Notice on Selection of Excellent Doctoral and Master's Dissertations of School of Economics and Management of Beijing Jiaotong University in 2023-2024 Academic Year
May 16, 2024 Information source: Views: 9662

In order to cultivate and stimulate the innovative spirit of graduate students in school, and promote the emergence of high-level top-notch innovative talents, according to the Measures for the Selection of Excellent Doctoral and Master's Dissertations of Beijing Jiaotong University (Revised), the university continues to carry out the evaluation of excellent doctoral and master's dissertations. The relevant matters are notified as follows:

I Selection scope and quantity

The scope of selection is from September 2023 to June 2024.

2、 Selection method

The selection of excellent doctoral and master's dissertations shall follow the principle of "scientific justice, innovation, strict screening, and preference rather than abuse". For the selection method, see the Selection Method for Excellent Doctoral and Master's Dissertations of Beijing Jiaotong University (Revised) (Annex 5).

3、 Submission of materials

1. Recommendation Form for Excellent Doctoral and Master's Dissertations of Beijing Jiaotong University (Annexes 1 and 2)

2. Recommended List of Excellent Doctoral and Master's Dissertations of Beijing Jiaotong University (Annexes 3 and 4)

3. One paper bound doctoral dissertation.

Please submit the electronic version of the above materials to the postgraduates' teacher Ke Du's mailbox before May 28, 2024 For professional masters, please check the notice of each center.



1. Recommendation Form for Excellent Doctoral Dissertations of Beijing Jiaotong University

2. Recommendation Form for Excellent Master's Thesis of Beijing Jiaotong University

3. Recommended List of Excellent Doctoral Dissertations of Beijing Jiaotong University

4. Recommended List of Excellent Master's Thesis of Beijing Jiaotong University

5. Selection Method for Excellent Doctoral and Master's Dissertations of Beijing Jiaotong University (revised)

Notice on Selection of Excellent Doctoral and Master's Dissertations of School of Economics and Management.pdf
