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Sichuan introduces "seven measures" to stabilize pig production

May 23, 2024 07:55 | Source: Sichuan Daily
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Original title: Sichuan issued "seven measures" to stabilize pig production

Recently, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Sichuan Province, together with the Department of Finance and the Department of Natural Resources, jointly issued the Seven Measures to Further Strengthen the Stable Yield and Supply of Live Pigs. Specific incentive measures were put forward in promoting the entry of supplementary hurdles, promoting the improvement of quality and efficiency, optimizing deep processing, expanding insurance coverage and other aspects to boost breeding confidence.

In the first quarter of this year, 15.78 million pigs were sold in Sichuan, down 5.1% year on year. In order to encourage pig marketing, the Measures clearly stated that the provincial award and subsidy funds for pig marketing tasks in 2023 will be used for pig production, focusing on supporting piglet slot filling and breeding in the first half of this year and increasing high-quality and reproducible sows. In 2024, the provincial awards and subsidies will continue to be implemented for cities (prefectures) that have overfulfilled the task of listing.

The Measures make it clear that the provincial finance will give premium subsidies to farmers who buy pig price index insurance for pigs transferred out of big counties according to a certain share ratio. The provincial finance will continue to carry out discount interest on loans to the pig industry. For new or existing loans from April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025, the discount interest rate of loans will increase by 0.5 percentage points on the basis of the previous year, reducing the financing costs of pig farmers.

The Measures also proposed that for agricultural production facilities that have legally obtained the right to use facility agricultural land and engaged in large-scale breeding, the provincial government should speed up the issuance of corresponding registration measures, further clarify the scope of registration, registration elements, registration procedures and other operational details, and speed up the implementation of policies. (Sichuan Daily full media reporter Kan Yingying)

(Editor in charge: Li Qiangqiang, Zhang Huawei)

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