. Then he continued his outstanding performance in the recertification work and won the praise of international peers.

For what? President Shi Xianliang's answer is simple: it is not so much to accept the test of international certification as to actively integrate into the mainstream of international education. It is a continuous process of self optimization driven by international certification, which reflects the strength, determination and determination of a century of management.

As one of the most authoritative certification systems in the world, AACSB is the overall certification with the highest gold content in the international business education certification system. EQUIS is famous for its comprehensive and rigorous review, while AMBA emphasizes the cultivation of professional academic ability and practical ability. The three major certifications have their own standard framework, and their inspection points and certification processes are also different. At the same time, promoting the three major certifications is undoubtedly a more difficult multi line and sustained operation.

In the face of the "three mountains" in front of us, with the full support of the school's party and government, the college mobilized all factors that can be mobilized, united all forces that can be united, and spared no effort to do a good job in all aspects of the work. Finally, with the academic achievements accumulated over a hundred years, the social contributions leading the industrial development, and the high-quality talent training, the all-round integration of school and enterprise, and the practical spirit of unity of knowledge and practice, it was praised by experts and passed the test all the way.

In this process, how to deeply understand the international certification standards under the European and American standards system and interpret them locally on this basis is a huge challenge. To this end, the college has made a lot of adjustment and optimization work, such as the establishment of new informatization, brand marketing and other institutions to improve management decisions, the addition of business ethics and corporate social responsibility and other teaching modules, and the encouragement of teachers to carry out research and cooperation with international influence... These measures ensure that the work of the college meets both the certification standards and the characteristics of the college, Therefore, it won the high praise of visiting experts.

The successful certification under the pressure of high standards, strict review, cross culture and long cycle is the comprehensive affirmation of the vision and mission, school running quality, scientific research strength and other work of the School of Economics and Management of Beijing Jiaotong University by international peers, which significantly improves the international reputation of the School, reduces the cost of identification and recognition of the School on the international stage, and greatly expands the space and level of international exchanges of the School.

In particular, international certification is a system of continuous improvement, and its standards will continue to be optimized iteratively with the changes of the times. This means that for the college, it is not a one-time certification, but a strong internal drive to improve and enhance. It is based on this that the College has actively strengthened its ability to adapt to changes in recent years to ensure that all work of running the school is always running on a high level of development track.

Walking with the "Belt and Road"

At the end of 2023, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the "Belt and Road" initiative and the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Kenya, Kenyan students and alumni representatives from Beijing Jiaotong University wrote a letter to President Xi Jinping, expressing their great pleasure to come to China to study and hope to be a bridge of friendship between Kenya and China. Soon after, President Xi Jinping replied to the letter encouraging them to continue to shine for the cause of China Kenya and China Africa friendship and make greater contributions to promoting the building of a high-level China Africa community of common destiny. The reply greatly encouraged the teachers, students and alumni of Beijing Jiaotong University, and fully affirmed the school's achievements, especially in serving the "Belt and Road" construction. As the earliest international school and the largest number of foreign students in Beijing Jiaotong University, the School of Economics and Management has done a lot of useful work in this regard.

In recent years, the college has always been aiming at national strategies and industrial development needs, giving full play to its unique advantages of close ties with overseas universities, institutions and local industries and enterprises, and promoting the theoretical and practical research of the "Belt and Road" in a normalized manner, forming a batch of high-quality academic and think tank achievements, involving railway operation and material management, infrastructure construction Supply chain security, energy cooperation, labor standards, overseas bonds and enterprise investment, etc. At the same time, as a signatory member of the United Nations "Principles of Responsible Management Education" (PRME), it actively contributes to global responsible management education and sustainable management education. The college teachers also served as the chairman of the International Railway Union High speed Railway University Alliance, the chairman of the IEEE Professional Committee on Logistics Informatization and Industrial Safety System, the deputy director of the World Tourism Cities Federation Expert Committee and other important international industry organizations, playing an important role in promoting the "Belt and Road" initiative to go deep and practical.

At the same time, the college has established more than 120 international cooperation projects with world-renowned universities, covering undergraduates, masters and doctoral students in a comprehensive way, and is committed to cultivating the first-class management talents urgently needed by countries and industries in the context of the "Belt and Road", who have an international perspective, are familiar with international rules, and can participate in international affairs and international competition. At the same time, relying on Beijing Jiaotong University Lancaster University College, Sino Russian Jiaotong University and other high-quality cooperation platforms, we will focus on recruiting foreign students from countries related to the "Belt and Road", and cultivate outstanding international talents in combination with China's practice. In the past five years, the college has sent nearly 700 students to participate in international programs, and nearly 300 international students study in the college every year, which has undertaken one third of the training of international students in the school. In the fourth "Global Poverty Alleviation Case Collection" jointly sponsored by the World Bank, FAO and other organizations, two cases submitted by the college's overseas students were rated as "best cases" at the same time, which were promoted and shared globally.

In addition, the college also completed high-quality special international training tasks such as the "Seminar on New Business Forms of Foreign Trade and International Logistics Management for Developing Countries" and the "Seminar on Transport Economy of China Pakistan Railway Engineering Talent Center" entrusted by the Ministry of Commerce, and provided "order based" talent training for countries along the "Belt and Road". In 2022, the college undertook the first foreign aid doctoral program of the Ministry of Commerce in the history of the school, and the first 14 students were all from the "Belt and Road" countries. The college has carefully designed a series of activities and practical teaching of "perceiving China", integrating knowledge, theory and practice with Chinese characteristics into the whole process of teaching and training, guiding foreign students to understand excellent Chinese culture while comprehensively mastering theoretical knowledge, and helping to tell Chinese stories.

"In the international context of increasingly complex globalization pattern, the internationalization of education is more related to the overall situation of people to people connectivity," said Li Tong, secretary of the college's Party Committee. "We will make great efforts to do a good job in international talent training, provide strong support for the construction of the 'Belt and Road', and make due contributions to serving the national strategy." (Wen/Li Shizhen)