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Sichuan will provide free physical examination for workers in new employment form

Not less than 25000 this year

09:15, June 15, 2024 | Source: Sichuan Daily
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Original title: Sichuan will provide free physical examination for workers in new employment form

On June 13, the launching ceremony of the special work of mobile physical examination for workers in new forms of employment in Sichuan Province was held in Chengdu. In this year, Sichuan will provide physical examination services for no less than 25000 newly employed workers.

On the same day, the All China Federation of Trade Unions held the launching ceremony of the special work of mobile physical examination for workers in the new employment form at the Beijing Workers' Stadium. Seven provinces (cities) across the country, including Sichuan, jointly launched the special work of the "trade union physical examination trip" through video link, providing truck drivers, online taxi drivers, couriers Free physical examination services are provided for workers in new forms of employment, such as delivery attendants.

On the site of the launching ceremony in Sichuan, a multi-functional mobile medical examination vehicle was launched, and medical examination areas such as color ultrasound area, electrocardiogram area, and general examination area were arranged. More than 800 new employment workers from Yuantong, Yunda, Meituan, and other enterprises became the first batch of health examination personnel. The medical staff of Chengdu Workers' Sanatorium of Sichuan Federation of Trade Unions provide them with health care and disease prevention services.

The relevant person in charge of the Sichuan Federation of Trade Unions introduced that the special work of mobile physical examination for workers in new forms of employment is a livelihood project with distinctive "work" characteristics and benefits the broad masses of workers. Trade unions at all levels in Sichuan plan to provide physical examination services for at least 25000 workers in new forms of employment, including 12 leading platform enterprises, within the year. (Fu Zhenqing, a full media reporter of Sichuan Daily)

(Editor in charge: Luo Yu, Zhang Huawei)

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