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Cross border integration gives birth to new opportunities, and Shandong empowers new industries with new momentum

August 28, 2021 09:22 | Source: Dazhong Newspaper · Dazhong Daily
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Original title: cross-border integration gives birth to new opportunities, and Shandong empowers new industries with new momentum

Cross border integration, new industries surging new momentum

High end emerging industries have a strong momentum of development, complement the weak points, make good use of and activate the "chain length system"

According to the editor, the "four new" economy represents the development direction of product innovation, and is the main focus of industrial upgrading and kinetic energy conversion. Shandong has led the industrial upgrading with the "four new" economy. The scale of emerging economies has continued to expand, the quality and efficiency of traditional industries have accelerated, and the transformation of new and old drivers has accelerated. What measures have been taken to develop the "four new" economy? What achievements have been made? What problems need to be solved? Recently, our reporter has carried out research in various industries around the country.

Since the main flood season of this year, heavy rainfall has occurred in many places in China, and a "thousand mile eye" made in Shandong has begun to show its skill: the Satellite Institute of Shandong Industrial Technology Research Institute has called Qilu 1 radar satellite to carry out emergency shooting missions in many places, and pieces of high-definition remote sensing images have provided a scientific basis for local emergency decision-making.

It is worth mentioning that the space traveling wave tube, the core component of satellite signal transmission, is also made in Shandong. Xu Peng, the technical director of the space traveling wave tube automatic assembly test line of Jigang Defense Technology Co., Ltd., disclosed that this key satellite component that fills the gap in China has successively received batch orders from domestic satellite development customers.

At the same time, Qilu Research Institute, satellite applications, low altitude surveillance service network and other cooperation projects have been settled in succession, and a 100 billion level aerospace information industry development pattern has taken shape in Jinan. You may not think that two years ago, the aerospace information industry here was still "zero". This is just the epitome of Shandong's active application of new technology and new technology to promote new industries and build new momentum in recent years: the new generation of information technology and other "top ten" industries continue to grow stronger and larger, accounting for more than 50% of the province's GDP. In particular, high-end emerging industries have a strong momentum of development, with the growth rate exceeding the average growth rate of the "top ten" industries; By the end of last year, seven advantageous industrial clusters in Shandong had been selected into the first batch of strategic emerging industrial clusters in China, ranking first in the country in number.

Cross border integration gives birth to new opportunities

Tyres do not need to be bought, but are charged according to the mileage. If there is a problem in the middle, it can be repaired free of charge. This is a case of transformation from a manufacturer to a manufacturing service provider in the tire industry. With the powerful empowerment from the Helkaos platform, each tire opens the whole industrial chain from demand to manufacturing, from consumption to after-sales. "According to the feedback from the platform data, we can also carry out targeted R&D and production in combination with customers' demands for durability, jitter, roll resistance, etc." said Fan Xiaodong, general manager of the Twin Star Tire Industry Manufacturing Headquarters, which jointly built the platform with Caos.

"New momentum does not come out of nowhere. Shandong has a complete industrial system and a solid foundation. Five traditional industries and five emerging industries have been scientifically finalized, and the promotion of cross-border integration and symbiotic development of traditional industries and emerging industries is evident in Shandong," said Zhang Xiang, secretary-general of the Provincial Federation of Industrial Economics.

By giving full play to the advantages of rich application scenarios and broad space, Shandong has accelerated the cultivation of cross-border integrated smart industries with "three axes" of technological innovation, technological transformation and technological application. In terms of the new generation of information technology industry, Shandong has emerged a batch of national new industrial demonstration bases for information technology industry, such as Jinan Big Data Base, Qingdao Software Park, Weihai Electronic Information Industrial Park, and formed a batch of leading enterprises with national influence in 5G, big data, smart home, high-end software, industrial Internet and other fields.

The green and efficient industry has also embarked on the development track of becoming stronger and stronger after getting rid of "jars and jars" of high pollution, high energy consumption, high emissions and low output. "At present, in Shandong's hydrogen energy industry chain, the production, storage, transportation and application have been integrated, and the industrial scale has begun to emerge. The installed capacity of photovoltaic power generation and wind power also ranks among the top in the country, with good conditions for renewable energy hydrogen production." The relevant person in charge of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission pointed out. With the "national brand" project of "hydrogen into thousands of homes" science and technology demonstration project settled in Shandong, hydrogen application scenarios such as hydrogen trunk line, hydrogen production and hydrogenation integrated station, "port+hydrogen", "high-speed+hydrogen" are being accelerated in pilot cities such as Qingdao, Weifang, Zibo, etc.

Industrial clusters reduce development risks

To investigate the development effect of new industries, the concentration of new economy enterprises is an important indicator. In the field of biomedicine, the name of "Unicorn" enterprise Huaxi Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is eye-catching. Since this year, this enterprise has successively launched the first hyaluronic acid food brand in China, "Black Zero", and the first hyaluronic acid drinking water, "Water Spring". Its business structure has further upgraded to the "four-wheel drive" of raw materials, medical terminals, functional skin care products, and food.

In recent years, many new economy enterprises, including Huaxi Biology, have achieved large-scale expansion in a relatively short period of time, and their business content has continued to be rich. Behind this is Shandong's grasp of the transition mechanism of new economy enterprises, vigorously carrying out gradient cultivation, and building a hierarchical and classified support system.

"Last year, Shandong identified 372 gazelle enterprises and 5 unicorn enterprises, more than the total of the first three batches. These 300 enterprises have 2956 patents, and presided over or participated in the formulation of 406 industrial standards." An Wenjian, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, introduced. It is understood that our province is promoting a new round of high growth enterprise cultivation action, highlighting the early "seedling cultivation" and subsequent "strengthening" to carry out full chain cultivation of enterprises such as fund follow-up, equity investment, brand building, and listing cultivation, and more and more new industry pioneers are on the "leap" development fast lane.

High quality innovation is often characterized by a high degree of clustering, as is the case with industries - the agglomeration of leading enterprises, upstream and downstream supporting enterprises and research institutions, financial institutions, intermediary service institutions, etc. will help emerging industries better reduce development risks and maintain innovation momentum. Shandong has identified industrial clusters in batches and implemented dynamic management of warehousing in all of them. It has refined and implemented them to specific cities, counties, parks, enterprises and projects one by one. It has concentrated policy resources to give key support, explored and formed an integrated promotion mode of "industrial parks+innovation incubators+industrial funds+industrial alliances", and the growth of advantageous industrial clusters has led to the industrialization, agglomeration High end development. Since July last year, with a view to further optimizing the industrial ecology, the "chain leader system" has been fully implemented in Shandong.

Accelerate the solution of "growing pains"

According to the "Five Year Breakthrough" Work Plan for the Conversion of New and Old Kinetic Energy in Shandong, by 2022, the new kinetic energy will become the main engine of Shandong's economic development, with the "four new" economic growth accounting for more than 34%, and the added value of the "top ten" industries expected to account for 57%. In contrast to this goal, Ren Dong, deputy director and associate researcher of the Social Institute of the Provincial Institute of Macroeconomics, pointed out that the development of new industries still faces some practical problems, such as the weakness of scientific and technological innovation ability, and the imbalance of regional development. "In the process of the development of new industries, these problems should be solved quickly."

He suggested that Shandong should further make good use of China (Shandong) Pilot Free Trade Zone, SCO Local Economic and Trade Cooperation Demonstration Zone and other major platform policies, give full play to the comprehensive advantages of strong industrial foundation, huge market potential and innovative resource accumulation, and make good use of the advanced industrial foundation and modernization of the industrial chain, so as to make efforts in marine economy, advanced manufacturing, new energy and new materials Modern agriculture and other fields play a leading role in releasing the development dividend of new industries.

"The foundation of some frontier industries is still relatively thin, facing bottlenecks such as lack of talents, and it is suggested that the government introduce support policies of all elements and all chains to develop differently from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen." Sun Dianyi, president of Shandong Industrial Technology Research Institute, said.

"The cultivation of emerging industries is also a key point to expand investment and consolidate the economic trend," said the relevant person in charge of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology. It is understood that, focusing on emerging fields, our province will further make good use of the "chain length system" working mechanism, among which, in the advantageous fields such as green chemicals, new materials, rail transit equipment, marine engineering equipment, new intelligent terminals, etc., we will implement the "strong chain" project to shape a number of strategic and global industrial chains; Implement the "chain building" project in strategic subdivided industries, attract the world's top 500 enterprises and industry leaders to layout core projects, cultivate and introduce leading enterprises, and create a new industrial chain; If the product chain is weak, unsafe and restricted by people, the "chain repair" project will be implemented to enhance the supporting capacity of key parts and core materials in the province. (Shen Hong, Wang Jian, Zhao Guolu, Fu Yuting)

(Editor in charge: Gong Xue, Xing Manhua)

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