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Jin Lei stressed that

Create a good environment to ensure high-quality development

May 23, 2024 07:53 | Source: Sichuan Daily
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Original title: Create a good environment for high-quality development

From May 20 to 21, Jin Lei, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and minister of the Social Work Department, stressed during his research in Yibin and Neijiang that we should deeply study the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on high-quality development, comprehensively implement the decisions and deployment of the fifth plenary session of the 12th Provincial Party Committee, and create a good legal environment and social environment to ensure high-quality development.

Jin Lei successively went to Yibin Information Technology Service Industrial Park, Rhine Community, Nan'an Street, Xuzhou District, Baima Town Legal Comprehensive Service Center, Shizhong District, Neijiang City, Donglin Community, Chonglong Town, Zizhong County and other places to learn about community burden reduction and fine governance, high-quality development of political and legal services, "one-stop" diversified solutions to disputes The legalization of letters and visits.

Jin Lei stressed that it is necessary to strengthen political guidance, build a strong grass-roots organization system with the party organization as the core, deepen the party building work of "two enterprises and three new", give better play to talent, resources and technological advantages, and promote the high-quality development of new businesses with high standard party building. We should lay a solid foundation for the grassroots, focus on enabling the grassroots to reduce their burden, promote more resources, services, and management to sink to the front line, strengthen work coordination, effectively integrate forces, and make the grassroots feel tangible with solid work results. We should firmly establish the concept of the rule of law, carry out the activity of "Building a Legalized Business Environment and Improving the Year", strengthen the accuracy of policy supply, constantly improve the quality and efficiency of law enforcement and justice, open up the "last mile" of public legal services, and effectively stimulate the development vitality of market entities. We should adhere to and develop the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era, do a good job in the construction of the "one-stop" platform for diversified solutions to conflicts and disputes in the province, and strive to achieve "one-stop acceptance, package mediation, and full chain solution" to disputes. We need to further promote the legalization of complaint reporting, fully implement the Regulations on Complaint Reporting, and ensure that rights and responsibilities are clearly defined, the bottom line is clear, the law is handled, the order is good, and the people are satisfied. We need to take practical actions to promote high-quality development, improve people's well-being, and maintain social stability. (Chen Yu and Wang Peizhe, all media reporter of Sichuan Daily)

(Editor in charge: Li Qiangqiang, Zhang Huawei)

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