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The "Safety Dinner" was brought up for 60 seconds to watch the national "Safety Publicity and Consultation Day" home event

June 16, 2024 13:37 | Source: People's Daily Online - Sichuan Channel
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Interact with the virtual digital human integrated with emergency knowledge, understand the relevant knowledge of the "no feather arrow" unmanned helicopter, watch the lively robot dog freely shuttle across various complex roads, draw a safe world in your heart with children, take photos and punch cards in the People's Daily electronic newspaper column

On June 16, in the seven exhibition areas of science popularization exhibition, cultural creation, interactive experience, and equipment exhibition at the main event site of the National "Safety Publicity and Consultation Day", rich and wonderful safety culture performances and interesting safety interactive experience projects attracted a large number of citizens to visit and experience, creating a "everyone talks about safety, everyone meets emergency, and unblocks the life channel" A strong publicity atmosphere. (Peng Qian, Zhao Zule, intern Yang Baole)

(Editor in charge: Li Qiangqiang, Xue Yujian)

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