Recent activities
The Second Party Branch of the School of Economics and Management launched the study and education of party discipline and organized the study and implementation of the special party lesson of the important letter reply spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping
2024-05-06 16:48 Source: School of Economics and Management four hundred and sixty-eight


On the morning of April 30, 2024, the Second Party Branch of the Institute of Economics and Management held a mobilization and deployment meeting for party discipline learning and education in Sidong 611 Conference Room, and invited Cao Weibing, the discipline inspection member of the branch and the director of the Institute's International Affairs Office, to teach and study the special party lesson on the spirit of important replies from General Secretary Xi Jinping to Kenyan students and alumni representatives of the school. Li Shizhen, the secretary of the branch, presided over the meeting with the participation of party members and activists from the branch.


Li Shizhen conveyed the overall requirements and specific arrangements of the Party Committee of the University and the College on carrying out party discipline learning and education, and made mobilization and deployment on how to implement and promote at the branch level in combination with the list of party discipline learning and education task arrangements. According to the arrangement, the second party branch of the college organ, on the basis of conscientiously completing the prescribed actions, will also carry out an innovative 15 day special reading activity of "All members learn the regulations, I read today". The 15 party members of the branch will read the corresponding chapters of the Regulations on Discipline Division of the Communist Party of China in the branch's WeChat group, and through the way of individual reading in turn, all members learn together, chapter by chapter Read the Regulations word by word and carry out thematic learning.


Cao Weibing, with the title of "Learning the Important Reply Spirit of the General Secretary to Promote the International Development of the School of Economics and Management", made a vivid exposition from four aspects: "One Reply: the Important Reply Spirit of the General Secretary", "One Article: solidly promoting the construction of a powerful educational country", "Learning Comprehension: the internationalization of higher education in the new era", and "Work Thinking: the international development of the School of Economics and Management". He pointed out that at the branch level, in-depth study and implementation of the important letter reply spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping is to combine the strategy of strengthening education and the requirements of internationalization of higher education in the new era, do a solid job in the work of various departments and offices, and continue to improve the internationalization level of teaching projects, teachers, students, scientific research, ERS, practice links and other aspects of the college.