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Mainland Tourism Industry Delegation Visits Hong Kong to Experience Cultural Tourism Charm

09:39, June 6, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition
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Members of the delegation took photos outside the Peak Tramway Station in Hong Kong.
Photographed by Chen Yongnuo, a reporter from China News Service

According to the Xinhua News Agency, Hong Kong, June 4 (Reporter Zhang Yashi), after the expansion of the mainland's "personal tour" plan to Hong Kong and Macao, the Hong Kong Tourism Development Bureau recently arranged travel industry representatives from the expanded cities to visit Hong Kong to explore unique cultural and tourism experiences, hoping to bring more opportunities to Hong Kong's tourism industry.

From May 27, eight new cities in the mainland can issue "personal tourism endorsements" for qualified people to and from Hong Kong and Macao, including Taiyuan in Shanxi, Hohhot in Inner Mongolia, Harbin in Heilongjiang, Lhasa in Tibet, Lanzhou in Gansu, Xining in Qinghai, Yinchuan in Ningxia, and Urumqi in Xinjiang.

During the trip from June 2 to 6, the Hong Kong Tourism Development Board arranged the members of the delegation to visit several major classic and trendy arts and cultural attractions to explore Hong Kong's authentic culture from multiple perspectives.

Liu Xiaochun, the general manager of a travel agency from Lanzhou, Gansu Province, said that the visit made her see a different Hong Kong and experience it very happy. Hong Kong's multiculturalism is very attractive. She said that Lanzhou is an inland city, and the coastal scenery such as Victoria Harbor in Hong Kong is very attractive to Lanzhou citizens.

Zhang Tenghong, executive director of a tourism service company from Tibet, said that this experience was comprehensive, enjoying Hong Kong's food, experiencing the beauty and culture of Hong Kong, and each scenic spot left a deep impression on him.

Ye Zhende, Deputy Director General of Hong Kong Tourism Development Council, said that the mainland has always been the most important and potential tourist source market for Hong Kong's tourism industry. As the number of cities covered by the "individual tour" plan increases to 59, the Hong Kong Tourism Development Council will strengthen the promotion and invite industries from all over the world to come to Hong Kong to experience the charm of Hong Kong tourism.

Hong Kong recently held the launching ceremony of the "Way of Hospitality" activity to promote the way of hospitality and appeal to all circles to polish the gold lettered signboard of Hong Kong as the "best tourist destination". Yang Runxiong, the Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism of the SAR Government, said that with a series of publicity and promotion of "hospitality" by the SAR Government, he hoped that all sectors of Hong Kong society would give full play to hospitality and consolidate Hong Kong's position as the "best tourist destination".

(Editor in charge: Luo Yu, Gao Hongxia)

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