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Do myopic surgery, do not ignore the key details of postoperative reexamination!

June 11, 2024 15:40 | Source: People's Daily Online - Sichuan Channel
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 On June 9, patients waiting in line for refractive surgery. Picture provided by Aier Ophthalmology Sichuan Province
On June 9, patients waiting in line for refractive surgery. Picture provided by Aier Ophthalmology Sichuan Province

At the end of the college entrance examination, in addition to graduation travel, many students also made plans to take off their glasses - going to college is a new start. They want to give themselves a clearer university age through myopia surgery. In recent days, major hospitals have ushered in the peak of consulting myopia surgery. How to choose myopia surgery is still the most concerned problem for students and parents. Experts remind that "when choosing myopia surgery, you need to avoid risks. Myopia surgery is not a" one shot deal "as people imagine. Before and after surgery, you need to accept the guidance of the chief surgeon and regular review. Therefore, it is very important to choose an ophthalmic hospital with a large number of operations, high reputation, brand strength and perfect postoperative services."

From the situation in Chengdu, full femtosecond and ICL lens implantation are the mainstream of myopia surgery at present.

Since West China Hospital of Sichuan University introduced the first full femtosecond device in Chengdu in 2013 and Chengdu Aier Eye Hospital introduced the second full femtosecond device in 2014, the number of full femtosecond devices in eye hospitals in Chengdu has reached 28, including Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, Chengdu Third People's Hospital, Chengdu Sixth People's Hospital, Chengdu East Aier Eye Hospital Chengdu Yinhai Eye Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, etc.

Public data shows that by 2023, the refractive surgery center of West China Hospital of Sichuan University has completed more than 50000 full femtosecond operations in the past 10 years, while several Aier ophthalmology departments in Chengdu (Chengdu Aier, Chengdu East Aier, Sichuan Eye Department) have completed a total of more than 80000 full femtosecond operations. "Multi hospital combination boxing" forms a joint force and occupies an important share in Chengdu ophthalmology industry.

Ophthalmologists agree that different myopic patients are suitable for different myopic operations. However, because most myopic patients have stable degree and normal corneal morphology, which meets the condition of full femtosecond, full femtosecond has become a myopic surgery similar to "one size fits all" to a certain extent, and has a wide audience at present. If the degree is too high or the corneal morphology is special, or there is a higher visual requirement, another operation method should be considered.

Review is a key link to ensure the safety and effect of myopia surgery. Zhou Jin, Vice President of Aier Ophthalmology in Sichuan Province, reminded that people with myopia of all types of surgery should be reviewed regularly one day, one week, one month, three months, half a year, and one year after surgery, and it is recommended that they should be reviewed once a year after surgery. Taking ICL lens implantation as an example, visual examination, intraocular pressure measurement, slit lamp examination, optical coherence tomography, biometry and other items need to be carried out during reexamination.

For college entrance examiners, they may go to university in a different place after surgery. The re examination in a different place after myopia surgery is a problem that college entrance examiners need to pay special attention to.

In fact, not only the college entrance examination students, but also the overall demand for off-site reexamination of the myopic surgery population is increasing. According to the Chinese and European Big Data White Paper 2.0 on International Myopic Surgery released recently by Aier Ophthalmology, China Health Promotion Foundation Health Communication and Promotion Special Fund, Xinhua News Agency New Media Center, Aier Ophthalmology Research Institute of Central South University and Aier Digital Ophthalmology Research Institute, the demand for global off-site reexamination is increasing year by year, and nearly 100000 people will have off-site reexamination in 2023, 59% more than in 2021. This increase also reflects the improvement of patients' demand for postoperative follow-up and nursing services.

In order to meet the needs of off-site reexamination, Aier Ophthalmology launched the "global reexamination passport". Through the "reexamination passport" section of the Aier Ophthalmology Smart Hospital applet, you can make an appointment for reexamination with one click, and easily check the reexamination records, eye data and other information. This innovative service not only provides patients with a convenient and efficient postoperative management plan, but also symbolizes the progress and digital transformation of the service model in the field of myopia surgery. (Teng Yun)

(Editor in charge: Li Qiangqiang, Gao Hongxia)

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