Notice on Doing a Good Job in Applying for "Fenfei Award" and "Grass roots Work Award" for 2024 Graduates
May 16, 2024 Information source: Views: 10344

Dear students

In order to further guide and encourage graduates to combine personal growth with national development, take root at the grass-roots level and make contributions, in accordance with the Implementation Measures of Beijing Jiaotong University on Further Guiding and Encouraging Graduates to Work at the Grassroots Level (JF [2017] No. 62), the university decided to award 2024 graduates who work at the grass-roots level, namely "Fenfei Award" The specific matters concerning the selection of honorary titles and the evaluation of "grassroots work awards" are notified as follows:

1、 Honorary title of "Fenfei Award"

(1) Reward scope

Graduates who go to western regions, grass-roots units and railway bureaus affiliated to China National Railway Group Corporation (formerly China Railway Corporation), participate in national or local grass-roots employment projects, enlist in the armed forces, and start their own businesses will be awarded "Fenfei Prize", and certificates of honor will be issued.

(2) Application materials

1. An Application Form for the Honorary Titles of "Fenfei Award" for 2024 Graduates (Annex I) and a Summary Form for the Honorary Titles of "Fenfei Award" for 2024 Graduates (Annex II);

2. An electronic copy of the employment agreement or labor contract signed by the graduates themselves, the employment unit and the school. Graduates who start their own businesses need to provide enterprise qualification certificates and business description.

(3) Application procedure

1. Applicants prepare relevant application materials (electronic version) and submit them to their respective colleges;

2. Preliminary examination of the college. In accordance with the requirements of the Implementation Rules of Beijing Jiaotong University for Encouraging Graduates to Work at the Grass roots Level (Annex III), the College conducted a preliminary review of students' application materials. Before 12:00 on May 19, the College summarized the Honorary Titles Summary Table of the 2024 Graduates "Endeavour Award" (Annex II) on an individual basis and named it "xx College+Undergraduate/Graduate/Undergraduate+2024 Graduates" Endeavour Award " Summary of Honorary Titles Send to

3. School review and publicity. The Employment and Entrepreneurship Guidance Center will complete the review of students' application materials before May 22, and publicize the list of students who pass the review and are awarded the honorary title of "Fenfei Award".

2、 Rewards for grass-roots work

For some graduates who have won the honorary title of "Endeavour Award" and go to difficult areas and important fields for employment and entrepreneurship, the university will set up a special fund and give them a reward of 2000-40000 yuan depending on the degree of hardship (see Annex III: Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Beijing Jiaotong University's Rewards for Encouraging Graduates to Work at the Grassroots Level for specific reward terms).

(1) Relevant instructions

1. The Rules are only applicable to full-time undergraduate graduates and graduate students who have signed employment agreements or labor contracts and started their own businesses. Except for commissioned students, national defense students, enterprise oriented students, minority backbone program students, on-the-job graduate students, part-time students;

2. Applicants should have graduation qualification (graduation in 2024 can be registered electronically);

3. The employment destination of entrepreneurial graduates is marked as entrepreneurship in the employment system, and the enterprise qualification certificate and entrepreneurship description shall be submitted when applying. The legal representative of the company shall be the graduates themselves;

4. The above awards are not cumulative, and the highest award is obtained when multiple awards are obtained.

(2) Application materials

1. One Application Form for Grass roots Work Award of 2024 Graduates (Annex IV) and one Summary Form for Grass roots Work Award Application of 2024 Graduates (Annex V);

2. An electronic copy of the employment agreement or labor contract signed by the graduates themselves, the employment unit and the school. Graduates who start their own businesses need to provide enterprise qualification certificates and business description;

3. If the employment information of graduates is not detailed or they meet the reward conditions of the Rules after the second job placement, they shall also provide the relevant certificates of the actual work location and working years and affix the official seal of the unit.

(3) Application procedure

1. The applicant shall prepare relevant application materials (electronic version) and submit them to the college.

2. Preliminary examination of the college. In accordance with the requirements of the Implementation Rules of Beijing Jiaotong University for Encouraging Graduates to Work at the Grass roots Level (Annex III), the College conducted a preliminary review of students' application materials, and packed the electronic employment agreement or labor contract, Application Form (one folder for each student, naming method: college+name+student number) and Summary Form of the College on an individual basis before 12:00 on May 19, It was named "Summary of Application for Grass roots Work Award of XX College+Undergraduate/Graduate/Undergraduate+2024 Graduates" Send to

3. School review and publicity. The Employment and Entrepreneurship Guidance Center will complete the review of student application materials before the first ten days of June, determine the list of awarding students and publicize it. After the publicity, the school's financial planning office will distribute the bonus to the graduates' personal bank card. Please tell the applicant not to cancel the bank card issued by the university.

Graduates who sign a tripartite agreement or labor contract after May 26 and meet the reward conditions can apply in the next semester, which will be submitted by all colleges in a unified manner. The content and method of submission are the same as above, and the specific submission time will be notified separately.


Annex I: Application Form for Honorary Title of "Fenfei Award" of 2024 Graduates

Annex II: Summary of Honorary Titles of "Fenfei Award" for 2024 Graduates

Annex III: Implementation Rules of Beijing Jiaotong University for Encouraging Graduates to Work at Grassroots Level

Annex IV: Application Form for Awards for Graduates of 2024 to Work at Grassroots Level

Annex V: Summary of Award Applications for 2024 Graduates to Work at Grassroots Level

Fw_ Notice on Doing a Good Job in Applying for "Fenfei Award" and "Grassroots Work Award" for 2024


School of Economics and Management

May 15, 2024