Recent activities
The Party branch of the teachers of the Engineering Management Department of the School of Economics and Management carried out a series of activities of party building, education and brand building
2023-10-13 12:04 Source: School of Economics and Management one hundred and thirty-four thousand and forty-seven

Since September, the Party branch of the teachers of the Engineering Management Department of the School of Economics and Management has made full use of the opportunity of the school's orientation and professional diversion, focused on the comprehensive implementation of the Party's education policy, persevered in using Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era to cast the soul and educate people, promoted moral cultivation through all aspects of education and teaching, and planned and carried out a series of activities of party building, education and brand building.

[Action of "Party building and educating people" - Q&A meeting of "face to face" for engineering management division]

In the afternoon of September 21, 2023, the Party branch of the teachers of the Engineering Management Department held the 9th session of the "Gathering Intelligence, Engineering Management and Professional Exchange Series Activity": the Q&A Meeting of "Face to face Teachers and Students" for the diversion of the engineering management specialty, to answer the students' confusion about the selection of engineering management specialty, training process, employment direction, graduation and further education, industry development, etc. one-on-one.


Dozens of students participated in the Q&A activity, including both freshmen entering the university campus and junior students who have a clear destination after graduation. The students asked the teachers questions about the school's professional diversion mode, the major courses of the engineering management major, the engineering management industry profile and employment prospects, and the academic career planning during the university period. The teachers gave in-depth and patient answers to the students one by one. The whole question answering activity lasted more than three hours. The teachers also prepared souvenirs for the students, who came with questions and returned with harvest.



The major of engineering management has always regarded talent cultivation as the primary task of professional construction. In recent years, it has successively trained many outstanding graduates to go to Tsinghua University, Peking University and other well-known universities to study master and doctoral candidates without examination, and has made outstanding achievements in talent cultivation. "Face to face" activity is not only an important window to understand students' questions and puzzles, but also an important channel for students to answer their questions.

[Action of "Party building and educating people" - Project Management Tsinghua Outstanding Alumni Academic Planning Sharing Meeting]

On the morning of September 24, 2023, the Party branch of the teachers of the Engineering Management Department held the 10th academic planning sharing meeting of Tsinghua outstanding alumni of the engineering management specialty, "Gathering Intelligence, Engineering Management and Professional Exchange Series". This activity invited five outstanding graduates of the engineering management major who have been recommended to Tsinghua University for the past years to share suggestions on academic planning, further education and career development for students, to help them establish a correct view of learning and create a good style of study.


Wang Xueqin (2012 Tsinghua, now Senior Manager of Industrial Development Department of CSCEC), Shen Wenxin (2014 Tsinghua, now full-time teacher of Engineering Management Department of Beijing Jiaotong University), Zhang Zhitian (2018 Tsinghua, now Shuimu Scholar of Tsinghua University), Zhou Xiaoshan (2020 Tsinghua, now doctoral student of University of Michigan Ann Arbor) Wan Ziyi (recommended to Tsinghua University in 2024) shared his beautiful growth memory in the study of engineering management major, Tsinghua further education and career development, and provided valuable suggestions for students in undergraduate major learning, ability cultivation, research guarantee preparation, graduate tutor selection, overseas study and future career planning. The five guests hoped that students should plan their studies as early as possible, study hard and consolidate their professional foundation, pay attention to broadening their thinking, exercising their scientific research literacy and cultivating their professional interests. Liang Huakang, the deputy director of the department, presided over the activity and made a summary speech, hoping that students could follow the example of outstanding Tsinghua alumni, seize the day and live up to their youth, and successfully achieve their academic and career development goals by constantly exercising their skills.


This activity has built a bridge between outstanding graduates and students, which is not only conducive to helping students better plan their college life and career, but also conducive to promoting the construction of professional style of study and creating a good learning atmosphere.

[Action of "brand building" - project management "everyone talks about party lessons" activity - project cross organizational collaboration research and sharing meeting]

In order to fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of the majority of Party members and give regular lectures on Party courses, the Party branch of teachers in the Department of Engineering Management continued to carry out the activity of "everyone gives lectures on Party courses". In the afternoon of September 28, 2023, Guo Wenqian, a young teacher, focused on how the participants in the engineering construction industry could successfully implement the contract, reported on the research results and projects under research for cross organizational collaboration of engineering projects, and shared what he saw at the ARCOM Conference 2023 in the UK.


In the context of various challenges from domestic and foreign markets, China's engineering construction contracting business has maintained stable development; However, internal and external factors, such as external environment and industry competition, put forward higher requirements for the project participants to successfully fulfill the contract and finally complete the existing project construction. Starting from the above practice background, Guo Wenqian shared a journal paper with opportunism as the result variable of cross organizational collaboration, which was published on IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT (ABS 3-star, B+authoritative journal of School of Economics and Management). Guo Wenqian also introduced the working paper reported at the ARCOM Conference 2023 in the UK, and shared the research trends and academic frontiers of scholars on trust between construction project organizations at international academic conferences.

Teachers and Party members actively discussed the research theme, jointly discussed the relevant policies of the construction industry and the research achievements and development prospects of this research direction, and discussed the in-depth integration of teaching and scientific research. The atmosphere was warm and active, and the teachers had a deeper understanding of each other's research direction, which laid a good foundation for future scientific research cooperation.


The Ministry of Education, in the Several Opinions on Strengthening Organized Scientific Research in Colleges and Universities to Promote High level Self reliance, clearly made a deployment on "strengthening organized scientific research, comprehensively strengthening the construction of innovation system, focusing on improving independent innovation ability, and serving the national strategic needs with higher quality and greater contribution". The purpose of carrying out the activity of "everyone pays attention to party lessons" is to further lead organized scientific research with high-quality party building, constantly improve the quality of scientific research, strengthen the cross integration of research directions among teachers and party members, promote the Party branch of teachers of the Engineering Management Department to serve the national and regional economic and social development in a high-quality manner, and implement relevant scientific research achievements in classroom teaching, Achieve high-quality development of talent training.